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and so, they came back from kunamu. the trip was almost the same as when they were going to there. but one thing was different - they confessed to each other. they came there as questionable friends and now...

oh, the truth is that they haven't talked about what are they now. they are just to males that adore each other and loves spending time together. and true, they have kissed. not once and bot only twice. then everything was just a peck on the lips.

when they returned back to Azrel, jeongguk left taehyung where they were waiting each other the previous they //to go to Kunamu./

and the last thing Taehyung told him then, was to wait for a few days and then to meet. only because taehyung expected his parents to be extremely mad to him and he would need some time to recover. because they had a thought that taehyung didn't leave so he could have time for himself and the power he owns.

while the king and queen of the north kingdom one day, exactly after a few months, would trust their people to their son. they don't have a chance but to trust the crowned prince, because the life of their people will be on jeongguk's hands - pretty soon.

when jeongguk returned to his kingdom, he was welcomed as always by the quards of the gates. but they were suprised to see their future king with such a smile on his face. it was pretty unquiqe only because the prince was almost never in the mood to form a smile like this one.

as the quards on the gates were surprised, his brothers and cousin were not an exception. but in front his parents, of course he would hide whatever emotion he was feeling. because for his parent's eyes, he needed to be the perfect mature son.

''jeongguk-ssi, I see your in a mood?'' his cousin named hwasa tapped his shoulder as she caught him walking in the hallway.

he immediately dropped his smile for infront her, and only showed a questionable frown. ''repeat again? I don't understand you?''

''ouch, that hurts cousin. at least in front of me don't hide'' her lips formed a pout and grabbed his hand, as the two of them entered an empty room. she made sure there was no one in there or out there and quickly asked the male.

''how was your lovely trip with the prince?''she looked up, in a tone jeongguk to understand what is she talking about. and she knew about all of it, because jeongguk himself told her everything about the prince of the ice kingdom.

''hwasa, aren't you a bit too pit-'' the girl put her finger on his lips to make him shut and said''nope'' as she popped the 'p' in the end. ''talk what happened now.''

''I really don't have the time to--''

''you guys kissed, didn't you?''she guessed almost the moment she noticed the male was trying not to talk about this.

''shut your mouth or I will kill you but my own if anyone hears''he whisper-yelled at her, and put her away from the door, in case if someone would try to listen.

''you did it! I knew it! I haven't seen you smiling since we were kids jeongguk-ah!'' she jumped on the bed and crossed her legs. ''talk in details''

jeongguk left a deep sigh and confrimed'' we..we did kiss, is it enough for you?''

''don't worry, gguk-ah. I was the same when I used to be with my solar too''she warmly smiled and tapped the place next to her on the bed.

jeongguk saw it and went over to sit beside her. ''you mean?''

''what I mean is, you still can't believe, don't you?''

''yah..I guess I can't..''

''don't worry, gguk-ah. your lovely cousin hwasa will help''she placed her palm on his back and started trailing it up and down for comfort. ''i've been thru it. I won't let anything bad to happen between you two''

''why are you doing it?''he managed to ask her, as hwasa basically named her a proffesionalist in all the stuff with relationships.

''because being a royal is hard. and being in love, with someone that you can't be is the worst, gguk. that's why I hate the fact I was born in the kingdom...''she sighed.

''imagine the life if we were not royals. just imagine what it would be likely to even not live in Azrel. I would still be with solar, to know she is alive and safe. you would have the perfect happily ever after with taehyung, without the fear to be caught..''

''we didn't choose to be royals, hwasa. it's fa-''

''don't tell me the 'fate' shit. you know I don't believe in the moon goddess over it. it is true, and you know it. you wish to not be a royal and..and live peacefully.''

''I think it's useless to talk about it, cousin.''he sat up, while hwasa looked up at the standing male. ''I do have..feelings towards taehyung. probably emotions I would never feel with someone else..''he sighed once again.

''but..all of this with the arrange marriage..how am I supposed to break him like this? I can't even imagine how his heart will be broken, seeing me to marry someone I almost don't even know.''

''all I could give to taehyung is pain...and..''

''and what jeongguk?''

''and the love he is willing...it would hurt even more if I love him more. I don't even think that everything with the kiss was right..''

''jeongguk, listen to me'' the older girl sat up again and faced up jeongguk, cupping his cheeks.'' im no one to tell you who you should love or not. but gguk, Ive neverseen you so happy in my life. and this boy is worth. I will help you, only to keep you and the kim taehyung together.''

''please, gguk. don't give up so easily of the name of love''

''will it be love, knowing that I would break his heart? and I will never let myself to face him after this, because I will be even more broken than him?''

''that is why we won't let this happen. because you need taehyung, and he will need you the most. we will do anything so neither you or him will be broken, okay? don't let go of taehyung, not now or ever''

''heard me?''hwasa asked, after their deep conversation. the male only nodded, but hwasa said'' repeat it, jeongguk. say it and admit it''

''I won't let go of taehyung..''he started.

''and I will do anything to not break him, and I will give him the love he is willing for.''



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