Chapter 1

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I was fourteen. I saw him walk into the small coffee shop, I had liked to spend my weekends in. I would have never known that he would've become so famous. The day I met him he was fifteen, really curly hair, and a smile. What a charming smile he had. He had looked so innocent and curious, like a child. He walked over to where I was and I could feel my cheeks starting to blush.

"Hello, I am Harry, Harry Styles." he said.

"Oh, hi Im Claire. I haven't seen you around, what brings you here?" I asked.

"Nothing much, just visiting. Can I buy you a coffee babe?" he speaked while I blushed.

"I don't drink coffee, but I sure do like the Creme Brulee."

"Okay, we'll have the Creme Brulee." he spoke to the waiter and winked at me. He had a rusty voice, it was such a sweet sound.
I didn't know that a year later I would see the same exact boy on The X factor.

I was watching the television with my family like I usually do, when I saw him. I could hear my heartbeat, because it was beating so loud.

"I know him from somewhere." I said.

"No, you don't Claire, he's Harry Styles." my sister, Faith laughed.

"Im telling you, I recognize him."

He looked partly the same, except his hair was shorter.

"Do you have a girlfriend, Harry ?" an interviewer asked.

"No, hun. Im looking for the right one."

"I'd KILL for Harry Styles to say hun to me!" Faith screamed.

"Are you nervous for this performance, are you ready? This performance could make or break your entire career." another interviewer asked.

"Okay no more questions." a guard standing next to Harry said.

He sang Isn't she lovely, beautifully. By the end of the performance, I could feel my eyes start to water. I could barely hear the whole beginning of his performance because my sister was screaming.

Wow isn't he lovely?

In the end, he was 1/5 of a new boyband, One Direction.

//Im sorry this chapter is short, this was kind of an introduction to the whole book but I hope you guys liked it (:

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