Traumatic Events

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((Y/N)'s pov a few hours ago)

My vision had faded and changed to a grassy plain with a storm raging above. I look around and see that I'm completely alone. Voices I dont recognize begin speaking to me. "Why did you not save her sooner"one said

"She suffered because of you"said another. One voice that I knew suddenly began to speak. The voice belongs to an old samurai

"You waited to save her. Now I am here to test if you are worthy of anything that you have gained"says the samurai

"What do you mean"I ask

"Come and face me"he says as he draws his sword. I unsheathe my blade and look at him

'This must be the sword saint' I thought. I hold out my arm and wait to feel the holes open but nothing happens. I look over at my arm confused then back at the samurai who is now inches from me. He slices at my chest which due to his speed I'm unable to block. I fall onto my back and stare at the grey and cloudy sky unable to move my body. He walks over and looks down at me.

"Disappointing"he says as he stabs his sword through my chest. My body goes cold once he pulls the blade out and my vision fades. I try to resurrect but I'm unable. I awaken on the same grassy plain but the sword saint is waiting for me with his back turned.

'What's happening I've lost all of my skills except basic swordsmanship. I cant even resurrect during battle.' I thought

"Get past me or be stuck here for the rest of your life"the samurai says

"Why am I here"I ask him

"You rely to much on your new power. Although you know how to use these powers you are barely worthy of using them. So I'm going to make you worthy"he says. He draws his blade and charges at me. I ready my sword and wait for him to strike. He swings at my chest again which I'm able to deflect this time.


It feels as though it has been days of nothing but fighting the sword saint but I'm unable to beat him. "Have you decided to finally give up and die here "he asks. I stand still without response and he turns to face me.

'I need to get back I cant leave my family alone' I thought. I look at him determined to win but this time will likely be the same as any other attempt. I run at him and prepare to attack. Just before I attack he looks at the sky suprised by something. I use this to my advantage and quickly slice through his abdomen leaving a large gash across his body.

"Bastard. After all of that I lost because I was distracted"he says

"What distracted you"I ask

"You will figure this out. Your time here is done"he says. My vision fades and when it returns I'm sitting on a bench, but my vision doesn't fully return everything is still blurry. I look around and see blurry figures that resemble Ruby and Kasumi

"My apologies my vision is blurry is that you Kasumi and Ruby"I ask. The figure I assume is Ruby turns to me shocked. My vision returns and I see them clearly. They both look at me happily

"You had us so worried are you ok"Ruby asks. Kasumi looks up at me happily

"Yeah I'm fine based on where we currently are I was gone for quite some time"I say

"Yeah it's been five hours since you became unresponsive"she says

"I'm sorry I dont know what happened"I say

"Your eyes became empty and more emotionless then usual and you wouldn't move. I needed Kumos help bringing you here"she says

"My sincerest apologies for that I dont know what happened"I say

"As long as we can prevent it from happening again"she says. I look down at Kasumi who has been hugging my arm since she realized I was conscious

"I missed you two"I say with a smile

"What do you mean it's only been five hours and you were unresponsive or unconscious"Ruby asks

"Dont worry about it I'll explain later. I just want to relax and enjoy being back"I say


To be continued

Sorry for not posting in such along time

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