2nd Day of Duels

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It was the first period of dueling class I had today and it consisted of teams CRDL and JNPR and 2 others. We had moved team JNPR to this class since we had some classes with more students but now all of my classes only have 4 teams so 16 students.

"Alright today I have a lot of students who shall come up and spar with me. First up Cardin Winchester"I say and look to my left where the students are lined up next to their teammates and see I large male with sturdy looking armour and a mace begin walking towards me

He stops in front of me "dont think I won't kick your ass just because your a girl or teacher"he says with a cocky smile

"Trust me kid I could beat you in hand to hand combat even if you had that mace"I say "but anyway I've set up some rules nothing much has changed but what has is that if I disarm you I win and the same goes for you"

'I really could beat him in hand to hand combat and that would give me the advantage because he won't be able to do anything sneaky and disarm me' I think

"3 2 1 begin"I say

He immediately raises his mace up but before he can swing down I kick him in the chest causing him to fall. I then quickly roll to the floor laying on my back at his side. I wrap my legs around the arm holding the mace. I then lift my legs into the air and use the rest of my body weight to keep his body on the ground causing him to shout in pain since I almost broke his arm and he dropped the mace. I then let go of his arm then sprung off the ground with my arms. I offer him my hand to help him up but when he grabs it he yanks me down and while I'm falling he punches me across the face and he flips me onto my back with him on top of me pinning me to the ground. He then begins to try and punch me in the face while I avoid most of his punches some do hit me. I dodge another punch by leaning my head to the right. I then immediately with all the strength in my body lift my knee hitting him right between his legs. He screams out in pain and falls off me holding the area I kneed him. I then unsheath my blade and put it to his face

"I believed that all want to be hunters would at least have some bit of honor"I say and press the blade onto his skin and slide it up his cheek making a cut deep enough for blood to pour out. I glare to his team "bring him over there with you"they then quickly grab Cardin by his arms and drag him back to the line with him. "And make sure not to much blood spills out. Alright next is...."I quickly take a look at my list "ah Pyrrah Nikos"

A girl in armour that everyone says looks 'greek' and red hair walks over to me

"Alright you look promising"I say

"Thank you"she says her face then changes to a look of determination

"3 2 1 begin"

We charge each other and I swing and she blocks with her shield and she thrusts her spear towards me and I take a small dash forward and stomp it to the ground but she manages to pull it away. She then swing at me horizontally which I'm able to deflect. I then begin my assault which she blocks with her shield but I begin swinging my sword and as I see her move to block it I stop the swing and get low to the ground and sweep her legs making her fall. I stand up and swing down at her and she rolls avoiding the attack. 'Alright I need to get past her guard and then I can win this' I think. She swings her spear upward and I back handspring to get out of the way while flipping I throw firecrackers so I'm not visible. Once the firecrackers go off I do a ninjatar slash but didnt use my sword instead I used this to get close and kick her in the chest quickly getting back into the battle and this hits her since the firecrackers blurred her vision. She stumbles back with her shield out of the way I rush to her and quickly put my blade to her chest.

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