Step on My Feet

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The Great Hall was decorated like an Enchanted Forest, mysterious, magical, romantic but still elegant. Trees, moss, flowers, ivy, and topiaries adorned the room in tones of green and brown with gold and light pink accents. There were twinkling stars all around, from the ceiling to the walls, to the floors. Illuminating the paths that lead from the entry archway to the dance zone, the dining zone and mingling zone.

Pansy could see that most of the 7th and 8th years had already arrived. It seems Daphne makeup was not ruined as she danced with Blaise. Millie and the Dragon Tamer Weasley were snuggled on a loveseat.

Neville kissed her shoulder. "I have not seen Charlie in some time..."

Pansy grinned at him. "Are you sure? I think Potter and the Auror Weasley are around somewhere..."

"I will start working with Harry and Ron in just a few weeks. They will be a rock on my shoe soon enough..." He assured her with a smirk and led them through the different trees until the sitting area.

"Pans!" Millie called getting up on a jump and hugging her friend. "You came!"

"Of course, I came, it's our Graduation Ball. I did not endure 8 years in this school to miss it!"

"I knew Neville was going to be able to get you out of your room!" Millicent grinned and raised one hand to touch her necklace. "Did he bribe you with some new jewellery?"

Pansy looked at her boyfriend for confirmation. He just smiled, brought her hand to his lips, and went back to talk with Charlie Weasley.

"Neville gifted them to me... they belonged to his mother." The Slytherin told her friend who grinned and hugged her again. Millicent Bulstrode was definitely tipsy, she became a hugger when she had a glass of firewhiskey. Pansy hated it!

"Millie, let's go dance... and let Neville and Pansy enjoy the ball as well! This one is much nicer than the one I had in my graduation year!" Charlie said, pulling his girlfriend to the next section.

Neville pulled Pansy down into the armchair he was sitting on. "Maybe I should have not told Millie... she can be such a gossip when she's been drinking."

"Good," Neville whispered against her lips. "I want them all to know that you're mine and I'm yours."

"You seem very pleased with that!"

"Very very much... Now... Would my girlfriend like to dance?"

Neville and Pansy danced for a couple of songs and then shared an amazing meal. And it was all Pansy could have wanted for her last night at Hogwarts.

"Malfoy, why do you keep staring at Pansy!" Granger said and Pansy chuckled.

"Jealous, Granger, are we? That Theo is not here looking at you?" Draco asked.

"No, of course not, Malfoy. But it's unsettling! What are you even looking at?" Granger said, but her eyes shifted to the table across the room. And Hermione waved at her boyfriend.

"Her necklace... it's new."

"Drakey, dear, if you must know, Neville gave it to me -"

"Who would say Neville had such good taste in jewellery?" Draco seemed impressed.

"It was his mother's," Pansy said and kissed Neville's cheek.

Draco dropped his glass, the elf wine they were having with their desert spilling itself on the table. "For Godric's sake, Malfoy! Are you a child?" Granger asked, vanishing his mess. "What's the problem with Neville gifting it to Pansy?"

"The problem? The problem, Granger? Is that by pureblood law they're as good a betrothed now!" Draco said, eating a large bit of his cake.

"Well, I'm sure you will be the first-person Pansy invites to the wedding. Don't you worry your pretty blonde hair!" Hermione dismissed the thought like it meant nothing and got up to find Theo.

"One more dance, love?" Neville whispered on her ear, playing with a strand of hair

Pansy nodded and let him lead her to the dance floor. They were already dancing when she lost her balance. Neville tightened his hold on her. "You're okay, Pans?"

Pansy just groaned, leaning her forehead against his shoulder. "I think one of my heels just broke... I can't believe this..."

Neville kissed her forehead. "Nothing a spell won't fix, I'm sure."

"No... they have a core of goblin-wrought silver..." She pouted.

Neville kneeled down and helped her slip out of the shoes "Step on my feet...We can keep dancing like this."

Pansy smiled at him, confused. She had never done anything like that, but she was looking forward to it.

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