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an ;; gjgjud please comment your thoughts, i just need to know what y'all think <3

have you heard that if you remember your dream, it might either happen in the future or mean something deep?

well, indeed, it was a fact.

taehyung had the same dream all over again. again and again until he fully memorized it. it surely had a meaning, that he clearly understood. that soon he will die.

there would be him, seeing people run..they were always terrified. he would see burning houses, kingdoms set in total chaos and the people actually dying. there would be jeongguk, crying over him and saving him...well, jeongguk was at least trying to save him.

but until this morning, taehyung senses what was happening to him.

the tree of the magical elements was always appearing on his mind. it was surrounded by dark magic which would mean nothing good. it was presumed the tree will die any time soon.

not only this, but taehyung was not feeling his body at all. that's why he made his decision.

before he left, he wrote a note to jeongguk. as the most important thing after all the words he tried to express how much he means for him, was that it is his choice. the least the boy would want is for jeongguk to be regretting, to be blaming himself and slowly lose his mind.

whilst jeongguk was still sleeping, taehyung felt sorry. he felt sorry for jeongguk, because he never deserved it. none of them deserved it...but in the end, fate is stronger.

he was getting suffocated, slowly and painfully. no matter how much he ran, he felt that when he takes one step onwards, it's actually three steps forward.

the first thing was to make sure he was far from everything. from jeongguk, from the magical tree, from the kingdom- from everything possible he can either hurt or destroy.

his legs were giving up and he was not even close to the borders. taehyung felt like crying, because his breathing was getting harder. ''c-come on tae..just a little bit more.'' he said breathlessly, putting his hand over his chest to feel how fast was the heartbeat.

from not so far, the borders of existing Azrel were seen. that was his little hope to run even faster and maybe save everyone.

a sharp pain in the chest appeared, making his run slow down until he started walking. he was even barely walking even. his head started spinning, hands shaking and lips started trembling from the thought what was about to happen. ''n-no..n-not yet..'' he left a tear and tried to make one more step, but he felt as if something was pulling him on the ground.

his left knee gave up and fell on the ground, his body not able to move anymore. his eyes were looking at the borders, his hand pointing there. but everything was getting even more blur, not only from his tears falling down, but from the fact he was feeling dizzy.

but in the end, he fainted. and sadly for him, this was not the end.

the moment he fainted, taehyung found himself in empty black space. he thought it was possibly a nightmare again, but it was just his mind.

his mind was blank, just him and...erebus.

''I've told you,'' the deep voice, owned by erebus, approached and taehyung looked around him just to see..nothing. ''you will give up in the end.''

''n-no, I'm not giving up.'' he shakily said, turning on left and right from the sounds buzzling in his ears. he groaned in pain when he heard a broken high-pitched noises.

''you can not resist to a god, child.'' erebus's mysterious figure walked to taehyung, who curled himself in a ball on the ground, pressing his hands to his ears and yelling from pain. ''you got to your final point of weakness.''

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