Chapter 12

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There was chaos everywhere in the burrow. Mom was helping Ron in packing his suitcase while Scabbers was chewing biscuit horribly. I can't believe Scabbers was with Percy for almost his all life and yet he is so undisciplined. If it was not for Scabbers, I am sure anyone will live a disciplined life, a perfect life according to Percy when living with Percy for so many years. I snickered while thinking about Scabbers living a perfect life of Percy. Percy gave me a pitiful look as if he could read whatever I am thinking. But I guess Ron deserves it more. Why? Because Scabbers is the new pet for Ron and Percy seems too happy about it. Frankly speaking, I would be happy too, Scabbers looks like a runaway prisoner.

I rolled my eyes and sat with Fred and George who were whispering to each other. I greeted them only to be greeted back with a sheepish smile. What a bunch of weird brothers I have. I wish I could turn any one of them into a girl. A sister at home will be nice after having six useless brothers. Whom will I change into a girl? It's a tough choice, probably it will be Ron. His reaction will be worth it if only I knew magic.

"Oi, what are you thinking lil Gin?" Fred nudged me. I laughed and left them wondering if I had gone mad. I move to sit outside burrow hugging my knees close to my chest, thinking of all these days we have spent together. I wish I could bring these days back. Ah, I am going to miss these idiots so much. Fred and George jokes and impractical pranks, Ron's playful nature and even Percy's grumpy nature. Also, Bill is returning back to his place again and Charlie is still in Romania leaving me behind all alone.

Suddenly, I feel my eyes get wet with tears. I quickly rub my eyes, can't risk my family seeing me like this. "Ginny, we are still there with you." Dad placed his hand on my shoulder to comfort me and I lean towards him, hugging him tightly. "Everyone has to leave for Hogwarts one day and live their life on their own terms." Dad says with slowly caressing my hair. I nod while taking little hiccups in middle.

"Look at the brighter side, no one will be there to annoy or irritate you. Burrow will have its own little witch to rule it." I smiled at Dad and kissed him on the cheek. "Love you, Dad."

"I love you too, Gin. Remember you are not alone. You have us to talk whenever you are feeling low. I know you like acting all brave but I also know you are still my little girl. Aren't you?" Dad started tickling me. Ah, I have no immunity to tickles. I continue laughing with tears in my eyes nodding sharply. "Say it. I will stop tickling only if you say it."

"Yes, yes, yes." I said in middle of laughing hysterically. He stops and kisses me gently on the forehead. "Okay, so Charlie has arrived. I will leave you both and remember Ginny." I nod gently thanking him swiftly.

Charlie has apparated when I accepted the fact I am still a little girl and I can need help after all, all heroes need an army to win. Dad leaves laughing at Charlie's oblivious reaction.

"What did I just miss?" He asks sitting at the place where Dad was sitting beside me, wrapping his arms around me. I looked at him and nodded my head to emphasize a clear NO. "You are not gonna tell your favourite and only sensible brother about it?" He said while making a puppy face.

"You know you are the worst actor and also, I don't play favourites." I stick my tongue out at him and stood up lending him a helping hand to stand up. "Let's go inside either Mom will probably send for Aurors to search for us." Charlie nodded laughing and we went inside holding hands.

"Charlie, you are late. You knew that Ron is starting his term this year and he needs all the luck." She said without taking any pause in the sentence and hugged him with Mom's infamous bone-crushing hug.

"Um, Mom you are crushing me." Charlie emphasized each and every word. Mother gave him a look and move towards Ron asking him for literally the thousandth time if he has packed every essential. "Molly, take a break. You are taking stress a bit too much." Dad hugged Mom and asked her to calm down and made her sit on a chair.

"I am just..." Mom sighed and smiled at all of us and we instantly knew why she was so stressed out. We made a circle around her chair and hugged her assuring no matter what, we will try to keep ourselves out of trouble. Mom looked at Fred and George and laughed knowing every child too well. "I will miss you Ronnie, Freddie, Georgie, Bill, Charlie, and Percy so much." She stiffened trying to control her emotions. Even Percy who is generally in a grumpy mood looked sad for the moment.

Everyone promised to write to her whenever they got time. Bill announced that we didn't leave now we will probably be late. I turned to Ron and asked him to write to me every day if possible. "I promise Ginny, I will write to you daily" He hugged me and smiled reassuringly. I smiled back assured of it.

Time to use Floo Powder, the worst mode of transportation at least according to me is. One mistake and you might find yourself in the weirdest places even outside England. One needs to be precise with his pronunciation. Dad clutched my hands tightly and we kind of apparated using Floo Powder.

I guess this is it, time to bid bye.


Author's note:

Hi everyone, 

Just a kind request if you love the book, do comment and like it. It would really mean a lot to me.

Also, if you find any grammatical mistakes please feel free to correct me. All suggestions are welcome.

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