Chapter 2

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I laid in bed trying to to fall asleep but I've been woken up twice already by dreams- dreams of Roxy. Dreams that I shouldn't be having about her. I got up getting a drink of water, ever since I saw Roxy again I couldn't help but think about how much she's changed since I last saw her. Not only did she get taller and grew out her hair but her body... developed.

"Can't sleep?" I herd I looked over at Dean
"Nightmares" I lied Dean raised an eyebrow
"Not because of a certain someone just down the hall"
"I know I know you don't like her that way but you have to admit she definitely grew up when we left." I couldn't help but agree

"Yeah she looks.." Dean looked at me like I was ready to confess
"Good" Dean scoffed
"That's a kid friendly version of what I was gonna say." I curled my hands
"Dean" I started
"Relax I'm not gonna do anything it's not my ass she was checking out
"What when?" Dean smirked
"That was a lie wasn't it?"
"Didn't have to be, it's not like it's impossible, I saw the way you looked at me before we went to the gas station also the look you gave her." I headed back to my bed

"Doesn't matter"
"Of course it does"
"She's just gonna end up getting hurt"
"Well lets see" Dean sat up
"She's not a demon.... that were aware of and she's a hunter so she can hold her own." I rolled over anyway Dean just sighed. Silence filled the room so I assumed Dean went back to sleep to. I got out my phone and looked at Roxys number, I sighed before sending a simple text: Hey it's Sam you awake? I got a response pretty quickly
Yep, for a few hours now I smiled
What's keeping you awake?
Had a nightmare I frowned
You ok?
Yeah took some deep breaths, read a little bit
Your one to talk I'm scoffing so loud you can probably hear me. At least I got laid as a teenager.

I couldn't help but laugh but then the idea of her being with a guy made me feel sick for some reason plus a serge of anger came over me, anger that I never felt before no it can't be jealousy? You can't be jealous your just good friends.
How do you know I replied
Because every weekend you would stay while me and Dean hit the town I rolled my eyes.

One of us had to pass high school
Oh please school was a waste of time
How could you say that? You did amazing in school
Doesn't mean I liked it, surprised you went to university you obviously didn't become a big shoot lawyer
No I didn't I got roped back in by Dean

It's ok, wouldn't have met you again so one good thing came out of that
Only one? Sam I'm blushing you know the right things to say to a girl I smiled debating what to do next, we were obviously going into flirting territory but that's ok flirting never hurt anyone right? I took a deep breath.
I got plenty more things to say
Oh really? Can't wait to hear them I smiled and rolled over the exhaustion finally hit me and I fell asleep with my phone in hand.

The next day we left town Dean driving straight down the road.
"So do you ever know where your going or is it more of a instinct thing?" Roxy asked from the back seat with her legs crossed. Today was warmer out so she was wearing not only a tank top but shorts, trying to make Dean believe I didn't have any feelings for Roxy was gonna be harder then I thought. Deans voice broke me out of my trance
"We just drive until we get to a gas station or a dinner to eat then Sam usually goes on his laptop and finds something nearby, or before we leave." Roxy nodded

"Speaking off there's a dinner coming up and last time I checked we left without eating anything" Dean pulled up and both of us got out Roxy behind us. I walked ahead and opened the door for Dean and Roxy
"What a gentleman" Roxy said with a wink I smiled
"You surprised?" I asked closing the door behind us
"Not at all, I always picture you to be a gentle and caring guy" Roxy said sitting down in a booth. Dean sat on the other side and I debated who to sit next to, if I sat next to Roxy like I really wanted to, Dean would tease me about it when whenever he got the chance all day and night but if I sat next to Dean then Roxy might feel like I don't want to sit with her or something. That idea is probably ridiculous but before I could convince myself it was Roxy patted the seat next to her

"You just gonna stand there?" I smiled and slid in next to her and picked up a menu.
"God I just want a endless stack of chocolate chip pancakes." She licked her lips and I couldn't help but stare.
I looked over at Dean who was smirking, busted. I just put my menu up to my face in a attempt to hide.
"Sounds amazing" Dean added
"Right? How many can I get in a stack?" Roxy asked mumbling to herself I smiled still hiding into my menu. Dean was also debating what to get but then a waitress came over interrupting our thoughts.

While the waiter was taking our order I noticed Roxy seemed out of it, like she was deep in thought about something. When the waitress left I asked
"You ok?" Roxy looked over at me
"Yeah I'm fine" she reached for her coffee that the waitress had brought and took a drink before sitting it back down.

"Just surprised that we are the only ones in this dinner at 10am."
"Maybe everyone else is asleep" Dean suggested
"On a Sunday? Don't people go to church and stuff?" I also thought the near empty dinner was strange.
"What are you thinking?" I asked
"You'll see"
when the waitress brought over our food Roxy knocked over some salt
"Oh my god I'm such a klutz" Roxy said her hands covering her mouth
"Oh no don't worry about it I got it" the waitress bent down to pick it up but stopped about a inch away.

"Seems like it was the bitch that figured it out" her eyes turned black before me or Dean could say anything Roxy already stood up with a gun aimed and fired at the demon. The demon started burning and several more waiters eyes turned black and walked towards us. All three jumped out of the both and fired at the demons. Their moans echoed through out the dinner and the demons escaped from the bodies. We all checked to see if anyone survived but sadly no luck.
"Damn it" I said checking the last persons pulse

"We have to get out of here, they know where we are now" Dean said and Roxy followed not before leaping over the counter. Me and Dean looked at each other confused but then Roxy walked back out with plastic take our boxes.
"What? We can't let the food go to wast plus our waitress is dead so who do we pay? Free food." I let out a laugh while Roxy was packing up our breakfast
"Sam" Dean whispered to me
"Marry her please" I chuckled
"She's something I'll admit" I whispered back

"You guys done trading secrets? Breakfast is ready"
"What about my coffee?" Dean asked Roxy rolled her eyes but dived out back again and came out with three to go cups and handed us each one.
"Satisfied now?"
"Definitely" Dean said "your gonna make a great addition to our team, just wait until she meets Cas" Dean said looking at me.
"Who?" Roxy asked
"Oh Cas our friend, he's an angel he wears a trench coat" I said Roxy looked at me with her mouth opened and her eyes blinking.
"We'll explain in the car" Dean said Roxy just nodded following us back for the car our breakfast in tow.

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