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I literally have 200 views i know thats like nothing but thats cool to me thank you all so so much!


We woke up the next day and the house was a mess. Plants broken, plates smashed, a broken window. Just a little bit of everything scattered around.

Sophia woke up pretty early, despite her hatred towards mornings. She decided to clean up the house a little, make some breakfast and just chill out before the drama started again.

There was glass everywhere, having to watch her step to put on shoes. "What the hell." She whispered. "What are doing up so early?" Dream said groggily down the stairs. "I just woke up and couldn't go back to sleep, you should go back to sleep though.. it's pretty early."

   "Nah i'm up now. Besides, this isn't your mess to clean up." He said grabbing a mug and starting to make coffee. "Then whos mess is it?"

   "Alex and Tommy's mess." "What did Tommy have to do with any of this-" Dream turned around to face you now. "Didn't you hear him, he almost beat the living shit out of him." She scoffed "Tommy wouldn't do that for me."

   She turned around and began picking up the pile under her. "Yes he does, he literally cried when you left without saying anything." "How did you even figure out where i wa-" She got cut off "Location on your phone, don't fucking pull that stunt again." Tommy said wrapping his arms around her.

(Remember there siblings.. i don't want people getting confused.)

   "Tommy i'm sorry, it was just." She paused, searching for the right words, not able to find any. "It was just what-" "Tommy chill, she doesn't have to talk now if she doesn't want to."

   It was silent for a little, the three of them standing around awkwardly. "Well, umm i'm gonna go sit in the green house area for a bit if anyone wonders where i am." The two nodded.

   She put the bag of trash in the trash bin and walked upstairs to grab a Nick's hoodie. She opened the door, revealing a sleeping Nick sprawled out across the bed.

   She giggled to herself, walking over to where the hoodie was laying. She slipped it over her head and grabbed her phone off the charger.

   Now in the greenhouse, she plopped down on one of the chairs sitting out there. She opened twitter, reading dms and simply gazing over her feed. She decided to post something.

'I will be streaming later tonight! Some Minecraft perhaps or maybe just a music stream.' The likes and comments flooded in not even a second later.

   She closed her phone, enjoying the scenery around. The sun was now rising, birds chirping loudly from outside.

   Nick stepped outside, quietly, sneaking up on Sophia. "What are you doing out here?" She gasped, "Jesus, you scared me." He laughed and sat next to her in the opposite chair.

   "Wearing my hoodie again I see." She nodded, looking down at the black hoodie. "Want it ba-" "NO. I mean, only if you want.." She laughed, getting up from the chair and walking over to the window.

   "Hey losers, sorry to interrupt but were going to get breakfast if you want to go with us." Nick rocketed out of the chair "I wanna go. "I'll go i guess."

   "You're not invited." Karl said laughing "Fine, i'll stay here all alone then." Nick laughed "Ohh i don't like that idea, Nick get he-" "IM ON IT BOSS."

   He ran to where she was standing, picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder. "Put me downnnnn. I can walkkk." She said trying to catch her brea from laughing.

   They arrived to the car. Inside sat Dream, George, karl, Nick, Alex, and Sophia. In the other car sat Tommy, Tubbo, Wilbur, Phil, bad and skeppy.

"Lets go boisss." So they drove to ihop. I know basic, but it was the only thing that was close and they wanted to go to the beach afterwards for a walk.

   They walked inside and sat at a big enough table for them all. They basically all ordered the same thing, pancakes, bacon, chocolate milk, coffee.

   Tommy and Tubbo almost got kicked out. Phil went dad mode on them. "Hey, boys, shut up and eat your food quietly. Were not here to fool around." That only caused another eruption of laughter to explode from the two.

   "I don't know how he's my OLDER brother." Nick and Karl laughed, almost choking on there food. "Oh yea Sophia kill them." "Shut up Alex, you would have done same."

   The table erupted with laughter until "Ok guys, i'm sorry but your gonna have to pack up and get out. You're causing to much of a problem and the customers are not happy with you."

   Dream stood up. "It's ok we wouldn't want to spend out money here anyways." They ran out the doors, and sped away to the beach.

*Time skip*

   So they have been at the beach for nearly 3 hours. "HEY GUYS," Tommy said, "Lets play hide and seek." The group agreed, and got into small groups of 2.

   Tommy and Tubbo, Dream and George, Alex and Karl, Wilbur and Phil, Bad and Skeppy, And Nick and Sophia.

   "Me and Tubbo will count first, don't pass the ice cream shop," He pointed towards the right. "And don't pass the Dock over there." Tubbo said pointing to the left.

   They figured out more rules and got ready to go. "Alright Im gonna start counting now, 3,2,1." And there off, running separate ways. 2 minutes on the clock.

   "Where are we gonna go?" Sophia said holding Nick's hand. "This way.." He lead them to a small sand bank underneath a dock. Not the dock they said not to pass though.

   "So now we wait!" Nick nodded, throwing sand at Sophia. A minute passed and they were sat in silence, digging in the sand.

   "Wait did you hear that," Bang Bang Bang, "Hear what?" Bang Bang Bang. "That,"  Nick peered over the edge, "Oh shit.."

1018 wordsss
sorry if theres some spelling errors, i was excited to post this one.

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