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Harry grabbed my hand and led me out of the doors to his car.  "Where are we going?" I asked, too excited for my well being.  He shook his head no once he was situated in the driver's seat, me comfortable in the passenger's. 

"Nope, not telling, just listen to the music," He said as he pressed play on the radio, making it roar into one of my favorite songs, I Put a Spell on You. I sang along with said playlist, going over the list of things this surprise could be. I also kept in mind that Harry and I hadn't been dating long enough for a big commitment, such as a pet or something..

He suddenly had the music off, right in front of some park. "We're goin' on a picnic and a walk." He said, smiling his amazing smile, each dimple defined perfectly. I smiled and let myself out of the car. 


The trunk was now open, I expected he pressed the little button near the ground up front. I walked back to see an old basket, probably packed with foods we like, and a gingham patterned blanket next to it. Harry came from behind me and grabbed them both, so I closed the trunk and smiled at him. 

"This is so nice, honestly I love the surprise," I said, kissing his cheek. His eyebrows creased as he listened before he burst into laughter. 

"No, silly, this isn't the surprise, you'll get it soon be patient." He said, bumping me with his shoulder. "Come on, follow me, it's a long walk." 

I followed him into some wood, walking up some paths, down some rocks, for what felt like three hours but it was only one. We stopped at one flattened rock sitting in a small stream. "Here we are," He said before stepping onto the rock to lie the blanket down. 

I hopped over, my dress flicking water a little bit, and plopped down onto the blanket. He looked so pretty with the trees putting shadows on the both of us. I am so in love with him, it's astonishing to even me. 

We ate and talked about us, how far we've come and the silly little things we'd picked up from each other. It was completely bliss. We'd laugh until our stomachs couldn't handle it anymore and it'd hurt. We'd kiss here and there, smiling each time we pulled back. I wanted this forever. Nothing more. 

It got was now inching towards dusk, we were still laughing and eating  here and there. "Vi.." He started.

"You're my favorite person and I love you and always will," He kept going," I'm so happy you have two left feet and fell in class the first day, I am so happy you've agreed to be mine, but I would love to ask if you'd do me the honor.." He only stopped to fixate himself on one knee, reaching into his back pocket to pull out a beautiful, oh so beautiful crystal ring. 

"I would love for you to be my reason from this day to forever," He paused with teary eyes, "will you marry me Violet Addams?" He finally asked. 

I squeaked out a yes before toppling him to the cold stone. I kissed him from his neck to his soft lips. He kissed me back, wiped my tears, and held me as close as possible. Which is something he could now do as many times as he wanted. Because now I was his for sure, and he was most definitely mine. 

"You're my angel." He said, kissing my nose, just as I kissed his early today. I hummed before getting up from his chest. 

"You did this perfectly, best surprise ever," I said hugging myself. This felt like a cheesy rom-com. I felt like Allie in the Notebook or someone as lucky as she was. I felt so overwhelmed I just wanted to kiss him over and over.

"You wanna head home?" He said, playing with the ring that was now on my left hand. I nodded before standing up and hopping to the land side of the rock. He packed the food, the wrappers, the blanket, then joined me. 

We walked another hour back to the car and started our first ride home as an engaged couple. 

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