Chapter 12

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The floors creaked with every step I took the guys following my lead.
"So does anyone know what the deal is with this demon?" Dean asked Sam and I were silent then a ball came out of nowhere and bounced down the steps, one step at a time
"Great well that's not creepy or anything" I said "if a little girl appears at the top of this stairs I'm shooting her" I announced before walking up the stairs. No one else followed me I turned to face Sam and Dean

"You guys coming?"
"I think we should split up, Sam can go with you I'm good solo" Dean said
"Shouldn't it be the other way around?" I joked Dean just rolled his eyes and walked away from us.
"I feel the love" I joked
"You know how Dean is"
"Yeah I know now come on, before the demon finds us and gets the jump on us."

Walking into a room with Sam next to me I said
"Hello? Mr or Mrs Demon?" Sam gave me a look
"What if no ones tried that before" I walked further into the room. Nothing, same with the next room too in fact the entire floor seemed empty.
"Maybe the demon changed floors on us, man I gave all the glory to Dean."
"Hey give him this one" Sam responded
"Nah his ego is big enough as it is, someone has to take it down." I herd the sound of the ball again
"Demon back?" Sam asked I shrugged
"Come on we haven't tired this room yet" Sam said walking down to the very last room. Both of us got out our guns and sneaked down the hall, we stood against the door Sam signalling for me to go in first. I burst in with my gun aimed and the only thing in the room was a little girl.

"Do you wanna play?" The girl asked in a very high pitched voice
"No thanks" I responded
"No one wants to play with me anymore, my last friend was taken from me by her mommy and daddy" I circled around the demon
"Yeah there's a reason for that, most parents don't want their children's playmate to be a demon"
"You hurt my feelings"
"What happened to you?"
"It's simple: my mommy and daddy didn't want me, they left me at the hospital I was brought to this home with other kids who's parents didn't want them."

"Place seems empty"
"I was sad that I wasn't wanted even here no one wanted to play with me, so I set the place on fire"
"Pretty dark thoughts for a kid, where did you get the body from?"
"My first friend? She and her mommy moved in after they rebuilt this place but her mommy was always working so I played with her."
"If by played with you mean possess then sure"
"You know what it's like to be alone, don't you Roxy?"
"I-I don't know what your talking about" I said my voice shaky

"When you were a kid, everyone always left you in due time, daddy, Dean even Sammy"
"That's not Sans fault, or Deans"
"You were still left alone, all alone in a empty house with noone to play with, sounds lonely."
"I like it that way, makes it easier to kill anything that may cause me harm like you."
"What harm have I caused you?"
"You've certainly caused the people of this town harm" Sam said for a moment I forgot he was in the same room as me.
"They are just mere humans, they don't mean anything to me."
"No of course not" I said I heard Sam get closer to me

"Come on Roxy lets put this thing out of its misery"
"Oh Sam I'm just a little girl" the demon twirled around.
"We all know that little girl died the moment you took over her body."
"Your right about that Roxy but you know I'm also right"
"Like I said, I like being alone"
"You don't seem alone to me, in fact seems like you too are the pretty close. Would be a shame if something happened to Sam, or even you Roxy how could you live with yourself if some- I shot it in the face before it finished. Didn't do much but enough to distract it while Sam stabbed it with a angel blade, I watched the body fall to the ground. Sam walked over to the girl and closed her eyes
"Should we do something? Burry her or something?" I asked Sam nodded
"Let's burry her in the backyard" Sam carried her out the door just when we approached the stairs Dean was on top of them
"Are you guys ok? I heard a gunshot and cane running"
"Yeah we're fine this girl however"
"Who is she?"
"The body the demon was possessing, turns out the demon possessed the body of the first girl that lived here, said they were friends."
"Some sick friendship that is"
"Yeah anyway we are going to burry her in the backyard, wanna come?" I asked Dean nodded agreeing to join us.

While Sam was digging a hole Dean said to me
"You seem pretty quiet, I think this is the most quiet I think you've been since we meet up."
"Sorry, something the demon said guess it's getting to me." Dean put a hand on my shoulder
"Hey, don't listen to anything it said, that's what they do they try to get inside your head."
"It was about my past, about everyone leaving Dad, you guys"
"Hey trust me none of us wanted to leave you" Dean looked at Sam

"Least of all Sam, man the day we climbed into the car Sam wouldn't talk the whole ride."
"Yeah said it was unfair we left you behind"
"Thanks Dean"
"No problem, now how about we burry this little girl" I nodded Dean scooped the body up and gently placed her in the hole.
"Poor girl, wonder what happened to her parents?" I said
"Who knows" Sam responded we all just stood there in silence before all walking back to the car in unison. I was still quiet the whole ride back to the motel I got out of the car and walked back towards my room

"Roxy?" Sam asked I looked over at him
"You ok? You seemed a bit off ever since the funeral."
"Demon got in my head"
"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked walking up to me
"No, but I also don't want to be alone tonight stay with me?"
"Ok" Sam responded he looked over at Dean who merely nodded before heading to his own room. I walked back to my own with Sam closing the door behind him.

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