Chapter 3

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“THUD THUDTHUD” march the knights into the King Castle hall with Harry seated on the throne, being fed grapes by two females servants. The two knights continue their march until they came to a hault in front of the steps leading to the throne.
“My Lord” beckons one of the knights. “ what…………..again?” says the exhausted King as he tilts his head slowly to the criminal who ridiculed your image at the center of I Dystopia” replies the knight to King Harry.” Oh……. that sound wonderful………..congratulations you tow. “says the slightly impressed King with a tone of little excitement. “ Erm………….. my Lord” says one of the knight. “yes……….yes” says the knight” There was an old lady, she was the one who led us to the criminal’s hideout, her information was requested to be rewarded. “continues the knight.” Well …… well ……… well. That should be everyone’s duty isnt’t it? Was she attempting to hourd information from a worker of King Harry himself? That ought not be so says the King as he stands from his throne and walks down the stairs to the knight. “I could so easily demand for her feeling merciful, so I’ll let you do this. Meet with that lady and teach her to never demand anything from the King, giver her to permanent scar to remind her of the lesson she learnt  from my Knight…………. Or else, I’ll have you taught to never bring a peasant’s request to the house of royalty. “says the King to the very much frozen Knight. “Yes my Lord.” Stutter the Knight at the King.
    The Knights turn away and march off. Harry watched the Knights as they shrunk in his vision of sight, marching further away from him in the very large hallway.
Faddy lays wastand on the dungeon’s floor. The cold moonshine pierce through the cell’s tiny window and makes its way into the room. Its night time and Faddy had it his last meal that morning. Starving and exhausted, Faddy lay wasted on the dungeon floor. “Bang! Bang! Bang!” sound the gate.
    Faddy raises his head and tries to figure out the face he sees from the gate bars. “you look filthy” says King Harry at Faddy. Faddy recognizes the voice almost immediately and tries to make his way up to his feet. “You tried to bring me down to your level ……… you tried to cover up my armour and make me dress in garments like you peasants. What a mockery! I am royalty. Do you understand that? I could never be on your level. You made a mockery of me because of what you did….. And I’ll make a mockery of you. When tomorrow comes a fool will be put on display, where everyone would see it, just like you did to my statue. That sounds splendid, don’t  you think? I mean its only fair. Says the King Harry to Faddy. But I …….. Faddy stutters as he makes to the gate oh save it for someone who cares! Harry shuts him down as he turns and walks a way slowly I only wanted to make my father glad, It was his last wish …. I’m sorry. Faddy says to king Harry who has  well established to Faddy his lack of interest in whatever he is saying. The king continues to walk away and completely ignores Faddy’s pleading. I’m sorry! Faddy screams again  as tear drops fall down his checks. King Harry walks out of the dungeon and shuts the door “BANG”.
Faddy drops  to the ground, crying, cold, tired, sad our young hero lays hopeless on the floor, well aware of what tomorrow brings. Faddy mentains his upright sitting position but gets tired and falls asleep, laying his back on the cold floor. It takes him but a while to fall into a deep sleep.
Bang Bang Bang goes the gate. Bang Bang Bang goes the gate for the second time. The very much exhausted Faddy struggles to turn and face the gate. Faddy looks the person in the face, but it’s covered with a hood and is almost invisible covered by the shadow of the cloak shh …. Don’t speak the person whispers to Faddy. Faddy hears the clacking sounds of the key as the person opens the gates. Who are you? Faddy manages to say. That’s not important … you have to go. The castle isn’t guarded so heavily at this time of the night.  You’ll be able to make it out of here, almost undetected. Quick go, run and keep running. Don’t stop if you hear anyone calling you….. Just keep on running. Says the person as he guides faddy out of the pitch black dungeon. Why are you helping me? Asks faddy. Let’s just says, you don’t deserve to die. Replies the person. Thank you says Faddy.
Faddy is led out of the dungeon by his mysterious helper and to the outer walls of the castle, through a secret passage, completely unseen and undetected. This is as far as I go with you lad says the man I can’t thank you enough says Faddy well the journey continues from here. Take the narrow path by the peasant’s pub and go on straight from there. You’ll meet a well behind the pub, right in front of some bushes, go through the bushes but be careful, the fog out there gets plenty at this time of the night. You’ll feel like you’re getting lost, that’s perfectly normal but don’t stop. Just keep on running and running, don’t look back, you could be seen, don’t stop to breathe, you could be caught, run through the fog until the sun comes out. When the sunlight comes, the fog will clear and you’ll be far from harm, only then can you stop running. Stay safe, dreamer.  Says the man to Faddy. Thank you so much says Faddy as he dashes always stealthily in the dark of night, following the path that was directed to him.
He runs and runs and runs, never stopping to catch his breath, never looking back, crouching and sneaking through corners to maintain his invisibility. He comes to the well and follows the bush path.
He continues to run, unaware of what lies, waiting for him ahead, completely  blinded by the thick clouds of fog that settle on the land, blocking out his field of  sight.
He keeps on running and running, tramping on things and steeping on fallen tree branches. He continues dashing ahead, ruffing through fallen leaves as his feet pick them up in a clumsy repetitive manner.
He keeps on racing, dodging trees by Meer inches when they are revealed to him as shadowy figures. The sun begins to spray its timid sunlight down on the land as it arises from below and ascends slowly to the sky.
Faddy misses the sunrises, more concerned about his freedom, but becomes aware of the sun’s presence when the fog begins to clear up.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2021 ⏰

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