Part 1 The Beginning Ch.1-9

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Chapter 1

The Man Behind The Cloak

I started packing our bags and started looking at maps on how to get to Loukia, The Capital of Veques. It was getting to me now that my brother is finally through school and he could choose to stay and learn under a master. Now that he's 18 he has all the right to leave me to myself. I started to worry that he might have decided to stay in Sema and become a poet or something like that. Then I heard a knock on the door of our little cabin. I opened the door to see Three soldiers in shining armor handing me a letter showing that my little brother Yorika was under arrest for the attempted murder of the Mayor Sainato. The soldier told me that he and two others were arrested ke for the same charges.

I closed the door and put my hand over my mouth and gasped.Then I heard a noise coming from outside so I yanked my bow off the table put in arrow in it. I gripped my bow, aimed it and waited with my string stretched back. I then started to breathe heavily. With each breath I felt myself grip the arrow tighter.

A man with a Black hood, a cloak and dark grey armor came into my home and as he looked at me I saw the shine of his eyes as they glistened a bright green. He slid his hood off and then spoke to me. "You must be Ocka son of The Acolyte General Destrious."

I slowly released the tension on the string and I set the bow down on the table. I looked at him and spoke "yeah and so what my Father was an Acolyte am I a traitor for not becoming one like my father. Maybe but whats a man like yourself gonna do. Kill me? All I have left in this world to look forward to is being hung tomorrow."

I threw the letter to him and he read it quickly and said, "This wasn't what was planned he wasn't the one who was supposed to have gotten the order to kill the Mayor."

I grabbed my sword and it became engulfed in flames. Its hilt was made of Ivory and surrounding the hilt was a Dragon. It was so elegantly done it looked like the Elves of Rystone created it. The blade itself was made of titanium alloy and it was dipped in dark matter so it shined the perfect shade of black. I spoke and said, "You have some explaining to do before I decide to put this sword through your chest plate."

He saw how the blade was attached to me and then he said,"Only an Acolyte can make that happen yet you are too young to be one. How you fight is what creates this attachment or bond between a man and his sword, now tell me how is it you have your Fathers sword and ability yet you don't even look like you've even seen the inside of an Acolyte temple?"

I put the sword down and calmed myself down then spoke,"Every Acolyte sword created is given to a single owner if the sword breaks the owners power disappears, the stronger and the longer the bond is between a man and his sword the stronger the blade is and my father gave it to me when he left for war when I was four years old. Ever since then I've practiced every day and night."

He pulled out his dagger it had the Aura of Earth around it. He then spoke,"You see not all blades can have an Aura that represents their owners. You see they can only get there aura through a Gemstone and the first person to put there hands around the sword becomes its rightful owner, your father must have had a plan for you when you grew up.I must tell you this first, your father was killed by my hand and your brother was recruited by the Guardians of Veques to start the Revolution and bring back the days when a fair Monarch would be on the throne but I see I chose the wrong man to become the New King of Sema."

I looked at him and saw the truth in his eyes and so I spoke and said to him,"What is your name and why should I help the man who killed my Father?"

He looked down,"Well my name is Jihu but my Guardian name is Uie-Yoke or as in Ancient Semanic, Weightless Feather, and I killed your Father because he was corrupted by the shadows, the same corruption that made the other Acolytes corrupt. Did you ever wonder why there has yet to be a war between this Republic Country and the Shadow Legion? Maybe its because there waiting until the their countries touch so that they can band together as one."

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