33 | the state championships

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a quick note to shine light on the fact that I just published two chapters at the same time, so if you haven't read chapter thirty-two yet, feel free to do that before continuing on with this one! 

while we're at it, I'm highly aware this isn't exactly how state championships play out – I made my research and then decided to go my way instead for the sake of the plot. so let's just roll with it yeah? much love always

yours, linn.

. . .

           Traffic runs smoothly and the drive from Callie's house, Acebridge to Kenan Memorial Stadium, Chapel Hill takes them exactly two hours and 43 minutes – including a pit stop at Beans & Bagels where they stacked up on breakfast for the road.

Back home, they'd been cloaked by the overnight mist holding out through the morning. Fogging their way as they left town, the light of the day had only begun to peek through in the horizon once they left the coast behind. Here, the deceitful sun is high on the sky – its blinding rays bringing with them empty promises of warmth Avery knows will be squashed as soon as they step out of Lea's Audi and its cranked up heat.

Whirling past yet another set of streets, Avery's heart flutters lightly in her chest upon spotting a banner reading 'Kenan Memorial Stadium – Home of the North Carolina Tar Heels since 1927' hung along the lamp posts lining a sidewalk. Come fall this could be her home.

She slips her phone out from underneath her leg as they get closer, texting Ethan with an update. The Ace East buses arrived about thirty minutes ago, which is when she last heard from him so he could be all tied up but just the thought of soon being in the same place again has her impatiently tapping her fingers against the leather seat.

Other than her texting Ethan, the three girls have spent this car ride indulging in the spread of Beans & Bagels as well as making due of the flash cards they prepared last night – much thanks to Callie's determination and Lea's glitter pencils. Despite being occasionally sidetracked by singing their lungs out to shared playlist, they've actually managed to cram the most they can even on a day like this.

Avery's heart flutters again as she notices another banner, this one a temporary one dedicated to this long weekend – announcing the '2016 NCHSAA Championships'. Cheeks tightening with her smile, her eyes flickers between the signs for parking and her phone to make sure they're on the same way Ethan mentioned in his latest text. Her fingers positively drum against the leather seat to the beat of Lea's and Callie's voices in the front seat as they take another turn. And then another. Aren't they there soon?


As they finally arrive Avery folds out of her crosslegged seat and slip her feet into her booties, zipping them up as Lea turns into the parking lot. Lea and Callie glance around in search for Acebridge West's buses, wondering if they're here yet but concludes if they are they may be in another parking lot designated solely for the teams and everyone connected to them. Their words are merely background noise to Avery though, her attention completely drawn elsewhere as she glances out the window to spot Ethan stood leant against a stair railing.

All three of them are swung forward as Lea steps on the brakes, both girls in the front seat whirling around.

"Are you craz–"

The words are cut off as the car door slams shut behind Avery, heels clicking against the pavement as she darts across the lot on swift feet. Ethan's eyes flicker across the lot as she comes into view, smile tugging at his lips as he takes a few steps away from the railing to meet her.

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