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Sophias POV:
   'Can we talk.' I sent to Karl on discord. 'ofc.' I got in vc 4 and started messing with my headphones chord. I heard the ding indicating Karl joined.

   "Hey." "Hey soo we need to talk about yesterday." "Yea, yesterday." "Did you actually buy a mansion, and what do i do about Q and Sapnap." He sighed, "I think you should play them for a little and then choose which ever one you like. And yes, me and Dream set up to go look at the house, meaning we can move in on Wednesday."

   I'm not gonna lie. I was quite excited to move in with them. It would take some getting used to for me since i only met them yesterday... The only thing I can think about is Tommy tho. He's gonna keep his eye on me, making sure I don't do something stupid. Along with Wilbur and Tubbo. It's to much to think about to be honest.

   I must have been quiet for longer than i thought because Karl interrupted me from my thoughts. "You still there.." "Huh yeaa, sorry." "Well anything else?" "Nope thats all, just keep me updated." "Yea for sure! You too." We said our goodbyes and i decided to go to Walmart.

   I put on a new outfit because i've wore the same thing for two days. I decided on a pair of black jeans and a white hoodie. I put on my air force ones and got my keys. I ran downstairs and opened the door. "Where do you think your going.." 'fucking Tommy.' "Just going to the store." "Umm why.." "Because i'm bored of sitting here Tommy." He nodded "Well be careful." I simply nodded in response, storming out the door and slamming it.

   i got in my car, turning on bluetooth and blaring music. I zoomed through the red lights, not really caring right now. Until I saw the flashing red and blue lights, bright in the night sky. 'im gonna get in trouble for this one, unless-'  I pulled over in the gas station parking lot. 'fucks sake.' The officer knocked on my window. "Hi sir."

   "Do you know why I pulled you over?" He said putting his hands on my vest. "I was speeding, rubbing red lights, stop signs." "Yea, can i ask why?" I sighed "Sir, I was just trying to escape reality." He scoffed. "Ok, can I get your license and registration." I nodded reaching for my license and the papers needed.

   A few minutes later, he came back with everything. Including a 500 dollar ticket. 'how am i gonna hide this one..' " ok have a nice night." He said walking back to his car. I sat there for a second before rolling up the window.  "Fucking Bitch ass. How in the hell- omg." I began driving back home, not deciding to go to walmart.

   I parked in the garage as it was supposed rain that night. I got out of the car, hiding the yellow ticket. I walked in the house, not seeing Tommy anywhere. That was until... "You got fucking pulled over. What the hell Sophia." I rolled my eyes turning around to face the stairs, Tommy standing firmly on the top. 

   The next few minutes were silent. "So your not gonna talk-" "Tommy, i'm sorry. I really am." He scoffed walking down the stairs to stand in front of me. "Let me see the ticket." I looked at him a second. "What.." "Give me the ticket please." I pulled the paper out of my hoodie pocket. He snatched it from my grasp. "500 dollars- what the hell did you do." "Do you really want to know-"

   "Tell me." I sighed, walking over to the counter, hopping on top of it. He walked in, leaning against the marble counter top. "Well, I was going like 20 over the speed limit, running red lights, running stop signs.."

   The room was silent. An awkward silence. "Sophia. The path your going down, your gonna end up with dad in fucking prison. Please." He looked sad. "Tommy- I." He walked towards me, hugging me tightly. "Please, You can't end up like him. I can't lose you too." That honestly broke my heart.

   Tommy has been through a lot in his 19 years of life. Some would say its nothing but I couldn't imagine going through it. "I know, Im sorry. It won't happen again." I said in a whisper.

   "Ok, i've got a stream to attend with the boys. Let me know if you need anything, ok." I nodded and hopped off the counter, grabbing a water bottle from the fridge. Tommy trudged up the stairs and shut his door.

   'Dream told me to talk to him if shit like this happened,' I pulled out my phone, opening discord and tapping on Dreams name. I typed out the message,

'Hey guess what.'

   I almost instantly got a respond.

'What happened, are you alright..'
'I'm fine but my bank account isn't.'
'Why what happened.'
'I got fucking pulled over-'
'speeding, running red lights,'

   'he's about to go dad mode on me- even tho hes only 3 years older than me-'

'Sophia, im gonna call you.'

   'Yep, definitely dad mode activated.'

   The ding of discord rang and i answered. I didn't even get to say hi before- "Why the hell do you do this dumb shit. How much is the ticket? How fast were you going? And running red lights.. Why!"

   I sighed, "I do this dumb shit because its an escape from reality, Life's fucked, dream. The tickets only 500, don't worry i got it. I was going 70 in a 50, nobody was on the roads, and running the red lights was fun."

    "A 500 dollar ticket. Just wait till we all move in together, You won't be able to leave the house without someone else driving you."

   That was my chance to leave the call. "K bye dream! Nice talk!" "Don't fucking ha-" And i hung up. Tommy's gonna hear about that one...

(1010 words)

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