Chapter 2----A Ball and Shadow's Secret

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Seto's POV: *next day* I woke up to see Brice and Ghost's friendly faces. "Hey guys!" I smiled. "Hi Seto!" Ghost replied. I got out of bed, brushed my teeth and got to work on my chores. After cleaning the library, where I often was in my free time, I got to work making breakfast for my stepfather, Chris, and Lizzie. When I was finished, I balanced one try on either arm and the other on my head. Since they were still sleeping, I put it on each of their bedside tables. I went to the library and picked up a book. I started reading with Brice and Ghost at my side, playing with a marble because they were bored. Until I heard the doorbell ring.

Ty's POV (I know you're all like FINALLY!! XD): "Father I have something to tell you" I said. "What is it my dear boy? Hurry now! We're planning the ball for your new wife!" My father said excitedly. I sighed. This was going to be harder then I thought. "Well... You see..." I stuttered. "Yes? What is it Tyler?" He said. "First of all dad, it's Ty" I said annoyed. "Ok TY. What is it?" He asked again. "Well... I'm bisexual and I prefer guys over girls" I said nervously. There was silence. "Ty it's ok! As long as you're happy" My father said. "Really?" I smiled. He nodded. I gave a sigh of relief. At least THAT was out of the way. "Well I'm gonna go now father" I said. "Alright. And get something ready for the ball tomorrow!" He called out after I left the room. I went to the sewing room to find my best friend Tyler and his boyfriend Jason. I call Tyler Brotao often. "Hey Brotato! Wuz up?" I asked. "Just makin your suit for tomorrow. Good thing you're here. Jason? Babe, can you measure him please?" Tyler asked, handing the brunet a measuring tape and not taking his eyes off the color schemes. "Okie! As long as you give me a hug later" Jason said. They ere such a cute couple <3. After he measured me, he gave the measures to Tyler, who made the whole outfit in 30 minutes flat. It had light gray pants with intricate dark gray patterns, the jacket was the same but with gold and purple patterns mixed in as well and a slight collar, and to top it all off, a strap on mask that was purple and dark gray with light gray as well. "Damn Brotao, you is skilled" I said, looking at it carefully. "Thanks. Now I'll have to make a whole lot more" He groaned, motioning to the giant stack of dress and suit plans he had next to him. "Well I'll leave you be. I'm gonna go find Bash and Bodil" I said as I walked out the door. "Cya later!" Jason called out. I walked into the ball room where Bash was hanging up decorations and Bodil was no where to be seen. "Hey Bash! Where's Bodil?" I asked. "He's in the storage room getting some more decorations for Christmas" He replied, hopping down from the ladder. Then we saw the moving boxes coming toward us. "Hey honey!" Bash said as the boxes came to a stop. "Hai!" The Bulgarian said as he came from behind the boxes and gave Bash a hug. "Nice decorations" I said as I stared in awe at how beautiful they looked. There were red, gold, white, and green streamers everywhere, multimedia colored lights hanging from the ceiling, and so much more. "Thank. Almost done" He said. "Well I'm gonna go to my room now" I said. They nodded and I ran to the other side of the castle where my room was. I tapped the side of my headphones and put them on my table. Out popped Shadowlox. If you don't know who Shadow is, it's a pretty strange story. Before my mom died she gave me a pair of headphones. Whenever you tapped the sides of them, Shadow popped out. He was my guardian you would say and he looked like me but with purple headphones instead of green, purple eyes instead of red, and he had Ender Dragon wings. He helped me in so many ways I can't remember them all. "Hey Ty! How's it going?" His unnaturally cheery voice said. He was usually a little less jumpy then this. "Fine. Why are you so happy?" I asked. "Oh nothing. By the way I've got to go now!" He said. "Where?" I asked. "No where..." He said. "Shadow, tell me or I'll start screaming on the count of 3" I warned. "Ty!" He gasped. "1...2...3-" "OK ILL TALK!!" He yelled. "I'm going to meet someone" He said, blushing slightly. "Oooooh! Whp are you meeting!" I smiled, hopping on my bed. "Well.... His name's Sky. He's a fairy in the Otherworld and here's a picture" He said, giving me a picture of him next to a person with curly brown hair, sunglasses, a shiny yellow cloack, a wand, and light yellow wings. "His cloack is so shiny. Like gold" I said. "Budder" Shadow said. "Excuse me?" I asked. "He calls gold budder!" He explained. I nodded. "We'll see you later Ty. And scream if you need me!" Shadow said, hopping out the window. I waved and he returned it. I watched as my friends, Ssundee and Husky went out to deliver the letters for the ball. I lay down and closed my eyes, not wanting tomorrow to come.

Seto's POV: I got up and answered the door to see a person slightly taller then I was in sunglasses, and a dark blue suit. "Can I help you?" I asked. "This is an invitation for the ball for Prince Ty tomorrow. All teens, male and female, from the ages 16-19 are welcome to dance" He said, handing me a pale blue letter with the royal seal on it. "Thank you" I said as he walked away. I closed the door and wondered if I would be able to go. I went into Lizzie's room. When I opened the door she cheerily said "Hi Seto!" "Hi Lizzie" I replied. "There's a ball coming up for Prince Ty" I said, handing her the letter. She read through and when she finished I said "Do you think your dad would let me go?" She though for a moment. "Maybe if you finish everything he wants you to do" she shrugged. "I'll go give this to dad. Talk to you later Seto!" She said as we both left her room, her going to the practice room where Chris was probably trying to play th guitar but failing badly with his dad trying to help. I chuckled at the though and went back to the library to explain things to the mice.


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Setorella (a Cinderella/Setolox FF)Where stories live. Discover now