Plan Alpha

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Its been a week since I went back into the god-forsaken room. I've been checking on serenity since then, she's been slipping in and out of reality since she used that spell.

-Hey bunny r u ok???

(5 mins later)

-Yea just feeling really lightheaded.

-Do you need me to get you something?

-... orange juice...pwease

I smile at her text and run off to the store about 25 minutes later I knock on her door. Her mother answers and smiles brightly.

"Well if it isn't my favorite son in law!" She says excitedly.

"Hello Ms. June, is the bunny still in her room?"

"Yes, she hasn't been feeling well, but its good to know her Drengr is at her beck and call."

"Haha, I'll just drop it off I've to do at home. is it ok if I spend the night this weekend?"

She gives me that look like all mothers would, a look that says will there be sexual activities involved.

"Ms. June, your daughter and i..."

"Are strictly friends I don't have to worry about anything, Zander honey I see the way you two are if I didn't know any better I'd say you were already married."

I sigh and smile at the thought of me being married to that stubborn innocent freak.

"Go ahead, make sure you ask your mom as well Zander."

"I will I'll be back on friday."

With those last words I drop off the care package and head home to do my work.

Upon entering the house I notice some things are completely different.

(Zander...I don't like this eerie silence, I feel like we're being watched.)

(Shyrak can you do what you did before and search the upstairs please?)

Shyrak expels herself from my body and takes off upstairs. I search the downstairs, I control my ability so my eyes and nose are much sharper than before.

(Zander I don't see anything unusual up here but I still sense eyes on us.)

Even when we're apart she can still read, see, hear, and speak into my thoughts.

(Come back down then, I don't see anything either.)

As I turn around a man is standing a few feet away from me, smiling at me like a creep.

"So this is where my family lives? How suitable."

I stare at the figure that is my father.

"Targon, what are you doing here old man?"

"Please son I'd appreciate it if you called me dad or father oh and, lose the venom in your voice."

Shyrak reentered into my body seemingly unbeknownst to him.

"Alright Father what do you want?"

"I just came up to say hi and see how my protégé was doing."

"I'm not you dad to be honest I hate you with a passion and if given the chance I'd kill you right now. "

Upon hearing those words my father grew in size and became a bigger version of my form. I wasted no time in transforming as well.

He lunged at me with such speed and force that he broke my chest bone in half. I lay on the floor his paw gripping my neck.

We both returned to our natural state and his hand was still around my throat.

"I didn't want to hurt you son, but you have a mouth and a lesson was in order."

I struggled to breathe and break free of his grasp, but his clawed hand held a strong grip.

"Now here's something fun we can do son lets call it...Devil's Roulette."

He let's me go at the end of the name of the game. I sigh and rub my neck ignoring my pain.

"What kinda game is that supposed to be father?"

"I'm glad you asked, the rules are quite simple. I take someone you can't live without and all you have to do is transform fast enough to save a specific part of said person."

"I like how casual you are about this dad."

"Are you gonna play son?"

"No I will not, you're sick Targon and you must be stopped do you hear me!?"

He chuckles and walks past me as if to leave.

"You're quite the buzz kill boy, but tell me who's gonna stop me?"

With that being said he snaps his fingers and serenity appears before us.

"NO, Targon....f-father please not her don't hurt her please!" I beg.

He laughs as he moves towards me crooked smile etched on his dark and twisted face.

"Look at the little pup begging like a good boy, alas she can only be saved if you transform in 10 seconds."

"I can't my transformation is painful and takes roughly 10 minutes to complete."

"Then she will die boy, and her blood will be on your hands...or rather paws." He says laughing

I have no time i have to transform now. I start the process ignoring the pain tears streaking down my face.

(Zander rely on my power it'll help you we only have 6 seconds left hurry)

I do as I'm told relying on shyrak and her abilities I make it just in time. I hear Targon clapping and walking towards my tired body.

"Bravo may very well be the one seed that could possibly stop me from decimating this world."


Before I could jump up and attack he throws serenity's unconscious body at me. Of course I caught her but in that split second he vanished.

I grit my teeth and spit blood from my muzzle. I take the necessary time to revert back to my human form.


"Hush now little're to weak to speak, I'm gonna take you home so you can rest...ok?"

She nods and buries her face into my chest and tries to sleep. Thank God she lives a few blocks away from me.

I come upon her house and leap to her bedroom window pry it open and viola we're inside.

I place her on the bed and watch her drift off into a deep slumber.

(Zander...should I stay with her nd make sure no more harm befalls her?)

(Yes please...I'd feel much more safer knowing that she is protected)

With that shyrak leaves my body and stands guard in a corner of her room. Like a phantom of protection and death, I take one last look before I jump out of the window. She looks so peaceful and helpless, I need to form a plan to protect her.

(Go back to the shrine hero look for the alpha)


(Look for the alpha)

"What or who is the alpha?"

(Alpha was made by your ancestors a plan to seal Targon away...forever.)

"Who are you? you're not my demon."

(In time young hero find the plans...find plan alpha)

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