Dragmire's War - Assassination

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-Mitagi Estate, Link-

Link could not sleep. He could barely keep his eyes closed. He was used to being anxious, but the knowledge that he would be trained by the greatest general in Qin's history threatened to make him lose his mind! How could anyone sit still in such situations!? Link did push ups until his arms collapsed, ran up and down the long hallway making the boards rattle until his neighbour threatened to beat him senseless, swung Midna (still in the sheath) until his sweaty grip loosened and it flew through the paper thin wall and hit his neighbour in the shins.

The following morning Ouki's messenger showed up to find Link was exhausted, had no sleep, and waa covered in bruises.

"What happened to you?" The messenger asked.

"He fell down some stairs." The neighbour grumbled.

"I fell down some stairs." Link guiltily agreed, with a wide smile.

The messenger looked at them, confused. There were no stairs there. "No matter," he decided. "Lord Ouki requests your presence."

"Sweet! Let's go!" Link exclaimed. All of his energy briefly returned, his angry neighbour forgotten, and he ran down the way the messenger had come.

Ouki and his blond friend were waiting with a set of three horses. Ouki's horse was large, and brown. The blond's horse was small and spotted. The third horse was by far the smallest, little more than a golden-brown pony.

"Lord Ouki, may I present Lord Link." The messenger politely motioned to the boy.

Link may have felt the urge to puff out his chest. He could get used to being called a lord.

Ouki chuckled, "Don't let it get to your head, brat. He was being polite." He motioned to the horse. "I presume you know how to ride?"

"Pft, of course!" Link scoffed. "Who doesn't?"

Link walked up to the pony as he spoke. He immediately whispered, "Please, for the love of Naryu behave! Please, oh please, oh please! I'll give you a bushel of carrots if you do!"

The ponies ears perked up at the word 'carrot'. Link started to climb on. Technically he knew how to ride. He had ridden farm animals plenty of times. The problem came after where he would always be kicked off. His track record with animals was just short of abysmal.

Link closed his eyes as soon as he sat on the stirrup, waiting to be thrown off and embarrassed in front of his idol. A moment passed. Another. Link risked opening one eye... and he was still on!

"Yes!" Link raised his hands and cheered in victory.

"I thought you said you knew how to ride?" Ouki mocked him childishly.

"Shut it!" Realizing his mistake in tone, Link quickly added, "My Lord, Sir!"

Ouki merely laughed rather than be offended. "Cheeky brat!" His eyes widened maliciously and his smile turned predatory. Ice shot down Link's spine. "I look forward to taming you."

Link gulped. He was in for it now.

The dangerous tone lifted as quick as it appeared. "So! Let us go! I have special training in mind for you, oh friend of the Princess!"

"Yeaaah..." Link cheered far weaker than before. He felt his mouth may have screwed him over this time. Was he being given special training just because he told the man to shut it? Link feared so.

Ouki, the Englishman, and Link rode out into the country. They passed military tents and groups of soldiers training. Hundreds of men ran together while singing military songs, hundreds more shot arrows into targets, hundreds more wrestled in sand, hundreds more fought with sword or shield or spear or axe on foot, and yet hundreds more fought on horseback. With each group, Link thought they were the ones he was being escorted to. Surely he would learn the bow? No, they passed by. Surely the sword and shield or spear? He had a sword and had some experience, but once again this proved to not be it. He was convinced he would be thrown in the group of horsemen, he was on a small horse after all! The horse was small and he was small, but he would give it his all! But still, no. They passed all these groups and rode out into the country.

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