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Chapter Three

Louis POV

I guess I had fallen asleep because I awoke to loud voices, and I knew I had only been asleep for a little while. Maybe an hour. I climbed out of the bed, my body was incredibly sore but I forced myself to stay up. I lifted my shirt a little bit, reviling the devastatingly purplish/blackish colours.

I walked to the door, and went out to the hall, going to look over the railing so I could see downstairs. I saw Harry and Niall standing across from each other, and they both looked angry. The blonde had his arms crossed, and Harry's lips were pierced. Zayn was sitting in a chair, watching the scene play out-just like I was.

Niall threw his arms up in the air, and rolled his eyes stating, "I just want to know what you said to him to make him that upset!" You could tell Harry was trying his best to stay calm, but he wasn't.

"And I told you, Ni, it is none of your business. I do not feel comfortable sharing me and your fathers private conversations. Now, please, stop." He stated lowly and he received another eye roll from the teen.

"Whatever you fucking wanker, doesn't even matter." That apparently did it for Curly because he took Niall's upper arm and sat on the couch. What was he doing to Niall? I watched in curiosity and concern as he pulled the blond over his lap, and then he dragged his pants and boxers down exposing his pale bum.

"No Dad! I'm sorry! I promise I'll be good! I don't need a spanking!" What was a spanking? Suddenly Harry smacked Niall's bum harshly and I flinched. What was he doing?! He is hitting his son! Repeatedly!

I ran into my room and shut and locked the door, scared out of my mind. Why was he hurting Niall? Wasn't that abuse? Niall was saying no, and when you say no it means no. There is no underlining meaning, or a hidden yes. No, is a no.

Was Harry like the bad man? He didn't seem like him but people lie. I learned that from Liam. Oh, and why was Zayn just letting Harry hit Niall?! Were they both like the bad man?!

I started to hyperventilate and I could faintly hear Nialls cries and pleading, why was Harry doing this? My breathing got faster and faster and I tried to get some air into my lungs but it wasn't working. My head was spinning and I was dizzy, suddenly my hearing was fading out following with all of my other senses, and the next thing I know I'm falling onto the ground and my vision turned black.

I heard faint voices around me, they were hushed and concerned. I could tell I was in a bed, probably the guest one. "Calm down babe, he just had an anxiety attack. He will be fine, when he wakes up we'll get him some water and figure out what caused it. Okay?" The voice was vaguely familiar, I'm guessing Zayn's' by the words he was saying.

"What do you mean an anxiety attack?! Why would he have an anxiety attack?! Maybe it was Liam! Maybe what I said dawned on him! Did I do this to him?! He's been out for a whole day!! Are you sure it was just an anxiety attack?!" I had been out for a whole day? And that was C-Harry for sure. Harry didn't get Curly. He didn't deserve him. Curly was nice and sweet, he was understanding. Harry was mean and cruel, and I didn't like him.

Suddenly there was a distinctly Irish voice, lacing concern as he spoke, "But he's going to be okay right? He's going to be okay right Papa? Dad's right, he's been out for a while!" There was a sigh and I tried opening my eyes, but my eyelids felt like pure steel and I was too lazy to try and I open them. Why was Niall being nice to Zayn and Harry? The latter had hit him, and the former watched!

"Yes Ni, he's going to be just fine. I am pretty sure it's just an anxiety attack, but I can't be fully sure until he wakes up-which he will. He's breathing okay, there is no wound on his head. He's going to be fine. He should wake up in a little bit. I imagine his body is trying to heal, and that's why he's been alseep so long. His body's endured a lot of trauma. And Haz, I'm sure it wasn't your fault." Oh, how Zayn was wrong. It was all Harry's fault. He's just like the bad man, and I don't like him anymore. He can kiss my ass.

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