Dress Shopping

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing playing "B.S" that's how I know that it was my crack headed best friend Haswa

Haswa and I have been friends since I moved to Korea so she is what some call my day one. We ran into each other at my favourite coffee shop. We bumped into each other and we both spilled our coffee. She's been with me every since.

"What do u want" I said sqenting from the brightness on my phone

"Get yo dumb ass up we got shit to do" I looked at the clock and widened my eyes

"Bitch it 7:00 what the fuck are you doing up this early" I said laying back down

"Today is a special day for u and me because our horoscope say that we are going to meet our soulmates today" I looked at my pillow then to my phone

"Fuck a horscope I'm tired"i said hanging up the phone and flopping on my pillow

                   Time skip
It was about 10:45 when I woke up and decided that I should call haswa and tell her that I'm down for whatever she had planed.

As I walked into the bathroom I tripped over my pile of dirty clothes and landed on my none existent titts which actually hurt a lot I lay on the floor thinking " no wonder I don't have a boyfriend"

I got up and headed for the shower singing a little

I then raped a towle around my upper body to wash my face and brush my teeth.

Then got dressed in some ripped jeans and a red crop top and red air forse ones

I fixed breakfast and faced timed my best friend

" what do u have planned for us today"
I said rolling my eyes and huffing

"Oh my God so Iwasplanningthatwecouldgoshopingfordressesandiwanttogototheclub". She took a breath " and have a good motha fucking time"

I didn't catch any of that. What I did hear was  club and if u didn't know already Yes I am a party girl.

"Ok so what time are we planning on meeting up at"

I asked

" Your not on your way know interested you 12:00" she said

I jumped up grabbed my coat and lunged for the door

" I'm messing with u I'm on my way now"

                             Time skip
I get to the dress shop and a look for Haswa and shortly found her as soon as she sooted me she started screaming oh how I love my friends 

We went to like 10 different shoes until we found the perfect dresses mine was short and red with a slit on the side and haswa got a long blue dress it was perfect and we were going to have a really good time tonight.

" hey sis that guy over there has been starting at you the entire time we been in here" Haswa said I looked in the direction she was looking in not trying to be oviase and saw him he was asian aviasely with brown hair and brown eyes

"Hmm he cute or whatever" said we shrugged it off and paid for the dresses and went to my house to get ready

       This book is not mine it is someone else but she gave it to me but she is taged in the book so pleas go follow her and read her books. This chapter was rushed and I'm sorry for that but I hope you like it and look for the next chapters

Till next time I'm out

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