Chapter 4

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Another sleepless night only this time the dream was very..... vivid
"Hey Sam" I walked into my room with Roxy laying across it only wearing a sexy bra and underwear batting her eyes
"Oh my god Roxy?!"
"Who else" she got up off the bed and strutted over to me, I tried not to let my eyes linger
"What are you doing?"

"What I've been wanting to do since I first saw you" with that she pressed her lips against mine and wrapped her hands around my neck stroking at my hair. I let out a moan
"You like having your hair played with?" I nodded she gently tugged at my hair

"What about that" my only response was to wrap my arm around her and pull her in closer pressing my lips against mine. My hand went up and cupped her cheek, she backed up until she hit the bed then leaned back on the bed me crawling up her body, hooking my hand on one of her leg bringing it up while I continue to kiss her, my mouth going down her neck.

"Oh Sam" Roxy said gasping then let out a sigh I looked up at her
"Yes?" I said with a smile Roxy rolled her eyes and my mouth re attached itself onto her body going down her neck I stopped at her shoulder only to unhook her bra while looking at her for any sighs for me to stop. She only shrugged her shoulders the bra falling down revealing her...

I woke up panting with my pants tighter then they were when I first went to bed. I groaned and fell back down on the mattress. I closed my eyes trying to focus on other things but my mind drifted back to the same thing: flashes of Roxy laying down in her sexy underwear then flashes of her in reality.

Her smiling and laughing, her reading and looking up from her book at me with a smirk. I got up and walked to the bathroom splashing some cold water on my face. I looked at myself in the mirror: my hair a mess and my shirt had sweat marks all over it. I took a deep breath then walked back to my room, changed my shirt then fell back to sleep.

I woke up a few hours later and after taking a much needed cold shower I went to the kitchen where I could already smell bacon being cooked.
"Morning Rapunzel" I ran my hand through my hair
"Shut up" Dean just smirked and went back to the bacon while I sat down.
"Where's Sleeping Beauty?" Dean asked

"Sleeping I assume, like Roxy is gonna be awake before 10am" Dean chuckled
"True" he set down a mug I could smell freshly brewed coffee
"Here, looks like you need this where you up half the night reading or something?" Visions of my dream flashed in my head for a second
"Yeah that was it" I said taking a sip
"Should I go wake her up?" Cas asked appearing
"No!" We both shouted Cas looked at us confused
"Why? If you both want her awake why should we continue to let her sleep?"
"Because we don't want to die" I said
"Past events have proved that to be false"
"Cas got you there Sam" I sighed
"Roxy isn't a morning person and I've learned to not disturb her."

"Yeah she taught me that lesson too" Dean said setting down two plates with bacon and eggs on them.
"So we just wait for her to wake up?"
"Yep" Dean replied taking a bite
"What about when you guys left town on that hunt?"
"Oh Sammy just kept calling her until she answered, still not happy but he wasn't here for her to pummel." Cas just blinked
"Just how important is sleep to humans?"
"When it comes to Roxy, very important" I said

I was in the library when I herd footsteps, I looked up to see Roxy freshly dressed with her hair pulled up in a ponytail I could her blue eyes more clearly and I couldn't help but have more flashes of my dream especially her batting her eyes.
"Morning" she said
"It's still morning?" I asked looking for a clock
"I hope so" Roxy replied I walked over to one of the other rooms Roxy following me while I looked for a clock. When I found one on the wall I said
"It's 11am!"
"So it's still morning perfect! What's for breakfast?" She asked wandering to the kitchen
"Me and Dean already ate-
"I assumed so"
"5 hours ago" she almost dropped a plate
"Don't you guys sleep?"
"A healthy amount"
"No" she smirked

"I thought so" she got out two pieces of bread and stuck them in the toaster
"Dean made bacon and said he was gonna save some for you.... then he ate it"
"I figured as much, don't worry about it"
"Ah thought I herd Sleeping Beauty! Sam did you kiss her to wake her up?!"
"Dean" I replied sternly while Roxy was quiet not facing me anymore. Dean just shrugged
"Hey if it gets her awake and you alive I'm all for it" he walked away I sighed and focused on Roxy, today she chose to wear a plain back top with black and red flannel over it paring it with matching black jeans and the same boots she wore the other day.

"How do you run in those?" I asked looking at her choice of footwear she chuckled
"Practice" she replied then her toast popped up. After she butted it and had on a pot of coffee she sat down next to me
"So what's the big plan for today?" I shrugged
"Nothing yet it's Deans turn to pick a case so until he finds something relax"
"Oh I intend to" she said with a wink I tried to reply but got distracted by her flirtatious wink.
"We could..." oh my god say something anything. You've been to hell and back, you've lost and regained your soul why is this so hard for you?
"Catch up" I mentally banged my head on the table
"Yeah sure" Roxy said setting down her toast

"So how are you doing?"
"Right now?" She nodded and I shrugged
"Pretty good" she smiled
"Glad to hear"
"What about you? I'm sure a lot of this is probably a shock to you" Roxy shrugged
"Yeah at first but so was finding out that the monster in my closet was real." I chuckled
"Did your dad give you a shotgun too?"
"No.... he shot it for me said a gun is too dangerous for his little girl"

"You always hated that"
"Not so much when I was actually a little girl but when I got older I don't know it's like he never wanted me to grow up, to "leave the nest" and when I finally convinced him I was ready he died a year later."
"Did you ever find the thing that killed him?"
"Not yet" she looked at me no longer cute slightly flirtatious look in her eyes, only determination
"But that thing is gonna regret it when I do"
"I bet they will" she smiled and leaned back
"That was probably to intense before noon"
"Trust me worst things have happened earlier in the day" she laughed
"I can imagine" she sighed
"I herd about you guys, stories tell me how did you manage to stop the apocalypse?"
"Well we had a little help" I said then launched myself into a story

Deans P.O.V
I herd voices in the kitchen sounding like Sam and Roxy. I poked my head in to see Roxys back to me and Sam focused on her telling a story while waving his arms around with a smile on her face. Roxy laughed and Sam joined her. I smiled and left giving them privacy oh Sammy "just friends my ass"

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