Chapter 13

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I looked around the room, surveying all the sprawled out clothes everywhere plus some lore books and chip bags. I turned back to Sam,
"sorry about the mess. If I had known I would have company later I would have cleaned up a bit or-
"Roxy it's ok, believe me I've seen worse."
"Right" I sat down on my bed and reached for the remote on my nightstand.
"In for some late night tv?" I asked
"Yeah ok." Sam sat down on the chair nearby
"I don't bite." I said patting the spot next to me.
"You sure?" Sam asked. I rolled my eyes in response. "Sam last time I checked we aren't 15 now get your ass up here." Hesitant at first but Sam made his way over to the other side of my bed.

"See? Now relax, not like our parents are gonna catch us and forbid us from seeing each other again."
"Aren't I here helping you relax?"
"Yeah and your doing a terrible job." I said sarcastically. I turned on the tv and got closer to Sam. "So what are you in the mood for?"
"Doesn't matter, you pick."
"Ok" I settled on a old rerun of a sitcom
"Today was interesting." I said "in fact this whole week has been a surprise." I turned to Sam. "I never thought I'd see you boys again."

"Me either." Sam said
"I'm glad your here, you and Dean."
"I'm glad you agreed to join us."
"You sure there's enough room in the clubhouse for me? You guys seem like a great team already."
"Now were even greater, strength in numbers."
"Glad to be of service." I scoffed closer to Sam until our shoulders were touching. I tried to pay attention to the tv but I was more focused on how close me and Sam are. Other then the almost kiss which was never brought up again, this is the closest we've been physically since we met up. I could see Sams face up close and how much his features have changed since I last saw him. Even his eyes seemed different, I could see all the pain and suffering he's been through and I just want to hug him, to never let go and tell him everything is going to be ok.

But I can't, I don't have the luxury of being able to be on a certain level of vulnerability that is only reserved for partners, the romantic ones anyway. In a sense me and Sam are partners but only hunting partners, partners in a group along with his brother and a angel and that's all it ever will be.
"Roxy?" I turned to Sam.
"You ok? You seemed pretty quiet just now."
"Sorry I spaced out."
"Anything related to the demon?" I bit my lip, debating what to tell him.
"No, not right now anyways. Having you here is helping. It's keeping my mind off of things. Things it said."
"Your not alone Roxy, not anymore."
"Thank you Sam. I'm glad we met up again."
"Me too."
I felt my eyes feeling heavier as time went by. Sam must have noticed it too. The room was quiet, he must have turned off the tv.
"Judging by that sentence I'd say your definitely not fine. I'm leaning so you can get some sleep."I'm not sure wether it was the demon or being exhausted or what that overcame me to say "no, stay please. Just for tonight."
"Ok." I stood up briefly to lazily dig through my clothes for something to sleep in while Sam averted his eyes. I threw my pants on the ground not carrying about them in my sleepy state. Same thing with my shirt while I slipped my sleep shirt over my head. I turned back to my bed where Sam was still focused on a wall.
"You can look now." He turned his attention towards me.
"Comfy?" I nodded "you know you can get comfortable too." I said
"You sure?" Sam asked
"Sam I'm the one asking you to say. The least you could do is make yourself comfortable."
"Okay." Sam stood up and I turned towards the wall having laser focus on it until I herd Sam slip back under the covers. His pants discarded on the ground as well.
"Better?" I asked
"Yeah, much better."
"Good, good night Sam and thank you again for staying with me."
"Your welcome Roxy." That was the last night I herd before falling asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2022 ⏰

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