I wish i could live under a rock

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Chapter 2

*Cleo's P.O.V.*


" Cleo go pack your bags."

" wait what?" I asked, knowing what was coming next.

" I said go up to your room and pack up everything. I'm taking you back to the orphanage." Mrs. Thomas stated staring coldly into my eyes. I felt the tears threatening to fall. What happened to the nice lady who took me into her home?

" please, I can't go back there!" I said begging, hoping that she would reconsider.

" No Cleo. You have been a reckless child, acting like you have no rules to follow and I'm sick of your badass attitude." Mrs. Thomas snapped. I was taken back by her use of words. I looked up into her cold green eyes hoping to find the same kindness I saw the first time I arrived here.

" but what about Travis and I. I love him and even though he is your son I will not let go of our relationship." I said standing my ground.

" We'll see how he feels." she said as she pushed by me, hitting my shoulder roughly, enough for me to fall over. I winced as I hit the cold tile floor looking at her clicking heels walk off to the kitchen. I pulled myself off of the ground and walked up the spiral staircase. I swung open my room door, or my old room door open and started ripping my pictures and posters off the wall. Angry tears streamed down my face as I emptied out my closet and cabinets. I threw all of my clothes into my suite case. I grabbed the small old navy blue box down from the top of my closet and gently put it in a card board box with some of my other belongings. When I was done I looked around the now emptied room, remembering some good things about this house and the bad.

It was hard to tear my eyes away from the empty room but I eventually did. I grabbed my suite case and my box and walked out of the room. I stalked sown the staircase, and as soon as I got to the bottom, the front door flew open and there stood my boyfriend. I loved him so much and It was hard to face the fact that his mother would do anything to get him to never look at me again. When he noticed my box and suite case he slammed the front door and swiftly walked towards me.

" Cleo, what's all of this." Travis asked me, cupping my face in his large hands. His eyes searched mine, looking for an answer.

" your mom is kick-" before I could continue Mrs. Thomas walked into the room.

" I'm kicking her out dear, I don't need trash like her in my house hold." she said looking at her son.

" Mom! How dare you call Cleo trash! She isn't. Plus I love her, she is my girlfriend." Travis said glaring at his cold blooded mother. Then he turned to me and kissed me so passionately, it left me breathless. We looked into each others eyes until we heard the witch clear her throat.

" Travis James Thomas, if you don't break her little worthless heart right now you can kiss you college money goodbye." Mrs. Thomas said smirking in our direction. Travis dropped his arm from my shoulder and took a step away from me.

" Cleo." Travis started. I felt tears lining my eyes.

" Travis..." I whispered, my voice trembling.

" Cleo I need that money, I'm going to be a senior next year..." Travis trailed off, looking deeply into my eyes. I stared at him with my eyes wide and my mouth slightly open.

" I can't believe this." I stated looking at him in disbelief. " you said we would be together forever. I gave everything to you! And this is what I get. I put all of my heart into this relationship, when you only put half." I said clenching my fists at there sides.

" Cleo get over it. We are done okay. My future is more important than you. I only had you there as someone to kiss.. Oh and bang." Travis said, his sweet emerald eyes now turning cold. I couldn't believe him. I gave him everything. I loved him. I felt my heart break.

" but you just said you loved me." I said in disbelief. Travis didn't even look at me.

" Your cab is here." Mrs. Thomas said as she swung open the front door. I grabbed my box and my suite case and stalked outside into the cab. Once my seat belt was buckled I sunk back into my seat and started crying. I stared out the window as the cab drove off. How could I be so stupid. To trust anyone, even to love anyone! I don't want to feel any more, I really just wish I could live under a rock. I wouldn't have any problems. As soon as we pulled in front of the orphanage, Jamie the runner of the orphanage walked outside to greet me. He was in his mid twenties and had jet black hair, slightly tan skin and blue Grey eyes. He opened my door for me and immediately wrapped me in a bone crushing hug.

" Aww Cleo I didn't expect you to come back." he said holding my shoulders.

" Yeah me neither." I said looking up into his eyes that were full of concern.

" Well lets talk over some coffee. Alright? We'll bring you stuff to my office and go out. How does that sound?" he asked squeezing my shoulders.

" fun... I guess." I said smiling. He ruffled my cherry red hair.

" Now there's that beautiful smile." he said flashing me one of his breath taking smiles too. He grabbed my suite case and I grabbed my box and we walked inside.


Hey guys! Thanks to the one person who read the first chapter!! I legit love you!! :D okay so here is the second chapter and I know it's a little intense but it will get better I promise! I'm so so so so sorry I'm late on updating my stories..... I'm having some family problem so I haven't had the time, but I promise I will try to update every weekend or even sooner! Alright well thank you all so much it means a lot when you read my stories! It brightens my day! Well I love you guys! - Linnea ❤

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