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Nerves grew more prominent when my mother announced it was time to walk down to the aisle. The nerves were more of an excitement thing, really. Today was going to be the best day of my life, and I truly couldn't fathom it. I was actually marrying him.

And just to think, seven months ago we went on that picnic and got engaged. Seven months ago I became even more in love with him because I felt that same unconditional love reciprocated. 

My dress was slip styled, some would say basic but it suited me, paired with a long waist ending veil that just tore the breath right out of me. I truly looked stunning, truly.

The walk to the aisle went smooth, she had helped me carry the longish train that followed me nicely. And there came the music. Dun dun dun dun, dun dun dun dun. You know, the music you hum to whenever there's a wedding on screen. I finally got that.

I walked with my head up, with leveled shoulders, and of course a smile. My eyes felt watery, and I could see his were too. In a black tuxedo, with pants hanging from his hips perfectly. I was so excited.He was art today, we finally looked complementary with each other, I finally felt in his league. The walk was long to me, but very short in distance. 

Finally I stood in front of him and my heart felt whole and overwhelmed. I'd really cry at this very moment if I wasn't hyperaware of my mascara. He smiled at me widely, I couldn't help but smile back at him, he was too adorable. I loved him immensely and I looked forward to the many years of our future. I wanted to grow old with him.

If he moved I did so with him. No matter what. The marriage officiant, a man with graying hair and wrinkles that suited his medium height, cleared his throat and began his entry of us, our names and the fact he was bringing us together as one happy couple today. 

He complimented our choice in venue, a beautiful ranch with art along the walls and people we adored including my parents but not his, and told our love story. Professor and student. Rushed romance. The couples you didn't hear of quite often just so happened to be us.

"And now, Harry, do you take Violet to be your wife?" He said looking toward Harry. "Do you promise to love, honor, cherish, and protect him/her, forsaking all others, and holding only unto her forevermore?"

Harry smiled widely before happily stating, "I do."

Oh how my heart leaped twenty yards out of my chest and onto whatever floor was closest. This was real, a dream come true before our eyes, a simple but heavenly sentence. I loved him so and wanted to hear him say it again. 

"And Violet, do you take Harry to be your husband?" He said turning to me, a smiling puddle of love. "Do you promise to love, honor, cherish, and protect him, forsaking all others, and holding only unto him/her forevermore?"

That was when the tears started in my eyes, never falling but noticeably there. Gosh here it goes. Finally.

"I do." I said.

With the vows of rings, we placed both simple yet elegant silver bands on each other's hands, smiling like little children, looking younger than we probably have in ten years. 

"And now by the power vested in me by the church, it is my honor and delight to declare you married. Go forth and live each day to the fullest. You may seal this declaration with a kiss."

The eagerness in Harry's eyes showed just how happy he felt today, just how pleased he was to share this kiss. He wrapped his right arm behind my back, making sure to cup my face with the left. He stole my breath away with one soul shattering kiss, it being long enough for my cheeks to redden. 

When he pulled away, I smiled and pulled him back for a swift peck before turning to our guests, our loved ones, my parents, Elio, all of them and we walked back down the aisle and out of the church as a newly wedded couple. 

Now known as Harry and Violet Styles. 


In a new white slip dress, one without a long train to swoop me on my butt but with lace detailing, we entered the reception to hear cheers and congratulations. 

We sat at the center of the entire room, talking, taking pictures, sneaking kisses without embarrassment, and laughing. So, so much laughing that my stomach was screaming for me to stop. My face as well, as it was sore from all the smiling already. 

We danced our night away, and drank it too, to the songs we selected months prior. It was perfection. 

We were ready to go home at midnight, exhausted with sore feet. That was until Harry looked at me and smiled.

"You're best in lace."

Best in Lace - HSWhere stories live. Discover now