The Master of Heretical Arts

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It was the day after I had told Ozpin about Takeru and Tomoe, and Glynda asked me to come see her about something urgent. I had just arrived at her class where she was waiting and Wolf was standing beside her. "You wanted to see me"I say getting her attention

"Ah (Y/N) yes there is something we need to speak about."she says and I walk over and stand beside her. "The cameras we had set up by the area the portal brought you have seen someone and we have reason to believe he wasn't there by chance. We would like you two to go and investigate"Wolf and I both nod and run to get our gear

"So who do you think it may be that was brought here this time"I ask Wolf

"Well since it only seems to bring in people around Ashina Castle the selection is limited, but it could have possibly grown and be able to bring in people from all over Ashina. So there is no way to have a good guess"he says

"I guess that's true. Well we have to wait and see"I say as I attach Kaimon onto my back and Yurei's silence to my hip. I see Wolf put Fushigiri on his back and Kusabimaru already on his hip.

"Ready"he asks

"Ready as I'll ever be"I say. We both run to the forest and use our grappling hooks to swing from tree to tree until we are close to the location where we were brought into this world. Once close we drop to the ground and look around and listen for anything.

"What is this place"a male voice says. Wolf seems to recognize this voice as he looks shocked when he hears it. We both move towards the source of the voice. We hide behind some trees and peek out to see a man in red samurai armour with a golden crest on his helmet. "How am I here I thought I was dead. No matter I must find out where I am so I can return to Ashina"he says. Father steps out and the samurai spots him

"How are you here Ashina"Wolf asks

"Ah Shinobi of the Divine Heir. I must be near Ashina if you are here"he asks

"Answer my question"Wolf demands

"Fine I will tell you that I wonder the same thing, so I do not know how I am here I remember sacrificing myself then darkness"he says. When he said he sacrificed himself that's when I realized who this man was, Genichiro Ashina.

'So this portal seems to be a le to reach the afterlife somehow, this can only end poorly' I thought. I take a deep breath then step out and stand next to Wolf. Genichiro quickly notices that I have the black mortal blade

His eyes widen as he stares at me. "So that means Ashina must have been taken by the ministry"he takes a deep breath "I will take her back and you will not stand in my way. Though you may be one shinobi and some other who has my blade I will take back my land"

"Ashina if you cant kill one shinobi properly then you cant kill two"Wolf says

"Ah two shinobi so you must be a relative of his"Genichiro says

"Yes I am his daughter. Even though I'm younger doesn't mean I cant kill you"I say

"Oh I know this I'm actually certain I can beat the Shinobi of the Divine Heir because of his old age"he says

"I'm certain that you wont be able to do it easily"Wolf says

"We will have to see about that"Genichiro says. Genichiro quickly pulls out his bow and shoots an arrow at Wolf. Wolf blocks it but due to the size of Genichiro's bow the force knocks him back. Genichiro quickly charges in to kill Wolf but I move in front of him and deflect his attack. I thrust my blade at him but he deflects it. "I'm sure you will make an amazing partner in a dance of the swords"he says

"So do I but this is a dance I plan to win"I say. I spin to build momentum and slice at his abdomen. He blocks but allows my attacks to continue. I move my shoulder back then quickly ram it into his chest. I quickly follow this by jumpin into the air and spin to build force then kick him. I land then lower to the ground and quickly jump off the ground using my hands and while moving up I extend my leg kicking him in the chin. While falling I quickly spin and bring my other foot down onto his head and he slams into the ground as my foot hits him. His helmet falls off and he quickly jumps up. He steps away from me and begins to smile. "Why are you so happy"I ask

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