Kanyou's War - Empty Shell

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Impa woke to the sound of someone beating on her door, hard. Not once or twice, but constantly. Whoever it was he was beating on her door hard enough to shake it on its hinges and kept going until he got her attention.

It was urgent.

Impa jumped out of bed, grabbed her short-blade from beside her bed, and bolted to the door. She threw it open, her blade already drawn. In the darkness of the night, her eyes struggled to adjust quickly to the blinding torch-light that met her, but immediately she smelled blood and saw the red stains covering the man's clothes and arms. He was panting and could barely get a word out.

The palace guard outside her door stood alert and ready, waiting for whatever decision she would make based on this newcomer.

Impa covered her eyes with a hand, dimming the light of the torch from her pupils. A moment later, she knew him. "Shi Ketsu! Are you hurt?!"

"Not I-" He gasped out. He dropped his hands down to his knees, struggling to stand. Sweat poured from his face and the torch fell from his hands to the ground. One of the guards reached down swiftly and picked it up. "Another! I need the royal doctors!"

"Where?" Impa asked.

"My home in the inner city."

A million questions raced through her mind. Clearly it was urgent from his composure and the beating he made on her door, but the blood explained some of it. She didn't know who. She didn't know why. All she knew was Zelda trusted him, he needed Impa's aid, and it was a matter of life or death.

Despite her Sheikah nature, the questions could come later.

Impa nodded, "Let us go." She took a moment to grab a robe to cover herself, strapped on some shoes, and ran out with Ketsu in tow. The group of royal guard set to protect her chased after them as well.

They made it to the doctors quickly. While there were doctors among the civilian populace, the best and most prestigious were given positions in the palace. Perhaps a bit of a greedy desire on the part of the royal family, one that rendered the doctors with little to do from day to day, but on this occassion allowed easy access when Impa needed them.

The doctor had a harder time waking then she had, but on seeing the blood covering Shi Ketsu and with Impa's permission, he set himself to gathering what he needed.

"What happened?" The doctor asked. "What am I dealing with?"

"An arrow and deep piercing from a blade."

"Where on the body? Man or Woman? How old?"

"Arrow is in the back near the center-point, the blade pierced near the stomach, its a young girl, almost at adulthood." Shi Ketsu explained urgently. "Anything more?"

"Yes, how long?" The doctor shut tight his carrying box after hastily grabbing a number of tools and wraps and alchohol and accupunture needles and other equipment. "I can see from you that its been some hours that you have tried to tend to her alone."

Shi gulped. "I... She arrived on my doorstep two nights ago. I've struggled with my limited knowledge to help her. I paid some kids to find doctors, as I could not leave her alone even for a second, but the only doctor willing to come upon hearing my name declared it too late. So I rushed here myself."

"This girl is alone, then?" Impa asked. Shi nodded quickly, growing gastly pale with worry.

Impa pointed at a guard, "Go and get my carriage!" The guard nodded and rushed out to fulfill the order.

"Let us hurry, then. Its a wonder she hasn't died yet. We may be too late as it is." The doctor grabbed the last of what he needed and hastened out the door.

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