Chapter 1

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In a large workshop somewhere in Dystopia lived a young middle-aged man called Faddy, short for Faddius. The 25years old man was considered “different”. See he had come from a giant linage and was incredibly tall with a slender body. He was handsome, eccentric but years of being an outcast had torn on his self esteem.
He was an incredible fabric designer, his dad was the kingdom’s inventor, he created so many incredible machines and do-hikkies for king Hublot during his reign but died shortly after his son Harry became king. While still alive he taught Faddy so many things, to be brave, not to care what anyone else thought about him and most importantly to always chase his dreams and believe in himself.
Well that was the case at the moment. Before Faddy’s father he had pressing on him to show someone his fabric works. Faddy had been terrified of the thought of ever showing anyone other than his father. On his death bed, Faddy’sfather’s last request was that he showsthey would his designed and accomplish his dreams.
Now, weeks after his father’s death, Faddy sits in his father’s workshop more than tasked. He is working on his most during project yet…. His most eccuerticidea and the most dangerous. He’s been working on it since the day his father died, it’s been two weeks since then, and the project is finally beginning to take shape.
Faddy’s plan was to dress king Harry’s newly mounted statue at  the centre of Dystopia, somewhere everyone would see it. It was a large, long-sleeved, over coat, made of red- dyed wool and embroiled with gold silk designs that told a story in images that likened to hieroglyphics.
Faddy  had countless sleepless nights and burned far too many candles working on this  project. It demanded a lot of time and effort, the king’s statue was as tall as 40 feet, with broad shoulders and an enhanced muscular appearance. The statue’s  arms would’ve been a problem for Faddy when dressing it, so he had decided to sew the sleeves unto the rest of the cloth on the statue, when he will dress it. This wouldn’t have been a problem for him though, all alone Faddy was over 10 feet and with a ladder, tall enough he would be able to reach the statue’s arms and complete his sewing with ease.
Faddy had already finished the sleeves that would fit on the statue’s arms. He had taken the statue’s measurement various midnights when the place was silent and he was unseen, for a giant, Faddy could be incredibly stealthy. At the moment he was applying the finishing touches to his work.
With a deep exhail of air, Faddy gives a sigh of relief. At last his project is finished. He step up from his seat and navigates through all the  yarn on the floor and finds  a giant sack back where he would fold his work and keep  it till  when he was ready.
He was done with his project but he could not attempt dressing the statue now, he was exhausted, he had spent the night working on it and the sun had already come out he would be spotted quite easily, so he decides to go to sleep and begin phase two which he was fully energized and awake  which would be by midnight, when the moon was out and everyone else was in.
He packs up his work and gets the bags  ready. He manages to walk his way out of the workshop, raising his feet and avoiding getting his shoes tangled in the scattered wool that now lay on the floor, looking like the place had been flooded by wool and silk.
He walks out of the workshop, shutting the doors behind him. He race walks to his home, not so far from his father’s  workshop, this had been an old habit.  Even when Faddy wasn’t being chased or watched by anyone, he would still race walk, just a childhood action that grew on him. Faddy didn’t like being around people or being watched by them, a lot of people had said a lot of things to Faddy and a lot of things that they said had torn him up. So as a method of keeping away from trouble, Faddy preferred just keeping away from people.
He gets into his house, a very  tall house, it was a bungalow like everyone else’s but it’s ceilings were placed very high with very tall walls to hold them up. Faddy hangs his coat right besides the entrance door on a curved wood carving, nailed to the wall. He takes a walk to his bedroom, covers up his windows till it becomes almost impossible for the sunlight to come into the room. He lays on his bed and dreams off.
It was a 12 hour journey for faddy from morning all the way to midnight, but Faddy had made it and his mind was well relaxed.
There’s no time to waste! Faddy says as he spring out his bed in a haste. He dashed to the work shop, packed up the bags and took his bed’s foldable ladder. He runs stealthily across the kingdom’s deserted streets, ever so sheaky, shading himself from the moonshine and striking poses that made his shadow mimicked trees and other objects when faced with a passer-by. He continues this race for a while, dodging obstacles and hiding from the little people on the streets until he is finally where he wants to be, in front of King Harry’s statue.
“Alright let’s do this” he whispers to himself. He drops the giant sack back, mounted on his back, to the floor. He unfolds the ladder and wedges it on itself. He takes one last look at the statue and say’s this will never be the same. He takes the large coat from the bag and climbs up the ladder. They had its two hands clenched and on its waist in a muscle flex position.
Faddy holds the coat with his two arms and stretches over the statue and places the coat on the statue’s back. He had canoe a hole in the coat but hadn’t sewed it shut. He had really calculated for the event. He picks up his needle and thread and sew the coat around the two armpits of the statue. Now the coat is firm and fitted on its mannequin.
Faddy descends the ladder and pics up the two sleeves, hanging one over his shoulder and holding the other in his fist. He places the shapeless sleeve that looked  like a banner on the statue’s arm and begins to sew  it together, he starts by sewing it to the shoulder pad of the  coat,  the by joining  it under the arm of the statue. He does this for the second sleeve and descends the ladder very carefully.
He packs up the empty sack back and folds the ladder and takes a look at his master piece wow! He exclaimed I wish you could see this dad he says to himself you wouldn’t believe your eyes he says as he continues to admire his work. Well it’s time to leave. He concludes. He turns his back on the statue and begins his journey back home, undetected and leaving the scene to look to the entire world as the greatest mystery.
He arrives at his workshop a few hours before surprise, filled with a strong sense of accomplishment and fulfillment. He moves over to his kitchen to make a meal for himself, but jittering fingers and an over-excited spirit wouldn’t let him do so.
He eventually decides to cool off. He takes his relaxation position in his room and unintentionally falls asleep and into dream land.

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