Chapter 4----The Ball (so original I know! XD)

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Seto's POV: "Wait... Guardian Fairy?" I asked. "Yup! And I'm making sure you WILL go to the ball along with Shadow!" Sky smiled. "Speaking of Shadow, you're Prince Ty's Ender Guardian?" I asked the hybrid. "Mhmm" He said. "Now, let's see... You're going to need a way to get there...." Sky said. He ran to the supply shed. He came back with an Ender Pearl, placing it on the ground. He looked at Shadow. Shadow whispered something and the Ender Pearl became a dark blue and green carriage. And I thought I could do magic! "Hmmm.. Let's do something about your suit!" Sky smiled, waving his wand. My suit was repaired, I was wearing black dress shoes, and I had a purple cloak. I also had a mask that matched my suit. Brice and Ghost looked at Shadow. "I'm guessing you guys want to go too" he chuckled. He whispered something and the two mice became beautiful black horses. "Thanks so much you guys!" I smiled. "No problem Seto, it was out pleasure!" Sky said. "Oh I got to go now, see you guys later!" Shadow said, giving Sky a kiss on the cheek. Aww, so cute <3. "Bye!" I said, waving. Shadow became an actual shadow and disappeared. "I guess I'll be your escort then!" Sky smiled. "I guess so" I said, smiling back. "Oh and remember, the spell ends at 12:35 midnight!" Sky added as we got into the carriage. "Wow, exact but ok!" I said.

*at the ball*

As I walked in I felt a few people staring at me. Sky said he would stay at the entrance, just in case I lost track of time. I went to a corner and picked up a glass of fruit juice. I soon got a bit bored and decided to do something with magic. I casted a spell and created a little green dragon, watching it fly around. I soon made a purple one as well. "Hey there!" I heard someone say. I looked up. It was Prince Ty.

Ty's POV: I was walking around the ball, greeting everyone. Hey, just because I'm not a people person doesn't mean I'm not polite. Almost every single girl that saw me tried to flirt with me. Honey, I'm pretty much gay. Once I greeted pretty much everyone, I saw a boy in the corner. He looked about 18 with a purple mask with silver, budder, and dark purple designs on it. He was also wearing a purple cloak. I walked over. Once I got closer I saw that he made two dragons, a purple and a green. Must be able to do magic. "Hey there!" I smiled. He looked startled. "H-hi" He said quietly. "How are you tonight?" I asked. "P-pretty good..." He said stuttering again. Which in my opinion was just plain adorable. "So you like dragons?" I asked, referring to the magical one he made just a few minutes ago. "Yeah they're really cool!" He smiled. "I love dragons too!" I smiled back. "So what do you like to do in your spare time?" I asked. "Reading and Magic" he stated simply. Then I noticed the silver and budder dragon necklace around his neck. "What's that?" I asked, pointing to it. "Oh this?" He said, taking it off his hood and the necklace to reveal lovely brunette hair. "It was my mother's" he smiled. "It was the lasting thing she gave to me before she died. So I put a spell on it so no one would be able to put it on except me. I can't afford to lose it" He finished, putting it back on. "Wow..." I said. I knew how it was to not have a mom as well. I heard music being played. I looked at the brunette. "Dance with me?" I asked, offering him my hand. At first he looked surprised. "S-sure!" He smiled, taking my hand. We danced and talked almost all night, not caring about anyone who looked at us, and once in a while catching a glimpse of Shadow and his boyfriend. "They really did that?" The boy laughed after I told him the story of how Tyler and Jason almost pushed me off the roof. "Yes! We were little kids and we were looking around at all the houses. Jason almost got harassed by a bird causing him to bump into Tyler, causing him to bump into me, resulting in me almost falling to my death!" I laughed. Then at about 12:30, what seemed to be Shadow's boyfriend came over to the boy. "Come one, it's almost 12:35!!" He said, grabbing the boy's hand. "Sorry Prince Ty, I have to go!" He said, running away with the fairy. They ran out the doors and I ran after them. I was to late. They were already in the carriage which was going off. I never even got his name... I looked down to see something shine on the steps of the castle. I picked it up to see it was a silver and budder necklace. I knew what I had to do. "Guards!" I said. Two of the guards, being named Mitch and Jerome, came over. I explained everything. "Search for every brunette in the kingdom. Whoever this necklace goes on is the one I shall marry. And I'm not resting till I find him!" I said. "Yes sir!" They said, running back to get a carriage ready. I really hope I can find him...

Seto's POV: As we got back to the house, everything turned back into what it was supposed to be. The carriage turned into an Ender Pearl, Brice and Ghost were mice again, and my suit was ripped. But I didn't mind much. I had a wonderful night and probably the most fun I'll have in years. "Sorry bout that Seto" Sky said. "It's ok. I had lots of fun tonight. Goodnight Sky!" I said, going into the house. "Bye Seto! And Goodnight to you too!" He said, disappearing in a shower of sparks.

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