Chapter 2

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King Harry wakes up to a beautiful morning. The first face he sets his eyes upon is that of a beautiful lady, who brings him breakfast in his obnoxiously sized bedroom.
“Good morning my liege” she says with the prettiest of smiles. On good morning….. He says leaning over to her and looking her in her eye in a notion that told her to tell him her name. Diana, my lord. She says, understandingly. You have the bluest eyes I ever saw, he says. Oh don’t flatter me my king. Says the lady. Oh but I speak the truth, Insist the king. Thank you my lord. Says the girl.
The lady Diana leaves the king to his breakfast, and he does eat it voraciously. After stuffing meal of breakfast, the king steps out from bed and makes for his morning bath. He wallows in the pond, behind the castle, hidden by trees and small bushes. It takes the King a long time to take a bath naturally, but his scheduled bath time to be arranged.
“King! My liege!”  a knight of the King exclaims as he barges into the king’s bath time. “What! You fool?” replies the King’s bath time. What the reason was for his unorthodox entrance. There is trouble at the centre of Dystopia? Replies the knight. And that is my problem ….. How? Shrugs the unconcerned king. A criminal meddled with your statue my Lord, and made a complete mockery of your rulership. Says the ever-so-loyal knight. “Who dares!? I SHALL HAVE HIS HEAD!” screams the king in an uproar of rage.
The king hurriedly gets out of the pond and into his clothes. The knights prepare a carriage drawn by 8 horses, for the king and his impatience to see his statue. The king and four of his knights hop into the carriage and dash to the scene.
“Gallop, Gallop, Gallop” sound the horses as they race towards the statue. The king peaks through his window and sees the back of his statue, covered in wine-red wool, and its arms sleeved and all of its armour covered under this large unidentified garment. “My god!” the king exclaims. “Faster!”He screams at the driver, referring to the horses. The driver whips the horses more and they run faster. They curve around the statue and the horses come to hault. The king barges out of the carriages and jumps to the ground, running towards his statue.
“Oh no! Who did this to you?” says the king in a truly distressed tone. The knights get down from the carriage. The king turns his back on the statue and gives his knights the most terrifying look they’d ever seen, find who did this! And bring him in for execution! Commanded the furious king. Yes my lord! Replied the knights in unison as they sprung into action and scavered about the houses in the area for wool, silk and sewing materials.
Knock! Knock! Knock! Knocked one of the knights on the wooden door of an old cottage. Knock! Knock! Knock! Went the knight for the second time ……! Guess no-one’s home, says the knights to himself. He takes a few steps back and attempts walking away when screeeech …… the old wooden door opened, revealing a very old lady with silver hair wrapped in a bun on her head.
To what do I owe this visit, king Sir? Says the old lady. You wouldn’t happen to know who defiled the king’s statue with his garment last night, would you? Asks the knight to the old lady. I wouldn’t now …. Would I? Being an old lady. Even if I did guess I wouldn’t remember …. What were you even asking for again? Says the lady trying to jog through her memory. Oh I’m sorry ma am, never mind that the knight says as he turns around and begins to walk away. Unless, there is something in it for me. Says the sly old lady, beckoning him to turn around.
And what could I possibly have? Says the eager knight as he turns around. You have food says the lady as she walked down her steps, balancing her steps with her walking cane. She takes a few steps towards the knight and stands right in front of him. The king will reward you heavily with food if you gave away such information says the now intimidated knight.
The old lady smirks at the knight. She walks ahead and  praises her cane, pointing it toward Faddy’s workshop. It was that giant, that lives in that home right behind there and you’ll  find all the evidence you need in that workshop.  Its got wool and silk scattered all about the floors. That  wierdo’s  been  sneaking out at  night and stalking the statue, ever since his dad died, I know this because I  know how he walks when he’s trying to sneak about. Says the cunning old lady. Thank you very much for this information lady. I’ll make sure word of this gets to the king. Says the knight “oh, you do that young man” says the lady.
The knight informs the others about the new suspect, the giant, and the four of them march into Faddy’s workshop, “GBAM” sounds the door as they slam it open. Their eyes are greeted by wine red wool scattered all about the floor with a sewing machine on a table at the front right corner of the workshop, with a blue print and sketch of the king’s statue, lying on the floor. This is the place for sure. Says the knight to the others. They scower. Through the workshop for more evidence, B scattering through wool and ruffling through papers, searching for more incriminating factors, but unfortunately, all their effort amounts to none, until they come across the backdoor. A knight turns the knob of the door and opens up the door. The door reveals a tall house hidden behind the workshop. The knights march through the backdoor and barge into the house. “GBAM!” the knights barge in through the door, a knight turns to his left and sees an  overcoat hung on a curved piece of wood, B nailed to the wall, he raises it  up and examines it, it looks exactly like the one on the king’s statue. “Says a knight” yeah but smaller and in a  different colour says another when Faddy comes  out of his room, in his pajamas. Hi there, what’s going on? Says Faddy to the knights. The knights turn around and look at Faddy.
You’re under arrest! Says a knight. Arrest? For what? Says Faddy for crimes against the king. I guess you think its funny to play dress-up with the king’s  new statue, right?  Says a knight. Oh I never intended to ridicule the king, I would never do that. Insists Faddy to  the knights. Well its not about  the motive, but about what you did and it crystal clear that it is a blatant crime guilty as charged and worthy  of all due punishment! Says the knights to Faddy but …….  Says Faddy but he is cut short by another knight. Enough talk, you’re coming with us. The four knight grab the frozen Faddy by his arms and chin him up. They pull him to their carriage and sit him down on a wheeled, wooden platform, attached to the carriage by chains. Faddy sat on it as the knights got into the carriage and the horseman whipped the horses to move. The king had already made it to the castle he had sad his messenger bird to send for another carriage and had gone home before the knights, oweing to the fact that his bath time had been interrupted.
    The knightshurridly gallop back to the castle to deliver the criminal to the king. Faddy struggles to hold on the carriage as the horses gallop over stones and a well bumpy road.
    They finally arrive at the castle and the dizzy, sun hearten Faddy, exhausted as he is falls off the platform and lays flat on the ground “On your feet, scumbag!” teases one of  the knights at Faddy. Faddy struggles to catch his ground but he finally gets on his feet. “Follow me!” says a knight as he pulls on Faddy’s chains. Faddy is escorted by two knights and is taken to the dungeon, the other two knights to go deliver the information to King Harry.

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