Chapter 25

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Tomorrow is the day when all of my idiots will be back home, except Bill and Charlie, of course. I was dreading this day for such a long time and finally, it has arrived and I am excited. Ron will be having plenty of stories, Fred and George would have made a progress with their idea of a shop, Percy will be Percy, and I would be going to Hogwarts this year.

The year has passed away so quickly as if in a blink of an eye. I still can't believe that Ron was super close to being dead, Percy had been a prefect the previous year, Fred and George have finally made such progress and made me proudest, Bill and Charlie have been doing amazing at work and I am still dreaming about Hogwarts and the Chosen One.

I have not sneaked out of the Burrow for a very long time as I have promised Bill. I have cleaned the warehouse, though to repent my sneaking out without my parent's knowledge and just between you and me, I cried, because without flying I feel nothing. My life has definitely gone down to the most boring level. My mother is educating me on potions, though, this summer because she wants me to be a healer but I know after that panic episode, she wants me to be strong enough to take enough pressure without succumbing to darkness.

Also, Dad has been reading me History of Hogwarts since that episode so that if I get any problem in sleeping, he can be close. I don't get any problem sleeping after a boring chapter of that book. I can't understand how young wizards take time and learn history.

Charlie has been writing a lot, indirectly asking about my mental health and I have written in the last letter not to pester me anymore about it because I was doing great with Mum and Dad hovering around me 24/7. Bill has come twice to meet me and I have said the same to him. The best part is that Mum and Dad haven't told my other brothers about it yet so I don't have to explain it to them. What a relief!

Alizeh comes often, now. She is as excited to join Hogwarts as I am and we often find ourselves wasting hours talking about it. The thrill and excitement are unmatchable. Another reason for her visiting regularly is also, we obsess over Harry Potter together. She says my obsession with him will never end. I could just roll my eyes at her, not knowing what the future holds for me.

The best part about my brothers' return is that my mother is cooking some really delicious snacks every day and I get to eat them to taste and tell Mum. I feel heavenly every day. Aunt Mary is also taking a cooking class from Mum saying that if she is in England so better use it efficiently. I have no complaints, Alizeh is quite a company. 

Dad has decided to take his flying car tomorrow and Mum is internally praying to land on King Cross Station in one piece, not that I can't agree with her fear. Well, I am praying for our safety too. Although, the most excited person is going to be Dad. He hasn't used it much in recent times and he can't wait to get his hands 'dirty' on it. Classic Dad!

This night is going to be really long. 


"Good Morning, sleepyhead." Mum greeted me with a kiss on my cheek. I lazily stretched myself on my bed and smiled at her. "Slept well?" She asked.

"Just as well as you." I laughed. As much as I know Mum, her sleep quotient will be equal to mine, the previous day because the excitement was much in every aspect. Since, the incident with Ron, Mum has been tensed about his well-being, and now that, he will be here with her, she can take care of him as much she wants and as much as Ron dislikes. She laughed at my snarky comment and asked me to get ready soon as we will be leaving for the station soon. That was my cue!

As we reached the station, Mum and I left a sigh of relief. The car was not rusty and it worked well in comparison to my dead thoughts. Reaching the platform, my level of impatience increased. I was continuously tapping my feet when the horn and the stream of the train were heard and seen. Ah! The pleasure of seeing my brothers after a looong, umm, short interval of time since Ron's accident. But of course, it doesn't matter much. What matters is that we have spent almost a year away with each other and I am allowed to feel dramatic.

Ron was accompanied by his two friends and needless to say, I was awestruck by The Harry Potter, the Chosen One. I have only read and heard his stories but it's the very first time, I am seeing him this close. I would have fainted if Mum hasn't screeched. He, Ron, and Hermione passed through the gateway together. "There he is, Mom, there he is, look!" I point towards Harry, a stupid action but I tend to fumble around him. And to make matters worst I squealed his name. "Look, Mom! I can see –"

"Be quiet, Ginny, and it's rude to point." Mum warned and smiled at them. I smiled too, trying to put myself at ease. Calm down, Gin! It's no big deal, it's just THE HARRY POTTER but control, Gin.

"Busy year?" Mum asked Harry.

"Very," said Harry. "Thanks for the fudge and the sweater, Mrs. Weasley." Aww, such a cutie. The boy has manners. I was still awing over him when I heard a purple-faced, thick mustached, looking furious at the nerve of Harry, carrying an owl in a cage in a station full of ordinary people. It was a normal site but I don't know what was wrong with him. But the bigger question was who was this man. Behind him stood a thin, blonde lady and a similar-looking child, looking terrified at the very sight of Harry.

"You must be Harry's family!" said Mum. Oh, are they? They are looking like people who cage animals crudely, Dad has told me about animal abuse. 

"In a manner of speaking," said the man. "Hurry up, boy, we haven't got all day." He walked away. What a rude, muggle!

Harry hung back for the last word with Ron and Hermione.

"See you over the summer, then." Yeah, same, Harry.

"Hope you have – er – a good holiday," said Hermione, looking uncertainly after the man, shocked that anyone could be so unpleasant. Well, now I know of a person.

"Oh, I will," said Harry, and I was surprised at the grin that was spreading over his face. "They don't know we're not allowed to use magic at home. I'm going to have a lot of fun with Dudley this summer. . . ." Oh, wicked! They probably deserve it. 

With this, Hermione and Harry left with their parents respectively. Hermione's parents were so sweet about everything, even when Dad bombarded them with some very silly and weird questions. I would give it to them for their patience. 

"Ron, are these Harry's parents?" I asked. "Though, they don't look like one." I made a face of disgust with the way that man addressed Harry, only if they knew what a name he was, in the wizarding world.

"No, they are his uncle and aunt." said Ron. 

"Mum, aren't they too rude with the poor Harry?"

"I am sure, that's not the case." I looked at her questionably and she changed the topic. 

I looked back at King Cross Station for the last time and said, "Meet you soon."


And it's a wrap! Thank you for being a part of 'Beginnings'. Do vote, comment and share!

Love, Mansi. 

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