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Hey guys!! Okay so I'm trying out this new story and I hope you like it!

Chapter 1

[Cleo's P.O.V.]

" I threw a wish in the well,

Don't ask me, I'll never tell

I looked to you as it fell,

And now you're in my way"

Ace and I turned to each other mouthing the lyrics, while my dad and my other brother Ezra nodded their heads." Hey dad turn it up!"

" you got it kiddo!" my dad said and he turned up the volume in the car.

"I'd trade my soul for a wish,

Pennies and dimes for a kiss

I wasn't looking for this,

But now you're in my way" Ezra turned around in his seat and looked at Ace and I. We belted out the next part together.

" Your stare was holding

Ripped jeans, skin was showing

Hot night, wind was blowing

Where you think you're going baby?

Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy

But here's my number, so call me maybe

It's hard to look right, at you baby

But here's my number, so call me maybe

Hey, I just met you, and this is crazy

But here's my number, so call me maybe

And all the other boys, try to chase me

But here's my number, so call me -" we all stopped singing when we heard tires screeching. Ezra turned around in is seat to face the road.

" Dad what's happening?!" I asked

" I don't know the tires won't get back on track, the roads are really slippery! Hold on guys!" my dad said in a panic. I searched blindly for Ace's hand, and soon found it squeezing it really hard. The car started to spin out of control and then at the speed we were going at we bounced off of a brick wall, causing the car to start rolling. I closed my eyes tightly, hoping that it was just a bad dream and that I would wake up in my bed. Once the car stopped rolling I hit my head on my window. I was in a lot of pain everywhere. I opened my eyes to see that I was squished up against my side of the car and I felt really heavy. I craned my neck around to see Ace laying on me. I stared at him for a good minute until I could find my voice.

" Ace? dad? Ezra?" I said my voice sounding weak. I got nothing for an answer. So I shook Ace getting nervous.

" Ace come on this isn't funny get off me." I said still shaking him. I found the strength to lift him off of me, only to find his whole front covered in blood and my clothes drenched in it from my brother. Tears instantly started to stream down my face. I looked at Ezra and my dad and they weren't breathing.

" AHHHHHHH" I screamed out in frustration and pain. I need help. I have to pull myself together. I grabbed onto the head rest of the middle seat and started to pull my self up. I put my left foot on the far side of my dads seat to push myself up. Ace's body slid off of of me and fell into the place were I was sitting. I reached the right door of the car and pushed it open. It was so heavy and I didn't have much upper body strength. Right before I jumped out of the car I looked back at my family. I have no one left now.

" I love you" I said to them and I hopped out of the car and landed on my feet. I fell to the ground though because of all of the pain I was in. ' No come on Cleo you have to get help' I told myself, so with that I slowly got up and started at a light jog, but when I looked behind me at the car I realized that my brothers and my father could be saved. With that thought a serge of adrenalin burst through me and I sprinted down the road. I turned the corner and kept running. When I saw the first building I started to cry. My tears filled my vision as I ran, making everything blurry. I stumbled and I got weird looks from people passing by. I ran past buildings until I found the police station. I busted through the door and fell to the ground. Police officers ran to my side.

" miss what's wrong." one of them asked. They helped me up and saw all of the blood on my clothes.

" get them ready" a male voice said " miss please what has happened?!" the police officer asked. I looked up at him and said " our car slipped on the road and we crashed. I think my dad and my brothers are dead, but I found the strength to run." I said trying to stop my tears.

" we're is your car." he asked already speaking into his Walky- talky thing.

" route 114." I said.

" okay we are sending paramedics and police over now... I'm sending and ambulance here to check on you. Listen miss I'm so sorry but we are going to ask you some questions. So why don't we start with what your name is and how old are you." he said giving me a reassuring smile. I wiped my face free from tears and spoke.

" well I'm Cleo Coleman and I'm 16."


AHHH well I hope you guys like it... I will put the second chapter up tomorrow!! Please vote and or comment to tell me if you like it or not!! Thanks! Love you all! - Linnea❤

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