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Jughead POV

I was sitting in pop's with sweet pea fangs and Toni

"Ok I like Iris how do I ask her out?" fangs asked

"Um no she's mine" sweet pea said

"Ok but I like her too" I said looking at sweet pea

"Ok lets talk this out you three all like iris and she wouldn't want to hurt any of you and she's into poly" Toni said

"Are you saying we share her?" fangs asked Toni nodded

"Ya I mean talk to her she wouldn't mind" Toni said I looked at fangs and sweet pea to see them looking at me

"Ok if its fine with jughead we will try" sweet pea said I nodded

"Ya sure" I said standing up we all walked to her trailer and knocked on the door

"Well hello boys come on in" she said opening the door we walked in and saw her trailer had two rooms in it she walked to one of the doors and closed it

"Sorry Rickey is asleep I want him to wake up he had a hard night" she said walking too her couch. We all sat down

"Can we talk to you about something?" I asked she nodded

"Ya what's up?" she asked

"Ok uh how do I say this uh... We all like you and we were hoping we could all date so you don't have to pick" fangs said she looked shocked

Iris POV


"You want to have a poly relationships?" I asked they all nodded

"Ya uh if your fine with it" jughead said

"Yes" I said kissing there cheeks they started to blush

"See boys I told you she wouldn't mind" Toni said walking in Rickey walked out of his room

"Hi bub how did you sleep?" I asked my little brother rickey

"Great I had a good dream" Rickey said I smiled

"I'm happy are you hungry?" I asked he nodded

"Can we go to pops" he asked I looked at the other boys they nodded same with Toni

"Ya we can go get dressed" I said as he walked to his room

"Thank you boys" I said looking at my boys I kissed fangs he kissed back then I kissed sweets and the jughead

"Lets go" Rickey said I smiled and walked out to my bike with Rickey he got on and we drove to pops

"Hi pop tate how are you today?" I asked

"I'm good how are you?" he asked

"I'm doing great" I said smiling walking over to my booth and sitting down with the boys and Toni

"You know pop?" jughead asked me and Rickey nodded

"He raised us" I said as he brought over our food

"Hey pop do you want me and my serpents to repaint the shop?" I asked

"If you could would you I'm to old to do it" he said I nodded

"We will be here tomorrow morning at 8" I said he smiled

"Thank you kid" he said walking away then the bell chimes saying someone has entered jughead looked up then hurried and looked away I looked and saw Archie and his girl and betty

"Hey you will be ok" I said grabbing his hand he nodded I kissed him he smiled Then I did the same to fangs and sweets

"Were trying to eat" Rickey said we all started laughing

"Rickey little rickey" I said taking his cherry

"Hey that was mine sissy" he wined

"I'm sorry you can have it back" I said putting the cherry on his shake

"Babe there looking" jughead said

"Hey pop can we please get so to go boxes?" I asked he nodded I got up and got then I felt betty getting scared looking at my jacket

"Here you go kid" he said handing them to me

"Thank you pop we will be here to paint pops again what colors do you want it?" I asked

"The same as before" he said I nodded

"Ok we will be here to repaint it tomorrow" I said he smiled

"Thank you again" he said

"Always pop you raised me" I said smiling I walked back to see the lodge girl looking scared same with betty I smirked.

"Here you are boys" I said handing the boxes to them they put there food in them and we got up I grabbed jugheads hand then sweets and sweets grabbed fangs hand. We walked out and walked over to our bikes and got on and drove home

The next day

Iris POV

I was painting pops back to normal with my serpents helping me. Then my phone started to ring

Iris: hey Joaquin how are you?

Joa: I'm good just wanted to call you I miss you and Rickey

Iris: can you come home?

Joa: no I can't I'm sorry if I do I'm in jail

Iris: ok that's fine I love you be safe

Joa: I love you tell Rickey I love him too

He said hanging up I smiled and started painting again I saw Archie and jughead they looked like they were fighting I walked over to them

"Hey boys is there a problem?" I asked

"No babe its nothing" jughead said

"Your dating her?" Archie asked

"Is there a problem with our girl?" sweet pea asked walking up to me with fangs

"Your all dating her?" Archie asked getting mad

"Well red were doing a. Job so we need to get back to it by by" I said. He shook his head and walked off

"I'm sorry" jughead said

"You have no reason to be sorry" I said kissing his cheek he smiled I walked over to the dinner and started painting it again after a few hours it was all done pop walked out and tried giving us money

"No pop keep your money I wanted to do this its on me" I said he nodded and walked back into the shop

"Lets go my serpents" I said to my serpents we all got on our bikes and drove back to the south side

Her Serpents. (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now