Chapter 1

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James Herondale felt the dizzying blur of the ballroom come to a stop. The colourful gowns stopped twirling; the excited chatter came to silence. He looked to the entrance of the room, his focus direct, and his heart began to beat faster. The boy forgot his surroundings, his purpose, his partner, and headed for his desire. Nothing could prevent him from reaching her, and as he moved, the rest of the ballroom began moving again. The on-lookers were shocked by his abandonment- his mother, his father, his friends- the events were most improper of a gentleman. No one, however, was more shocked than Cordelia Carstairs, the poor woman he had left alone, stranded in the ballroom.

Felicity Blackthorn stepped into the ballroom, holding up her chin, scanning the room. Her golden hair spilled over her shoulders and ran down her back, in soft curls. The grand hall was decorated with exquisite blue hangings, and lights were hung beautifully across the ceiling. Slow music came from a string orchestra at the end of the room, and couples were dancing across the floor.  Heads turned, and the music slowed, as all eyes were upon her family. Felicity stood by her Mother, Tatiania Blackthorn, and began to remember all the things she had been told since being a child. 'The Herondales are evil' and, 'Your family were the ones to kill your grandfather'-  Felicity wiped her sweating palms on her rosy pink dress, and turned to her. 

'May I dance, Mother?'. Ignoring her, Tatiania Blackthorn brushed past, walking away from the couple coming towards them. Felicity smiled at the pair; 'Good evening Tessa,' she said to the woman. Despite looking only twenty, Felicity knew that this was Tessa Gray, a famous Warlock famous for defeating 'Mortmain' and his clockwork creatures, around twenty years ago. She had light brown hair and a pretty face, and stood by her was a tall man in his forty's, with black hair and eyes the colour of lilacs. This was Will Herondale, Tessa's devoted husband. 'Mr. Herondale,' Felicity said, greeting him politely; she had never met Will Herondale, though he was extremely famous and well known for his good looks. He smiled down at her, nodding his head. 

'I do hope you enjoy the party, dear,' Tessa said kindly, and Felicity smiled up at her; 'I'm sure I will Tessa', hiding her shaking hands. She had been kept away from the Nephilim her entire life living in Idris with her mother and sister. She had never spoken to anyone other than her family, and she was finally near other people her age. She cared for her sister, but had never been interested in the same things as her, and Grace had no desire in being close. The only person she has ever contacted was Tessa, who she had been writing letters to for years; she saw her as a mother.  Tessa smiled kindly, and walked away to greet arriving guests.

Felicity stood alone for a second, taking in the picture before her. Everyone was casting glances at the Blackthorns, and in the center of the room stood a pretty girl with dark red hair, however she was wearing a dreadful lilac dress. Everyone around her was in pairs, dancing to the music, but this girl was alone. Felicity wondered what she was doing, until she saw the boy with black hair moving quickly across the ballroom, who had clearly just left her stranded. The Blackthorn girl immediately felt sorry for her, standing alone. This would be seen as extremely shameful- the boy hadn't even given her a second look as he shot off! Felicity soon realised that the boy was headed towards her, but as he reached closer, he moved to the left of Felicity, to her sister, Grace. 

Grace Blackthorn had pale blonde hair, and silver eyes. She had an interesting face, and it was unwelcoming. The boy however, seemed to not care, as he walked straight up to her, taking her hand, asking for a dance. She looked at Tatiana, who seemed displeased, however, nodded as a sign of approval. Felicity watched in disbelief- they had only been there for two minutes, and her sister had already caught the eye of a man! Then again, Grace had always been the favorite. Mother had entrusted all her secrets to Felicity's sister, whilst telling her nothing.  Grace was whisked away by the black-haired boy, and Felicity was left by the door. 

She gathered up her skirts- she was wearing an elegant, pink ballgown- and walked to the left of the room, climbing a staircase leading her to an indoor balcony, which looked over the floor. Felicity saw a group of girls, gossiping and giggling- she did not wants friends like those- they didn't seem to care for each other. Another group was filled with adults; she saw Tessa along with Will, talking to a man and woman, and they were all laughing. Suddenly, Felicity realised that the red-haired girl was no longer alone. A tall man, perhaps seventeen, moved quickly through the dancers and caught her up in his arms, trying to make it appear as though they had been dancing together all along. He had golden, slightly curled hair, and was wearing a gorgeous, deep scarlet waistcoat. Felicity smiled; he had saved the poor girl from humiliation.

'Kind of him, wasn't it, saving her? James is kind at heart, but acts before he thinks.' Felicity turned at the sound of a confident, teasing voice. Behind her stood a tall, beautiful woman, with sleek, short black hair, and dark blue eyes, the same colour as Will Herondale's. The Blackthorn girl looked her up and down in surprise- she was wearing a man's suit and trousers, and looked astonishingly striking doing so. Felicity smiled up and the girl, and said: 'Yes, extremely. I was starting to feel rather worried for her.' The girl raised her eyebrows in surprise; 'I haven't seen you before, I'm Anna Lightwood,' and stretched out her arm, Felicity took her hand and shook it, introducing herself. 'A Blackthorn?', Anna said, 'you seem nice for a Blackthorn. And interesting. This may be rather quick, seeing as we have only just met, but would you care to join me for tea tomorrow morning? We are having a picnic, and I would love for you to attend it with me.'

Felicity stood in slight shock- could this really be happening? A smile broke across her face as she answered: 'Of course! I would love that.' Anna winked and nodded to say goodbye, but just as she turned, Felicity suddenly felt the urge to tap her on the shoulder. 'Sorry- but could you tell me who that man is- the one who saved the girl?'

'Oh, the one dancing with Cordelia? That's the Consul's son, Matthew. Matthew Fairchild.'

Stranded In The Ballroom~ Matthew FairchildWhere stories live. Discover now