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Last night, it had taken ages for me to fall asleep. I was having crazy bursts of energy and I could tell Harry was getting completely fed up with it, with tiredness in his eyes. 

Eventually, I calmed down enough to fall asleep next to him, him refusing to move to bug me. I slept for twelve hours straight, four hours more than usual. When I woke up, Harry was gone, naturally. 

Rubbing my eyes, I swept my feet off the side of the bed before heading to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Afterwards, I headed downstairs and towards our kitchen. Inside smelled amazing. 

Harry stood shirtless in front of the oven, flipping a piece of bacon. He hadn't noticed me walking in so, he was hyper fixated on the food and the nice music he had playing in the background. 

I waited for him to back away from the oven before coming up behind him and wrapping my arms around his hips. He jumped slightly, making me laugh.

"Good morning, sleeping beauty." He said before tapping my hands around him.

"I can't believe you let me sleep like that, what're you making?" I asked him.



After eating, we stayed in the kitchen talking mindlessly about some plans we wanted to do or how his work or my school was becoming annoying or repetitive. The more we talked about what we wanted to do the more I realized I hadn't been out alone in a long time.

"I kind of want to go to the club tonight." 

"Sure, which one, I can drive?"

"I mean like alone, haven't gone in ages."


"It's just for the night, I'll probably be back before 2 anyways."

"It's fine, silly. Obviously you can go, just keep in touch."

"Alright, will do!"

I stood up to kiss him on the cheek before walking out of the kitchen and back towards our bedroom. 

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