Chapter 5----The Sister I Never Knew

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Seto's POV: The next morning, I woke up earlier then usual despite the fact that I went to bad around 1am. I went downstairs to make everyone's breakfast, humming the whole time. Thankfully, I never got caught and my father's suit was in my closet. If I had spare time I would try to fix it. "So how was last night?" Brice asked, scampering next to me with Ghost at his tail. "It was... Wonderful" I smiled, grabbing all three platters. Of course, I went to Lizzie's dad's room first, Chris's second, and Lizzie's last. Surprisingly,none of them were awake. Even Lizzie! "So are you ever going to leave?" Ghost asked as I went to library. "Don't know. I really wouldn't have anywhere to go" I shrugged, sitting down. "Where ever you go, we'll go too. Friends forever, right?" Brice asked. I smiled and nodded as they tried to climb up the table. "What to do today...?" Ghost wondered. I heard footsteps. I turned around to see Lizzie standing in the doorway. "Hey Sets!" She smiled, sitting down next to me. "Hey" I replied. "I wish you could've come to e ball last night, you would've had a great time..." She sighed. Don't worry, I did. "It's alright" I said. "Lizzie, get dressed!" I heard her dad yell. "Why?!" She yelled back. "2 royal guards and the Prince are at the door!" He responded. "Well then, I'll be back. Bye Seto!" She said, giving me a hug and running over to her room. Why was Prince Ty here? I scratched my neck. Then I realized my necklace was gone. Crap... I started panicking. "I must've lost it because I was on a hurry..." I said in my head. Maybe Ty had found it for whatever reason? I pushed the thought from my head and ran to my room. "Seto, what's going on?" Ghost asked. "I lost it" I mumbled. "lost what?" Brice asked. "My necklace" I said sadly. "Don't worry Seto, it'll be ok. Maybe Brice and I can travel to the palace to try to find it later" Ghost said. "It's no use guys, I don't want you to get hurt" I sighed, hearing the door to my room open. My step-father. "Prince Ty is here to find "the brunette who was at the ball". He's requesting all the brunettes in the house. But you'll stay here, ok?" He asked, closing the door. I gasped. "Maybe Ty has my necklace!" I thought. I tried to open the door. It was locked. "Seto, we'll go get Lizzie. Maybe she can help!" Brice squeaked. I nodded as he and Ghost slipped under the door, seeing as they were small enough. Please hurry back....

Lizzie's POV: I sighed, my honey brown hair sitting on my shoulders. I was in a simple red dress with a red headband to go with it. I slipped down the stairs. "What did you need me for dad?" I asked my step-father. That's right, he not my actual dad. It's a bit complicated but I'm actually Seto's younger sister. My 'dad' forbid me to use my powers so I hadn't used them for about 12 years. "Prince Ty is looking for his bride, a brunette. You're a brunette so we'll see if it could be you" he said, rushing me to the entrance of the house. What?! I mean, Prince Ty was nice and all but he's not really my type! But there he was at the front door, as well as Chris who was standing to the side. "Hello. Lizzie, I presume?" Prince Ty asked. I nodded. He reached into his pocket, taking out a small gold and silver dragon necklace. "I'm pretty sure this won't work but can you try putting this on?" He asked, handing it to me. I nodded. It looked faintly like something Sero would wear. I tried to put it on but it just floated above my head. "Sorry. Not me" I shrugged, giving it back to him. He nodded tiredly. Guess he was trying to find whoever it was all night. Where was Seto in the middle of all this anyway? "Lizzie, Lizzie! Help!" I heard a voice squeak. I turned around to see two mice waving frantically. "Uhhh... I'll be right back!" I said, running into the kitchen. "Who are you?" I asked to the mice. "Wait, you can understand us? Oh never mind, we need your help!" The gray mouse squeaked. "With what?" I asked. "Carry us up the stairs to Seto's room. We'll explain on the way!" The black one stated. I nodded and picked them up, running up the stairs. When we got up I knew about their names, how Seto was the one Prince Ty was looking for, how it was his necklace, how my dad locked Seto in, and about his guardian fairy. They knew I was Seto's sister too. They were shocked but understood. "Now help us get Seto out!" Brice pleaded. "Alright. It's been a while but I know a spell" I said, putting them down. I whispered something and the door unlocked. I opened it quickly to see Seto pacing around. "We're here!" Ghost squeaked. "Guys! Lizzie!" He smiled. "Wait, how'd you open the door?" He asked. "I'm your sister but there's no time to explain! Prince Ty's going to be leaving soon so get your ass down the stairs!" I smiled. He grinned, nodded, and ran out the door. "I always thought about how you were the sister I never had. I guess you were just the sister I never knew!" He said before he did. I smiled. Maybe I'll be able to be his sister again. For life.

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