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The sun kissed Violet's olive skin early in the morning, causing her to wake from her hungover state. she had been out clubbing with Elio, the only friend she had made in France for overseas art school.

She woke up with sleep evident in her doe like eyes, a groan escaping her plump lips when a rush of alcohol hit her forehead. A state of nausea hit her, causing her to fumble out of her full sized bed and run to the bathroom.

Once full consciousness hit her, she was knelt before her toilet throwing up last night's bad decisions. "I should have never went out last night." She mumbled, furious with herself. Once the alcohol was drained from her body, she got up and flushed the mess. She now stood  and wandered over to the sink, splashing water onto her face, and brushing her teeth. A sigh escaping her lips once finished. 

She walked out of her bathroom to her wardrobe to get ready for the day with an elongated sigh. She decided to wear a silk lavender dress with white doc marten's and her brunette locks were pulled into a half up and half down hairdo with a ribbon.

 Satisfied, Violet grabbed her purse and house keys and left her studio style apartment, went down to the lobby, and went out the rotating doors to the mesmerizing town. She would never  get used to how truly gorgeous France was. This was the perfect followup to an offputting start to the day. 

Once  a block away from her apartment, she arrived to the college she attended now, Parsons Paris. She attended this school for their impeccable art program, considering she had wanted to be an artist since she was four years old.

When  inside the building, she sprinted to her classroom because she hated running late. When little, her father said five minutes early was on time, anything else was unacceptable and she ,truly, took that to heart. She was especially in a hurry today because they were having a guest speaker by the name of Mr. Styles. He was rumored to be nearly her age, a very early graduate. Nonetheless he knew his shit and was experienced like no other in traditional arts.

Once Violet reached her destination, she hurriedly walked into the room, completely ignored the indent in the door frame and she tripped, falling, and stopping the already started lecture. That might've been the worst part, in her eyes. "Are you alright, darling?" said a man. Violet looked up, her cheeks flushing a bright crimson from embarrassment and shock, and saw who was helping her up.

The man was absolutely gorgeous, he had curly brown hair, piercing green eyes, and an extremely sharp jawline. His beauty caused violet to stare at him, her mouth agape. The man noticed her stare and a smirk appeared on his mouth. 

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