Alright hold your hormones!!

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I walked over to the table trying to be all cool and stuff but that didn't work. I slipped on OJ that someone spilled and almost fell flat on my face if it weren't for hunter who grabbed my waist to keep me from falling I would have looked so dumb.

" thanks hunter" I said to him grumpily

" no problem little red" he said whiling winking. Ren looked at me and led me over to the table were his friends sat.

" okay so Cleo this is hunters younger brother forest." Ren pointed to a boy light brown hair and dark forest green eyes. No wonder why his name is Forest.

" nice to meet you Forset," I said and held out my hand he shook it and said nothing else. Next Ren pointed to a boy I thought and hoped I would never see again. When I met his gaze I knew that he was surprised and hurt to see me too.

" Oliver." i said trying to catch my breath.

" wait you two know each other?" ren asked looking oddly between Oli and I.

" Cleo its been so long... You died your hair." Oli said standing up. He pulled me into a huge hug that lasted for a while.

" wait how do you know each other?" hunter asked. This time it was Oli who spoke.

" One of her older brothers, Ace was my best friend. I was always at there house."

" yeah pretty much he. Is like and older brother to me!" I said a smile spreading across my face. The rest of the day I was so happy, seeing Oli was amazing.

I was walking out of the school when Ren and Hunter came over to me.

" hey so are you ready to go? Hunter will drive you to wear we are going because I have to go home quickly." Ren said. He waved goodbye to us and walked away.

" come on little red" Hunter said

" yeah let's go." we walked over to his truck and I had a hard time getting in so he went to help me and he pushed me up. BY grabbing my but! Like aright dude calm your hormones!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2013 ⏰

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