Team Battles

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Team CRDL had walked back to the side. "Ok so now team CFVY" I say. CFVY walked over and stood across from us. They all pull out their weapons but Velvet pulls out a blue replica of Jaunes sword and shield. "3 2 1 begin". Coco moves back and begins to rev up her gun. Velvet runs at me and Fox and Yatsuhashi run to Emma. I secretly pull out a mist raven feather and when she swings at me and I appear behind her. I charge at Coco and slide right before I get to her. While on the ground I put my legs on each side of hers and move both of mine in different directions tripping her. I get up before Velvet can reach me and turn to face her. She raises her arm and swings the blade down but before it can hit me I block it and push it to the side. Due to her gripping the sword tightly she stumbles. While shes trying to regain her balance I kick her in the back knocking her to the ground. I look over to Emma and see her struggling to fight the two students off. I run over to her and spin my body building momentum but when I try to hit Fox he quickly turns around and blocks it. He quickly pushes me back and turns his attention from Emma to me. He charges at me in an attempt to counter my next attack with a kick. I quickly raise my sword and he responds to this by slamming his heel to the ground and using it to spin and throw a kick. I quickly stop my swing then grab his leg he was kicking with and transfer the momentum of his spin into my throw as I turn around and slam him to the ground. I look to see Emma has already taken down Yatsuhashi. "That was not bad I can see that the four of you had a plan and it was that Coco would help anyone who was struggling against their opponent, and that you sent more people to Emma since she beat me during a duel"I say

"That was the plan and I dont really know how you figured it out that quick"Coco says

"This stuff becomes second nature if you train to be a shinobi"I say. "Now that will be everything for today it's almost time for the class to end so you may change into your normal uniforms and rest until class is over"I say. They all walk inside and stay in the room where their gear is kept until class ends.


Team RWBY and JNPR walk out and are confused to see Emma and I aren't there. I poke Jaune on the back and he let's out a girly yelp and turns around to me. "Really"I say holding back a smile. Emma then walks out from behind me.

"I've never heard a man who sounds like that"she says as the teams line up and we stand across from them

"Well anyway we should explain how today will be different"I say. "Today we will be doing team battles meaning all four members of a team will be fighting against me and Emma. If you get knocked to the ground you are out and while your team can still win you can not help them from that point. Now first to attempt will be team JNPR" JNPR walks over and stands across from us. "3 2 1 begin"

Nora quickly shoots an explosive between us but we dodge by jumping to the side. I grab a kunai focus then throw it at Pyrrah's head who blocks it but then golden butterflies that emit a white glow appear and fly at her. Since she just blocked the kunai I threw at her head she didn't see the butterflies and they hit her in the stomach causing large damage despite her aura. She falls to her knee clearly unable to fight and doesn't move knowing shes out. I look over to Nora who is now fighting Emma with Ren's help. I tie one end of my grappling hook to the tsuka of my sword. I then swing the rope horizontally and my blade hits Nora knocking her onto the ground. 'Perfect I was hoping that would've worked'. I pull my blade out of the knot in the rope and run to Jaune. Once near him I pull out sabimaru and begin attacking him using both my regular blade and sabimaru. Hes able to block my assault using his shield and he manages to push me away stopping my assault. He runs at me and begins his own attacks which I'm able to deflect but he doesn't stop until I manage to kick his shield. I pull out a small blue powder that was originally a rock and rub some of it on sabimaru and put the rest back in a pouch. I run at him and swing sabimaru which he blocked but this swing released a poisonous gas into the air. Jaune began to cough and fenn on one knee I quickly push him out of the mist and he starts to gasp for air. I quickly turn around to see Ren knocked Emma to the ground. He turns around to me and we run at each other. I pull out a feather but instead of the normal black it is gray with some of the tips colored orange. I swing at him with the feather hidden in my hands. He deflects and tries to kick me but I disappear but instead of turning to mist I turn into fire and go straight through him catching him on fire. I reappear and quickly throw some powder onto him and the fire goes out. "I think that's enough for this team"I say

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