Chapter Eleven - Crosline of Sanity

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Yandere stuff and madness. And also I'm gonna stop giving warnings because it spoils the chapter
-Armin's POV-
After one week Marley students went back to their home. And Annie started to hang out with her science club again. And I started to kill again. Killing Nic was easy. He was deadly alergic to peanut so I changed jam with peanut butter. That was about 5 days ago. They said that he died in his sleep

Killing Marlow was another challenge. He needed to learn a subject in math so I took my chances. I told him that I can teach him after school. I told him to keep it as a secret so no one would jelous. We were supposed to meet him in my dorm but I managed to drag him outside of school with me. We went to a really big forest. My original plan was to drown him but I had to cut his neck when he fought back. I burned the body alongside with my pocketknife. That leaved only one person to kill. My childhood friend Eren Jeager

"Nope" I said outloud. Oh c'mon just kill him. Are you crazy? He's my best friend and also he's not a threat. What do you mean by that? He's hanging out with Annie for whole day. Because they are a team. We already killed Nic and Marlow and Eren knows that Annie and I dating. He wouldn't do that to me. What if Annie likes him? What? Think about it. They already going to self defense together. So what if Annie fells in love with him? Just get rid of him. No I won't. That's final. Anyway I have to sleep. I see.

I don't care what voice thinks. I won't kill my best friend. I won't. I won't. I looked at his sleeping body. He looked like an idiot. He's my best friend. I won't. I suddenly remembered Annie. I wonder what would she say about the murders? About the voice? Would she understand that I'm doing this for her? Should I tell her? My head was filled with questions when sleep took over my body

Kill him. No. Just kill. No. What if he betrays you. He won't. How do you know? He's my best friend. Is he? So why come he doesn't know me? I never told him, I don't want him to think that I'm a monster. If he was your friend you wouldn't have to worry about him. Friends doesn't call each other monster. You are right. So kill him. No. Why? Is he your friend. Yes! You sure? Yes... Maybe... Well? I'll do it. I'll kill him

"No!" I woked up in cold sweats. It seemes to be my scream woked Eren and Jean up

"Armin you okay?" Eren asked me while Jean opened the lamb. Seeing Eren's face made me feel worse than ever. My eyes were watery. I started to crying. I didn't even tried to hold back. I cried. Eren hugged me

"It's okay. I've got you. Jean get some water" Eren said while rubbing my back. I cried for a while. When my tears stopped I looked up. Eren was smiling at me

"You better now?" he asked. I nodded. Jean was next to us. He gaved me a glass of water. I thankfully nodded and drank it

"What did you saw? Your mother?" Eren asked. I shaked my head

"A voice in my head was trying to convince me to kill someone" Eren's face went blank

" That explains why yelled no" Jean said "Who was it?" he asked. I wanted to say Eren. I wanted to say everything about me. The voice, my mom, the murders.

"I don't remember" Why I couldn't? This is your doing isn't it? I told you that I can make you everything I want you to. I want to do this with you but if you are not going to listen to me than I'll use you as a puppet. Don't you dare-

"World to Armin Arlert!" Eren yelled at me. I just stared at him

"He doesn't seem okay suicidal maniac" Jean said

"I can see that horse face" Eren growled at him

"Hey I'm fine. It's just a nightmare not a big deal. Sorry for waking you guys up" I faked a smile. Eren and Jean looked at each other

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