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(not edited guys, dont judge)

It's hard to explain our feelings sometimes. and the age doesnt help much. or in jeongguk's situation, where his future is supposed to be  . to marry a princes with big walth from her father and to rule over his kingdom. the fire kingdom in azrel. his life changed in a light of flash, so quick. only with one stare at a boy named kim taehyung. 

and as he started slowly realising how he changed, how taehyung changed him. his personality has become more soft towards the others, because of taehyung's positive energy. still the others needed to feel fear from him. althought even if he is in a fight with the boy or not -- he will need to be competitive & arrogant


''Guk..it..it's really beautiful here'' taehyung observed the nature beauty around him. every flower, every type of animal, every piece of the grass. it was magical place, he had never been there before

''maybe we should fight more often so you could bring me to places like this'' the boy giggled as he went to take a look of a specific flower that caught his eye from the moment they were to this peace place

''you wish, we never fight again kim taehyung. you act like a tottal-''

''can we not begin again, my mood is better and don't want to ruin it. do you?'' he turned beside to see the future king, still standing while the other was kneeled down.

''come, i want to show you something'' he gently grabbed taehyung's hand who raised it up to be standed up ''so, to make it more interesting.'' he covered his eyes with his hands so taehyung wouldn't be able to see

''aish, is this some kind of a revenge? last time i covered your eyes-'' jeongguk wanted to return the suprise taehyung did to him on this specific morning, where this was the first night they slept togetther, cuddled and laying under the tree

''dont ruin the moment, okay?'' the wishpered behing taehyung's ear, making his whole body ache. 

the boy obeyed and stayed quiet, listening to the singing nature around him. this forest couldn't be as his. it had more life. it was more magical. and still, jeongguk had to choose a special place for someone special

''open your eyes, snow white'' he had forgotten he ever called taehyung by this nickname. it was a while, maybe he had to think of a better one

 it was a while, maybe he had to think of a better one

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all the surroundings were in purple. even the sky looked more violet. there was a glorious tree in the middle with small spots shining. some fairies were flying around and other mythical creatures as well. it was more than magical.

''this is the tree of life'' jeongguk started ''it may look like a small simple tree, but they say the life started from it. every little mythical creature had been created here and found their places.''

''they say the tree was placed here by our moon goddess when she was living in our world. when she was still a mortal. they say this heals the nature, because the tree is given from the goddess.''

''everything started from this tree, all the magic in azrel has began with a thousands of years old purple tree. isn't it incredible?''

''all the magic is kept in a tree'' he finished, glaring at taehyung while hugging him in back.

''I-i thought this was just a myth...i thought the tree was burdened...'' he mouthed in shock with the reason when he used to be younger he was extremely interested about that tree. his mother although said the tree was gone. maybe she said it with a reason?

''ive never heard such thing. it's just that not many people know where is the tree, thats why you haven't probably heard of this forest as well. and not everyone can come here?''

''let me guess, only royals can?''

''exactly, because we have the 'blue' blood or the royality blood because we own the elementals. you own the ice elemental, i own the fire. that's why we can enter here''

''what about the others?the people from the villages?''

''they can not, even if they find the spot, they wont be able to see it. it's hidden with a magic made from the white wizard, thats why''

''alright i think i got too much information for one day '' he giggled and melted in jeongguk's hug

''can i- touch it?'' he pointed at the tree right in front of him

''of course you can'' he smiled at him and loosened the grip

but when he pressed his hand on the tree, it hurt him so bad that burned his gloved. in pain he hid his hand in his chest and covered it with his robe, so jeongguk wont notice the black lines, even he had seen them before ''w-what happened...'' he said terrified, keeping his hand hard because it hurt like h*ll.

''i-i'm not sure..it's not supposed to act this way..you own the elementals..this is quite strange'' he said looking at the spot where he touched, but there was nothing. he then looked at taehyung who had fallen on the ground.

''hey are you okay-'' he was just going to check on his hand if he's injured when he backed away

''i-im fine..don't worry..''

''look tae, i don't want to start the argument again. I want you to know that no matted what is wrong, I will support you in any way. okay?'' he warmly smiled, supringly he smiled so warmly that made taehyung blush. he got a nod in response and then got a hug from the boy who always makes him blush like a tomato.


*a few hours ago*

'in what a mess im getting myself in' jeongguk thought as he left the house in the . where lived the wich he had knows since young. well, he could tell this was a woman he can trust about stuff or poisons to get. now he had to get a specific necklake wich could let him enter the ice kingdom without anyone from there to feel or realise it

his plan was to act some kind of romantic ;; to knock on the window of taehyung's room and show him a special place for a special person.

his plan was to act some kind of romantic ;; to knock on the window of taehyung's room and show him a special place for a special person

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