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In a time long forgotten. In a place far from remembered. There stood a kingdom, tall and strong, firm and rigid, abundant in its resources and known far and near as a land more than envied by its allies and enemies.
With and without seasons, the land flowed in harvest, every blooming and blossoming in its beauty. It had been like this for many centuries, ever looking so constant. But as the kingship continued to pass on form father to child, the once beloved “Dystopia” began to fall. 
First beginning with its eternal summer that was turned into full,, then its waters that began to cool, then the clouds that stole away all light at day and then, the unexpected happens, the once abundant lands of “Dystopia” became barren. 
The state of the kingdom continue to dwindle till its pre sent rule, King Hublot. The King was ruthless, and overpowered by greed. At the beginning of his rule, he ordered for a giant fence to be built around his castle, hot to keep the enemies out, but to keep food in and only in.
His rulership was the cruelest, he brought so much pain and suffering, he turned his back on his people and left them to fend for themselves, and this hardened the people of Dystopia.
The land became dark and unwelcoming. Everyone struggled, they had to find food for themselves, and thee lands ability to satisfy their hunger was steadily decreasing. 
The waters were freezing solid; the land had fallen to a winter state. Its sun was invisible to the eye at day; all that was seen was its last rays of light incapable of shining through all the gloomy clouds that hovered around the painful and gloomy Dystopia. 
15 year Ago
“THUD THUDTHUD” the knights made as they marched around the inner walls of the king’s castle, patrolling and ever on the lookout for unwanted visitors.
The marching’s went on as the knights took turns splitting themselves into batches as the king watched from the comfort of his castle’s balcony. 
There was something particular about one of the knights in one of the batches. He was young, in his mid twenties, he was new to the knighthood and was much of a novice to his duties, he patrolled when his time came and followed suit.
They marched “THUD THUDTHUD” went their fee as they stumped. “CLACK CLACKCLACK” went their armour as they rose and dropped their feet all around the giant castle compound, until they came to a hault at the castle gate.
“Hello! Hello! Can you hear?” three little girls said almost simultaneously upon hearing the Knight’s footsteps. The knight paused, hearing this, looked at themselves in sheer bewilderment and stood, dumbstruck.
“Hello!, Hello!! Can you hear us?” three little girls said alms’ simultaneously upon hearing the knight’s footsteps.
The knights paused, hearing this, looked at themselves in shear bewilderment and stood, dumbstruck.
“What do we do?” “a knight said to the other”. If we open this, the king would have our heads chopped off! “Another knight replied.” Well, we wouldn’t know for sure if they wanted to come in until we asked them. And who knows how long they’ve been out here just waiting for someone to answer? The young knight replied. The rest of the knights seconded his idea and in mere communication of the eye made a decision to listen to the girls. 
“Hello! I can hear you!” the young knight gave a mild reply to this girl. “Hello, kind sir, my name is Pearl and these are my sisters, Princess and Rose, were triplets from the orphanage. That lady Mary at the orphanage keeps on denying us food, and wassooooooo hungry. She says as she puts her hand on her stomach. “Well that sounds like quite the tragedy”, but I pail to see how we stand as helping factors. “Says a knight to the girls.” but you can help us oh knight. Says pearl in the softest of voices. Well as a matter of fact, we can. Says the youngest knight to the rest of them. The knights pause and direct their attention to the youngest, in stares intended to shut him down. At ease Brendan!  A knight says in the firmest of voices to Brendan. Why should we? Why should they? …….. Why should I? Says Brendan these little kids never did anything wrong, and the plight of the knight has always been to act in all loyalty to his people, and defend them in pure righteousness! Hasn’t it? Brendan finishes with stiff boldness. No it hasn’t! the eldest knight amongst them speaks. It has always been and will always be every single knight’s duty to obey whatever law steps forth from the castle of the highly esteemed, king Hublot? Shrieks one of the girl’s sisters I fear we must leave the knights isn’t on our side. Says Rose to her sisters I think we should seconds Pearl. The three stand from where they were seated in front of the gate. We will see too it that foods get to the orphanage, you have my word. Says Brendan  to the girls, thank you, kind Sir, but I doubt its possibilities says Princess as the three wear their hoods and begin their long walk from the castle.
Brendan! You hothead! Yells a knight at Brendan well what were you thinking? If a word of this gets out to the king you’re dead!  You can’t just be acting like that young lad! I apologize. I let my emotions get the better in a tone of stainless humility. Well you’d better. Because the next time you attempt breaking any law of king, pray I’ll be missing, cause if I’m around, I’ll personally see to it that the word gets out and reaches the king.
Well, don’t hold your breath on that say Brendan with a smirk.
The atmosphere clears up and they continue their work, aligned once again and patrolling as before. Luckily the incident wasn’t seen by anyone but them.
The day is spent, and most of the knights are off duty, it’s far too cold outside know that the sun has gone to sleep, so the rest of the knights have to keep guard from the warmth of their guard posts and fire places. The scene is quiet and serene and heavily unguarded.
A man covered in wraps off cloth, stealthily walks through the compound and into the food store. He lights his torch and peaks before he begins his theft. He takes off the cloth on his face to breathe properly. He takes bread, about a dozen loaves and wraps it in one of his cloths as he packs it up and holds it firm under his arm. With a quick blow “whoop” the torch goes off and the man begins his stealthy race through the compound and out of the castle.
In a mad dash for escape the cloth covering his face lets loose and falls to the ground. The man grunts “grunts” almost a reflex action, but continues his race, steady and ever so stealthy.
“Huh, Brendan” says a knight from his guard post. To his greatest misfortune, the young man was spotted in escape attempt, but wasn’t caught, not yet.
Brendan reaches the gate and makes a run for it before he gets seen.
On the street, he begins another mad dash for the orphanage. Skipping his feet as hops over stones and tries to make not even the slightest noise. It’s indeed a long run at midnight for the young lad.
It took him a long trail to get there, but there he was, at the orphanage, face to face.
He knocks. No reply. He opens the door; screech makes the door as it opens. Brendan walks in hmm unlocked he whispers to himself in a tone of surprise. He creeps through the dark hall ways as the wooden floor squeaks upon his wary step, feeling his way on the wall through the shadowy passage.
He makes his way to a railed stairway and begins his ascent. He reaches the floor above and opens the first floor to his right leading to a large room of sleeping children, curled up in blankets and cloth, keeping was as they lay fast asleep.
He walks into the room, slowly, trying to keep them asleep and himself undetected. His attempts become futile when one of the children sits up on her bed. 
Hello …… Lady Mary? Inquires the girl Pearl? Is that you? Replies Brendan. Oh wow, the knight, the knight! She exclaims in pure excitement, attempting to wake everyone up, but turned down by Brendan. Shh, shh …… I can’t be here. Do you know that? Says Brendan, attempting to claim her down.
“Oh…… how heroic” says the awe – inspired girl. Here …….. I brought you these. Says Brendan as he hands over the bread wrapped in cloth. Keep it safe; ad let no one know I was here. Whispers Brendan. You have my word with a leap and a spirit. Thank you she says, holding on to the young knight in a heartfelt hug. I have to go now …. There isn’t much time. Says Brendan as he makes his way out of the room and down the same dark trail he followed whilst coming.
He steps out of the orphanage, step proven and over-joyed.  He makes for quiet spirit back to the king’s castle before the day breaks. However, his long walk is abruptly hauled when faced with six of the king’s troops in armour, battle- ready.
Hello …. Fellow knights say Brendan completely astonished andunaware of his present situation. Well good day to you, traitorous bandit, you are under arrest, orders of the king Hubblots himself says one of the troops bluntly. I? for what reason? Says Brendan, attempting to cun his way out of it. Oh …. You’ll know soon enough. Says the trooper as the others bind up Brendan and put him in their horse – drawn carriage.
Brendan is taken by the troopers. It was a long gallop, much longer than it would’ve been to the castle and that was because they were not heading to the castle. They were heading to the execution house, where Brendan would be left, till king Hublot would give his final verdict.
The troopers arrived at the place; it was a spooky looking tower that reeked of death and sorrow. They ushered him in as they walked through the hallway, where so many torturing materials were placed on display, to frighten the soon-to-be tortured.
Brendan was taken to a cell in dungeon where he was to spend the night, awaiting king Hublot’s final judgment. It could take forever; he could spend days, years, just waiting for the king’s punishment.
Apparently Brendan’s case only took a few months until it was formally addressed by the king.

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