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Chapter Seven

My hands shook slightly as I tried to start this heinous plan of mine. It had been two days since the corner incident, and I had been trying to figure out a way to misbehave correctly so I could sleep in Curly and Zayn's bed again. It was stupid; I know. Something just felt good about it though, the feeling of security was always present and I had never had that. 

Even with Liam, we were always exposed to possible danger. I couldn't recall all the countless times I and Lima almost died on the street or were mugged. So dangerous, and I and Lima had always been small. Lack of nutrients I guess. Being malnourished you get used to the dull ache in your bones.

I knew what I was going to do- though it was still nerve-racking. I didn't like punishment- except when I got to sleep with Curly and Zayn which is why I was doing this whole thing anyway. It really wasn't hard, all I had to do was follow through and then wa-la! My chest lifted dramatically as I inhaled deeply, letting it go a second later. I can do this.

The sentence was short and simple, the words were encouraging, but my brain was still on the verge of decompartmentalizing. A sigh escaped my nostrils as I exited the bedroom, scurrying down to the living room to which I found all three members of the Styles family. They were all squashed together on the couch- watching an unimportant reality show.

It made me a little jealous that they hadn't invited me but I assumed it was because I had been in my room most of the day, and they didn't want to bother me. That was what I assumed- though assumptions were often inaccurate. I'm sure they just didn't want to talk to me. Maybe they found me annoying.

Whatever, I said to myself as I proceeded to walk towards the recliner. Out of my peripheral vision, I could see the three turn their heads to me. I had a scowl on my face and I briefly wondered if they noticed or didn't - maybe they were just ignoring it. I plunged myself onto the recliner passive-aggressively- though I was anything but.

I was just a really great actor.

My arms were crossed in a defiant pose and my eyes drifted towards the TV "Good evening, Lou." I merely glanced Curly's direction before returning my attention to the TV without a word. Something told me that he was looking towards the others for help. It seemed like a Curly thing to do.

"What's the matter, hun?"

My plan was working perfectly, and this time I didn't even spare a glance towards Curly as I bit out, "Nothing. M' fine." I wasn't looking at any of them, so I couldn't process their reactions and my mind pondered at the thought of the facial expressions Curly could be making.

My shoulders sagged as I heard someone get up. When Curly squatted in front of me- my poker face almost broke at the gentle expression in his green eyes. I avoided them and looked away, only to feel calloused fingers under my chin, turning my head back to look at Curly. He spoke calmly and slowly, stating, "Are you sure, darling? You don't have to tell us but Im pretty good at reading people."

I wanted nothing more than to break and spill everything about why I was doing this. Instead, I followed through. My hands met his and shoved them away harshly. His eyes were shocked as I hissed, "I said I'm fine. Keep your fucking hands off me you fucking prick!" Curly's eyes widened, and I spared a glance to the other two.

Their faces were shocked too, and the room was silent. Zayn's hazels caught mine- and boy were they freighting. I had never seen Zayn look so pissed- and for a brief second, I wondered if I had made a mistake. "Excuse me?" I heard Curly ask, his voice was dangerously low and I could have shivered it was so nerve-racking.

My eyes met his again, and he seemed to be waiting for my reply. "Was I not fucking clear?!"  Curly's eyes got much darker, a proper few shades, as he reached his hand out. I looked at it and wondered what he wanted me to do. I didn't have to come up with an answer though, as Curly did it for me.

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