Date Night

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Hwasa and I got to the dress shop around 3:00 and we were jamming out to "drivers license" by Olivia Rodrigo we were shouting at the tip of our lungs earning stares from the people in the shop.

"That is the one" hwasa said putting her hands on her hips and looking me up and down

"Really cuz I think I look fat in this one" she turned me around and held her hand up like she was going to chop me in my throat

"Don't you ever say sum like that again or it's the last time you will be able to talk"

She said with a death glare

"Ok," I said holding my heart cuz this girl really scares me

"Ok we are getting the dress and then go pick the shoes"

                                      *Time skip to when you're getting ready*

"Girl this dress isn't looking right," you said on the verge of crying 

"That's it I'm not going" you threw your hands in the air 

"Hell no I worked too hard for you to be happy, you're not going to ruin my chance to be a

 Godmother to your kids" Hwasa pointed at you in the mirror and zipped up the zipper

You rolled your eyes and wiped away the tear that was coming down your face. Hwasa turned you around and looked you in your eyes. 

"you're beautiful, don't let anyone tell you differently," she said poking your nose. You took a deep breath in and held it in.

"your right," you say letting the air out 

"That's my girl, now," she said walking out the door

 "put on your shoes cuz prince charming is almost here"  and with that, she closed the door you put on your shoes, grabbed your purse and your phone, and looked at yourself one last time before you walked down the steps. As soon as you got down on the plate form of the steps the doorbell rang 

"OMG HE'S HERE!" you shout as Hwasa started to open the door. you started to have a panic attack. 

What is he going to think about the dress omg what if he thinks I was just sitting on the steps waiting for him what if he thinks I'm desperate. 

The thoughts kept coming and you were overwhelmed but you didn't let that show 

"Y/N Jasons here" Hwasa shouted I guess she didn't see me on the steps because she was surprised to see me   

"Actually it's jack" He was cut off 

" I don't care," Hwasa said bluntly 

"Listen I don't want her to come home crying and if she does I'm going to find you and beat you so bad that you won't be able to walk anymore do you understand," she said with her arms crossed and face strait he honestly looked stared of her and she's 5"4  

you chuckle a little at how overprotective she was over you

"Understood," he said eyes wide 

You walked down the last step  and at the same time Hwasa took my arm and shoved me and Jackson out the door "stay out as long as you want my door is always open"  she said slamming the door in our faces 

You started laughing  " is she always like this"  he chuckled looking at me 

"Umm not all the time I swear she bipolar though" You shared a laugh together and he started to escort you to the car 

you looked up at the car he was walking you to 

" I know this ain't your car,"  you said as you almost choking on air 

"Jackson," I said in disbelief "You have a really nice car what kind is it" 

"it's a Tesla," He said with a proud smile on his face like he wanted you to act this way

He opened the door for you to get in and you did and he closed the door behind you  he got in and yall took off to the restaurant 

                                                        *At the restaurant*

The waiter took us to our table and sat us down and gave us our menu and left us to decide what we wanted 

"Umm," he said clearing his throat "you look beautiful,"   he said looking at you but you just kept looking down at your menu.

"Thank you and you look handsome," you said glancing up 

"You know your really shy when you not drunk," He said chuckling 

"No, I'm not," I said pretending to be offended

"There's the person I met at the club" He smiled putting his hand under your chine  

 The waiter came back and asked what we wanted " can I get a steak cooked all the way through and some potatoes with some wine" I said and the waiter wrote it down Jackson ordered his and the waiter left. 

"So," You said looking at him

" What do you do as in job," you said 

"You don't know do you," He said squinting his eyes and tilting his head 

"KNow what" I laughed a little 

"Nevermind, let's just say I'm in the entertainment bissnuse"

It sunk in for a moment and it stuck me 

"Are you a male stripper?" I said whispering, he almost choked on his water 

"What no," he said wiping his lip 

"If I tell you then you would be involved in my life and i don't want you to get hurt"

I shrugged and left it at that cuz I didn't want to get hurt either For the rest of the evening we talked about life and what we did as kids and got to know each other. He is actually really interesting. 

when we were done eating he paid the bill and we left 

"I had fun," You said leaning back into your seat

"I'm glad  you had fun cuz I did too," He said stopping at the red light 

 As he did so he put his hand on the armrest and you knew what this nigga was planning but you didn't mind you wanted it to happen.   

the light changed to green and he went for it he grabbed your thigh and squeezed it.  tonight was going to end how you both wanted it to.

*Authors Note*

thanks for reading and catch you in the next chapter

thanks for reading and catch you in the next chapter

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