Chapter 21

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It's a dragon but injured. I frantically rushed towards her. She was bleeding from her tail. It seems like she injured herself by flying near a branch that was too sharp. I wanted to help but I was also scared if she didn't like my interference. I have heard dragons are pretty sensitive. I slowly moved closer to her tail with my hand forward to imply that I am here just for help. She didn't move anywhere so I guess I can move forward. I gently pick her tail and she stirred. 

"It's going to be fine, I promise." I said trying to sound soothing but in reality, I was worried. She groaned and I looked around for something to cover her wounds. I felt as if I was bleeding, I started to feel dizzy. Suddenly, I heard Charlie calling for me. 

"Charlie, here! I am here.." I mustered all of my strength and spoke out to him. Charlie rushed towards me because I sounded concerned and probably in trouble. 

"Oh Merlin! Ginny call for a healer from the medic soon. Till then, I will take care of her." He said with urgency. I rushed towards the exit and heard Charlie asking me to slow down but I wasn't in my complete consciousness. I had never seen anybody so hurt and I was feeling all my energy drained up. After exiting their habitat, I realised I don't know which way leads to medics. 

I searched for any signboards which could lead me but there wasn't any. I am going to suggest to Aubrey to install sign boards at least. I saw a worker nearby to a gate and I ran towards him.

"Hey, can you show me the way to medics? There's an emergency." 

"Where?" He asked. 

"There! at the first block." I said pointing towards the gate, I just exited. He asked me to lead the way making me confused if he had heard me correctly. I wanted a healer, not a worker. I was about to speak about the same but he might have sensed it because I didn't move.

"I am a healer, dear." He said calmly and that was my cue to rush towards the injured dragon.

We reached and saw Charlie putting some leaves on her wound. The healer patted Charlie at the shoulder and Charlie moved a bit, allowing the healer to check if something was wrong.

"She's pretty wounded. Any idea how she's bleeding from her tail?" Healer asked Charlie and in turn, Charlie looked at me.

"I think she hurt herself from the branch of the tree." I said pointing towards the nearby tree which had some wings stuck between. 

"We need to shift her to medics." Healer said. "No, it's nothing to be worry about." The healer said after looking at my scared face. I smiled and he excused himself. Soon the workers came and they carefully picked her up and we followed. 

On the way, I looked at Daniel to see him upset. I asked Charlie if I can stay back with Daniel. 

"Sure." He said.

"Why so sad, Daniel. She will be fine soon and you two can play together." I caressed him and he nuzzled into me. We sat, hugging each other for almost half an hour, I believe. Later, someone called me to medics, Charlie was calling me and I followed him after hugging Daniel for the last time. 

I entered the room where the injured dragon was snoring peacefully and unintentionally, I smiled looking at her. At last, I felt at peace. I went towards Charlie who was talking with the same healer I called before.

"Is she fine?" I asked.

"Angela and yes, she's completely fine. She will need some rest and time to fly again, though." Healer said and I can't even imagine what's it would be like not to be able to fly for some time when flying for something she lived for. Healer patted my shoulder in assurance and left. 

"She will be fine soon." Charlie said and hugged me. I don't know what came to me but I ended up crying. I am not an overly sentimental person but suddenly, after seeing her in this condition and the aftermath of her, not able to fly, moved something in me. Charlie gently shushed me and continued to comfort me. 

"She..." I was unable to even speak for that moment. Charlie took me out of the room and looked at me questionably. 

"What?" I asked Charlie, annoyed at his reaction.

"What happened to you? Angela's fine. Soon, she will be exploring the skies again. Are you okay?" Charlie looked concerned. I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Charlie, I can't even imagine what it would be like not to fly and here, she..."

"Gin, she is just not able to fly for few weeks and then, she will be completely fine. Charlie promise." 

I smiled knowing that maybe, things for Angela and for me, will get better. I will be able to celebrate together with my family soon. Maybe, not for this Christmas but soon and this assurance was more than enough for me. After this instance, the one thing I am sure of is that problems come but they soon take an exit too. It's just on your perspective, if you are too sad about it, time will pass more slowly but rather, one should take every problem as a challenge for survival and this Christmas, even if all my brothers aren't home but they always be there with me. Charlie promise. 

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