True Love's Kiss

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Pansy was with Daphne and Millicent at the new boutique in Hogsmeade, trying to find some new heels to wear to the Graduation Ball. She was watching Daphne almost losing balance in some way too high heels, not even Pans would venture herself with something like that.

She then heard an annoying little voice. "I knew he would wake up and choose me! It just took a few months. Now he's taking me to the Ball" Hannah Abbot was saying with a smug from across the shop.

Pansy stopped, the glass slipper she was holding slipping from her hands, the only reason it did not shatter was because Millie summoned it. "I think Charlie would go mad if I wore these! Don't you think, Pans?" The other Slytherin was saying, but Pansy eyes were glued to the blonde Hufflepuff on the other side of the shop.

She could not be speaking about Neville, could she? Hannah Abbott was obsessed with Neville and had been a rock on her shoe for the better part of the year, but Neville assured Pansy that he only had eyes and heart for the raven-haired Slytherin.

Pansy ran out of the shop, in direction of the Three Broomsticks where her boyfriend was having a butterbeer with friends. "Tell me it's not true?!" She yelled, fire burning into the blue of her eyes.

"I... what are you talking about, Parkinson?"

Pansy's heart shattered at that moment, but she would not shed a tear, he would not break her like that. Not in a public place.

"Neville? What are you saying?" Hermione Granger asked, confusion evident on her face as she placed one hand over Neville's elbow. "It's Pansy... You have not called her Parkinson in so long. You made me and her start calling each other by our first names instead of the last..."

"I know who she is. I don't understand why she's asking me questions like that." Neville said, his eyes not focusing on either of the two women.

"I'm your girlfriend, you fool! I have been for the last 6 months!" Pansy's right hand hit the table, loudly.

"No... It can't be... I'm in love with Hannah. You're mistaken!" He said looking around, probably trying to catch a glimpse of the blonde.

"Was she here? Earlier?" Pansy directed her question to Hermione, knowing she was more capable to give her the answers she needed.

The Gryffindor girl nodded. "Yes... she came with Ernie!"

Pansy turned to look at the Hufflepuff, and she could see him wrinkling in fear. If she was not so mad at Hannah and worried about Neville she would smirk at the boy's reaction. "Spill it, Macmillan! Now!" Ernest just sighed and took a little vial from his pocket. "You bastard, a love potion?"

Pansy snatched the empty vial, reading the label. "Fucking Weasleys and their jokes, these should be illegal! And punished by the Auror office, but you can bend the rules when your baby brother is there, right?"

"Pansy, it will be okay. They have antidotes and some of them will disappear after some hours or days..." Hermione said, taking the vial from Pansy's hand.

"A few days? That's not acceptable! This is my boyfriend, and he shall take me to the Graduation Ball in two days!"

"I can't be your boyfriend... I love-" Seamus covered Neville's mouth with his hand. Pansy thanked him with a nod.

"It's their true love line... the potion supposedly wears off with a true love kiss," Hermione said.

"I will ki- jinx those two fools myself! True love kiss? Is this one of those muggle magic movies you speak about, Hermione?" Pansy asked, and the blush on the other girl's cheeks was answer enough.

The Slytherin moved forward, holding Neville's face as he struggled. She kissed him, barely a peck on his lips and he stopped trying to move away, his arms wrapping themselves around her waist instead. And Pansy sighed of relief, letting the sound be swallowed by his lips when he deepened the kiss.

When they pulled away, Pansy could not stop herself from smiling, her anger evaporating as his hazel eyes focused on her. "Hi, love. I just had the strangest dream."

The girl just jumped into his lap, holding him tight and letting herself be held, his hands stroking her back. "Are you going to the Graduation Ball with me?" She asked, barely a whisper.

Neville kissed her cheek. "Of course, Pans. There's no one else, you know that." 

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