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"why does he has those lines? What if he was not asleep the whole time?! Why I overthing so much over this boy."

it was a whole miracle. jeongguk fell asleep. taehyung was warming his body even more. He got used to it and probably found his safe place, or maye a person - taehyung. the stunning male was in his mind from the day he met him. He was wondering why the boy was still meeting with him? What if he felt the same, he thought.

he couldn't know how taehyung was feeling about their relationship.

or their friendship was just too golden, even better than a realatiosnhips. the lines between relationships and firenships are so thin, the same time thick. 

being just friends, and being a couple are two different things. but maybe... a close friend? Jungkook was too confused about how he could feel about the male. he wished he was some kind of a vampire, so he could read taehyung's mind and answer all his questions.

suddenly, jeongguk felt lighter. he felt empty. which immidietly made him wake up. His vision was still blurry, but he still tried to explore the surroundings. he saw taehyung was not over him anymore. the future Fire King actually felt so much comfortable with raehyung in his arms, litteraly.

eyes half-opened, taehyung was nowhere to be seen. at first he reacted a bit afraid, maybe he was carring too much. or maybe he just left.

only within seconds, he felt how someone grabbed his hands to make him sit up. the kim taehyung himself.

''Come on! we will miss it, we will miss it~'' The boy giggled at his own words and reapeated over again. jeongguk was still sleepy to do anything, so he just followed to the unkown the boy. 

with his free hand, the prince rubbed his eyes. He almost even fell. Luckily, taehyung grabbed his hand thighter so he couldn't fall.

they stopped somewhere, and taehyung went beside him ''a little suprise!'' he said more like a wishper, excited one. His hands were covering Jungkook's eyes, litteraly leaving him blond

''If I fell, your fault''

''yah yah, I will take care of you if you fall. don't worry.'' Were they... flirting? taehyung was no way helping jeongguk acting like this. he just enjoyed the moment. not carrying what he feels like to taehyung.


''and here we are, open your eyes gguk'' pouted his lips, realeving his hands off jeongguk.

taehyung has taken them to a top place in the mountain, where they could watch the sunrise. the sunrise view could be perfectly seen from the spot they were. the place was just perfect. even if the forest would be seen, it looked bigger than it actually was.

the raven-haired boy was speechless. taehyung really got him a memorable suprise

''This is my way to say thanks that you stayed with me the night...'' and he pecked extremely lightly his cheek. someone could barely feel it, oh jeongguk totally felt it more than a lither peck.

no, he was not blushing. taehyung was the one blushing. jeongguk's heart is already pissed off his body.

''tae, it's really..breath-taking.'' he looked over taehyung, whose eyes were glowing more than ever. the sun's shines were making tae's eyes so angelic. he was so unreal in jeongguk's eyes

''There's many spots like this, guess there was no reason to explore them though..''

''Well, we could explore them. your forest is really dazzling, taehyung-''

''yukio,''taehyung said softly when interrupted him. His eyes connected together with jungkook's still brown once.

''huh?''the male furrowed eyebrows in confusion.

''My name. It is not originally taehyung. I was waiting some time to tell you. I changed my name when it was illegally. since my parents didn't choose the name, they started calling me taehyung too. my grandmother gave me this name. she said, Yukio meant snow. that I was a snow child.''

''should I ..call you Yukio then?''

''No, silly. I-i mean only if you want. just it got out of my mind.. some people could think it's strange because..you know..the season winter..and yah..''

''yukio, I like the name, so I am not 'some people'. I am glad you told me''

''When I was still a child, everyone was calling me Yuki. I was cringing almost all the time..'' taehyung left a soft sigh of relief as he stared out the sunrise

jeongguk's eyes narrowed lightly before he was turning to him once more.''I really appreciate you are telling me, taehyung.''

the boy chucked in response and said ''since we could trust each other.. we can trust each other, right?!''

''do you think i would stay with you the night..yuki~'' jeongguk leaned closer to his as called friend and huskily wishpered, making the boy blush once again.

''Oh, now you will tease me with the name, huh.'' he looked beside him, seeing Jungkook's big smirk.

''catch.me.yukie~''' he clenched his jaw and quickly sat up, going to a nowhere.

''aish you!'' taehyung helped himself to sit up and run after Jungkook. The older seemed to be a quick runner.

they were just having fun, as they were kids but actually grown up adults. fun does not matter about the age. it's important to feel happy and free

''taehyung?'' jeongguk stopped to take some air when he noticed the male was not beside him anymore

he thought maybe was seeking somewhere, as he expected the boy to jump on him any second. he looked around. nothing.

jeongguk followed to the last spot he saw taehyung go after his steps. he saw the most terrifying nightmare he could see

un unkown hooded male, hanging a sword with his left hand. a sword pressed on taehyung's soft skin. jungkook lightened up what could have happened. He knew the gre-eyed boy was not a good fighter.

''oh..this will be fun'' he wishpered under his tone, showing the most angry and the same time scarring smirk. small flames color were framed in jungkook's eyes.

he bit his bottom lipttom lip and forrowed to his today's prey. he only tapped the ground with his leg as a small path of flakes and a small fire followed to the unkown's man. perfectly made to not burn taehyung, but his enemy.

the enemy immidietly let go taehyung as his legs were burning. jungkook didn't stop there. he heated more the flakes, making the male fall on his kneels. a circle of flames was surrounding him

''Are you okay?'' jungkook only glanced at taehyung because if he was going to touch him, he would hurt him

taehyung didn't say anything because his hand was bleading. He covered it from the older. even he saw it. the man was going to be death because of this

he kneeled down to the man and said ''who are you and who sent you?'' his eyes still burning red. the man said nothing but whined from pain.

''I said, who are you and who sent you'' then he grabbed the man's hand and burned it almost to bone.

''t-the elvs..northen elvs..'' he returned

''such a liar,'' he clenched his jaw ''..even an idiot. every elvs or someone realated to them has a circle tattoo behind their ears..death wish?

minutes of full violance passed by. taehyung tried to convince once to jungkook to stop and never dared to repeat as he saw his anger. 

''we will learn how to train you fight, tae. i promise.'' When jungkook heated off and calmed down as he saw the man was gone, he turned over to face taehyung and gave him a hug


im sorry, i didn't have time to edit my mistakes because of school :(

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