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"Detective- Detective Styles- I really need to sp-"

Harry whipped around at the man who was trying to keep up with his pacing, his eyes hard and cold as he bellowed out, "What?!" The man - whose badge read Cran - eyes were wide. He was no more than twenty-five, Harry assumed he was a rookie - though he wasn't wearing a uniform of any sort.

"I- there's someone here to talk t-to you..." Harry breathed in deeply, asking Cran who it was. "Um- I'm not really sure, she said her name was Kimberly."

Zayn, who had been sitting down with his head burrowed in his knees, head lifted up as with knitted eyebrows. "K-Kimberly?" Harry turned his head to stare at his husband who was now standing.

Without words, the three men walked out of the office they'd been in and into the main part of the station. Cran led the two over to where a middle-aged woman with worried eyes sat, when she saw them she stood up and brought Harry into a tight grip, then hugging Zayn as well. "Kim, what are you doing here?"

The woman laid her purse that she had been clutching tightly down, seeming to relax a bit but not a lot. "I know Liam, I was the one who helped him find you guys. When I heard about them going missing, I came right down. They went missing last night?" Harry remembered the woman as the nurse who worked with his husband. He didn't ask any questions as he informed Kimberly that they'd been missing since midnight.

"Well, your welcome to stay here Kim but there's really nothing you can do right no-"

She cut Zayn off as she shook her head. "No, no, I have some information I think might help." This caught Harry and Zayn's attention as they sat down.

Harry had a million questions but listened as he let Kimberly explain herself. "See, Liam and I were talking last night - well, texting. He was telling me he was worried a bit, said something didn't feel right- but then he stopped texting."

Harry and Zayn took this in, a moment later Harry asked, "Liam has a phone?"

"Yeah, I gave it to him the night he knocked on your door, told him that if he needed me to call me. We usually talk, he- Liam, he's like my son. I just want him safe. And the other boys of course!" She had deep crinkles by her eyes, a tell-tale sign of how she was worried. "He keeps the phone in his shoe is what I'm trying to tell you, if you hadn't noticed, he usually is always wearing them."

Harry and Zayn thought about it, and the more they recalled, the more they realized Liam was practically always wearing shoes. "So, I think there is a really good chance he has his phone on him, and if you can track it maybe you can-...maybe you can find him, you know?" Harry smiled at the woman, bringing her into a practical death-grip.

Thank you's weren't needed as Harry led Kim to the office he was previously occupying. "Why don't you just sit down right there love, is it okay if I take your phone?" Kimberly didn't verbally respond, instead going to her purse and pulling out an old flip phone. Harry took it softly, going to the glass office door, opening it, then yelling out over the department noise, "Ashton! Get your guy and your arse here!"

Quickly, Ashton stood up and so did Cran. Calum was there in the cubical, though he stayed with Mikey, their kid, as they watched Ashton leave. Cran and Ashton walked up the stairs and to Harry's office, Ashton entering the room followed by Cran, whose head was down in order to not meet Harry's eyes. The latter shut the door and turned to face the four other people in the room. "Ashton, Cran, I need you to see if you can trace this phone number for me, okay?"

Ashton nodded immediately, Cran, whose head was still South, stiffened out, "Of course sir." Harry opened the flip phone and went to the contacts, scrolling until he reached one labeled 'Liam'. He handed Ashton the opened phone, who immediately gave it to Cran. "He's going to need a computer." Harry eyed the scrawny boy, walking over to his cabinet and grabbing his laptop that was specifically made for analysts for the department. He gave it to Cran, he stuttered out a 'thank you' and went to sit down.

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