The King's War - Hubris

216 31 141

-Kanyou, Capital of Qin-

Chancellor Ryo stood to the side of the court, observing. Observe as opposed to merely watching. Many in the court might attend, but not perceive. Many would see, but not act or consider. Ryo was an observant person in that he saw much, examined all, and moved when necessary.

The king had died two days earlier. In his place on the throne was High Prince Kyou. As he was but a child of eight, he was not old enough to become king. He would be inaugurated at twenty-two if he lasted that long. Ryo predicted he would be easy to control, but only on the surface. Kyou hated Ryo.

Hate, in the definition, that the singular existence of Ryo was an abomination to the heir. Everything Ryo was, everything he stood for, everything he had accomplished, everything he desired, whether good or bad, all of it the heir despised for the single reason that Ryo was not noble-born, but was common-born. A common-born who had ascended to be over Kyou during all of his young life. Hate was something Ryo could use, but not when it was this much.

Beside Kyou stood Chancellor Ketsu. Ketsu was Ryo's only equal in court due to his heritage. Ryo held no trust in the idea the man deserved his place.

Chancellor Ketsu shared many of the same beliefs as Prince Kyou, and through it, they forged a formal relationship. Ketsu gave Kyou his full and open support and received the high prince's favor.

Ryo beat a scroll into his open palm at a rhythmic beat. He hoped Impa would succeed. He had prepared for the contingency that she would fail, but fate would be much more pleasant for Qin if she managed. Troublesome times were ahead if this child, in both age and maturity, became king.

As Ryo pondered it, the heir once again proved his age.

"State your grievance?" Chancellor Ketsu said.

The man to step forward was the governor of Baou, Lord Danshi. Baou was a city to the east near the border of Qin and Zhao.

As soon as he was half-way in the room, Lord Danshi bowed with his nose to the ground. He spoke aloud to be heard with his face against the ground, "My lord, my prince, I come from Baou. Providence flows from your divine hands, and your head is crowned with the holy realms. Your subject merely requests that some of the providence that flows freely from your palm may extend once more to Baou. You see..."

He pulled a currency note from his pocket and extended it across the floor without lifting his face from the stone.

Lord Danish continued to kneel, "Your shining face is most fitting upon this paper. It honors us for each man to have you in our hands, but there is just one... concern that my people have voiced. Your subjects are exchanging the notes of your father's face -Realms bless his soul- for your notes at a rate of fifty-to-one."

Chancellor Ryo's eyebrows shifted up in surprise. Briefly, he eyed Chancellor Ketsu. Ryo was in charge of Qin's economic structure in the late king's reign, but he wouldn't put it past Ketsu and Kyou to subvert him. The currency exchange was more than just a new currency handed out to the people. The transfer was a complete invasion of Ryo's economic territory. Taxes, import, export, banking guilds, and the rate of note printing, coins pressing, and rupee shaping helped make Qin what it was. All this was in Ryo's possession and was where Ketsu and Kyou were going first.

They genuinely didn't like him.

"What concern is this to me?" Prince Kyou wondered.

"Well, my lord. The people of Baou are already deprived. Being near the border of Zhao, we have to contend with raiders and-"

"And by being on the border we give an enormous percentage of our taxes and money to you." Chancellor Ketsu replied. "Tell me, Lord Danshi. Did we not sent wheat when your fields burned?"

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