🥀 Chapter 60 🥀

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Confirmation or contradiction? Confirmation. To confirm something is key to opening other opportunities with others as well as yourself. Without getting necessary approval, some choices or decisions may turn out terrible when they were meant to turn out wonderful. Constellations are groups of stars that form a recognisable pattern. The stars combine on the celestial sphere and glimmer to those who desire to stare at them. They radiate tranquility in their fiery glow as they make themselves known to the other stars around them. When glancing at the stars for constellations, they are often simple to find. Its as if there are lines that join each bright point in the sky to make a beautiful pattern or imagery. Constellations light up the night as if Heaven had made the sky its map. They shine and glow against the black abyss, drawing the attention of everyone. The figures shown from the stars are elegant and fascinating to one's eyes. These patterns can sometimes be named after a mythical figure once found. Sometimes constellations can help people too, if they believe in it of course. The stars aligning refers to the astrological idea that stars sitting in certain angles could lead to bad things and good things happening in one's life. This all relates back to one's birth date. Bad things regarding academics, relationships or even your every day life could relate back to the stars and how there is something affecting them. It's a vast concept that some people believe in and others don't. To get confirmation from someone when making a big decision mainly leads to desired outcomes, the stars would approve of such a transaction of words between two people. The little dots in the sky would glimmer with the same happiness one would get when gaining approval because they know they made the right decision. Sometimes you needed to ask someone if you were allowed to make an impactful decision because without their nod in approval or their head shake, you would feel awful for doing something behind their back. Contradiction. When getting into a conflict, it was upsetting. To get into an argument or a disagreement because of an action you did was even more worse. The stars would make a sullen frown and you could no longer see the constellations that they were creating. If you could prevent a contradiction before hand by telling the person what you were about to do, it was more suitable to do that than cause chaos. Blinking a couple of times couldn't do any justice to the situation, but at least it made me have the expression that I was just as clueless. I opened my mouth to say something to release the bewilderment, but my speech had been vanquished. It was as if my eyes were the only thing that could move and my tongue was paralysed. I tapped my foot unnecessarily on the carpet and cleared my suddenly parched throat. Nagisa, whom I had just discovered the name of, was waiting there with his arms crossed and his mouth altered into a frown. Izuru, on the other hand, was glancing to the side of the wall waiting for something to happen. For someone to say anything to get Nagisa and I out of our perplexed trances. Though, Izuru also seemed quite dumbfounded and perhaps staring at the wall was a coping mechanism to not show it. I cleared my throat cautiously for the second time in a span of two minutes.
"Well," I started, saying a single word that sounded ever so uncertain it could have been confused as a question. I bit my tongue back from saying anything further. I don't want my tongue to disperse any needless information about the request to Izuru nor Nagisa here. Let alone tell them at all yet. Nagisa sighed hurriedly, the first thing he had done after asking me a question about how I knew his name. He had been waiting for me to reply but every time I would try to croak at least a word out, I would fail miserably.
"If you are not going to inform me, then I will be benevolent and ask Izuru," Nagisa spoke up with a clear and unfazed tone. Though, it looked as if not talking in a concerned tone was taking a toll on him with the way he furrowed his eyebrows. I tilted my head, asking the same question to Izuru wouldn't get us anywhere either. At the sound of his name, Izuru sighed and glanced at us after staring at the wall this whole time. He put a finger to his chin before merely letting his arms dangle beside him.
"I am afraid that I do not know the answer as well. In fact, I have been left in the unknown just like you," he answered with no malicious intent to make me feel bad whatsoever. However, his words prodded my head at the thought that I was doing something wrong by not telling him. Nagisa raised his eyebrow at me as if he wanted me to elaborate.
"To be quite honest, I didn't know that you were Nagisa. In fact, I didn't even know what you looked like," I replied, while adding an airy laugh in the end as if it were going to change anything. Nagisa's expression changed from surprised to stoic in a matter for seconds before looking up at me with a glare.
"That did not answer my question," he grumbled, getting annoyed with the fact that I was clearly avoiding the answer. I can't think of any other tactic to answer him. I can't tell him the truth yet and I'm not lying to him.
"Why, he only knows your name because I talk so fondly of you Nagisa," a cheerful voice echoed while someone walked down the stairs. I glanced to the side to see my mother with a pristine glow on her face. She was wearing a chiffon, blush dress that had a pastel green belt. She smiled warmly at Nagisa, in which the boy smiled back at her in return. I glanced back from my mother to Nagisa to see that the boy's eyes had gone from bemused to bright from her very presence. Not only that, but he also slightly smiled at her which was something I did not recall him doing for anyone. My mother hurried her pace down the stairs, her rosy shoes clanking against the limestone. She looked the same, her curls were done with precision and they were the same ombré from white to blue. Her eyes, though, seemed to have a soft glint in them which was indeed a contrast from when I saw her last. She walked over to Nagisa and ruffled his hair playfully. Nagisa grunted and started to pat his hair back into its normal shape while my mother walked up to me. She smiled and then hugged me, increasing the tightness to the point that my lungs were struggling to gasp air. I returned the action back except I hugged her lightly with no intention to suffocate her in any such way. Nagisa gave us a distorted frown as he tilted his head. Izuru glanced at the boy and then glanced at us. My mother let go of the hug, my lungs thanking her as she did so.
"It's wonderful to see you two again. Actually, it even more wonderful to see that you two have grown even closer from when we last met," my mother giggled like a child. Her tone of voice was joyous as every syllable that came out of her mouth was melodious. I'm not too sure if that's because she's all around children and needs to keep up a radiant attire or she's just generally content when around children.
"It is ever so nice to see you again. I hope that you have been well, Mrs Komaeda," Izuru commented politely. I looked to the side where he stood. The way his words flowed gave me the sense that he was relieved to see her which was quite peculiar. My mother tilted her head and smiled even wider in acknowledgement.
"Agreed. We haven't met in such a long time, which is bad considering I want to rekindle our relationship," I added truthfully while looking back at her. After our first meeting, I thought the whole aspect of establishing a good bond with my mother would be beneficial for both of us. To hold a grudge against her was to hold a burden and nobody in their right mind likes a burden. My mother nodded.
"Yes, of course. I could only imagine that you two have been ever so busy with the competitions going on. The news have been speculating a lot actually on who you are going to pick," my mother stated, tilting her head as if she were thinking back on a distant memory. Izuru hummed and crossed his arms, directing his head down in thought.
"The news do talk with such hefty voices. I will decide with my own intuition," he replied with a small sigh and the twist of the head as he looked back at us. A small cough was made, for the sake of gaining everyone's attention. I directed my eyes to the small boy. His blue hair was now back to normal but the expression on his face was not.
"May I have a bit of intellect to fully understand the situation here?" Nagisa stated with a calm voice and folded arms. My mother looked at Nagisa affectionately before nodding. 
"Nagisa," she started and then turned to me before looking back at Nagisa. "This is my son."

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