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Arno thought Kate Jon Ung was alright until she...changed. One day, he was going to the Illuminati Temple, when he walked in on her singing the Accreditation anthem and eating raw beef. He was so enraged by her acts of treason that he decided to gauge her eyes out with spoons. As he did this, the Dekemister stepped in and fired an RPG at the traitor. 'Twas quite amusing but not good enough, so Arno got out his guillotine. He proceeded to destroy the treasonous fool and feed the remains to a stray cat, then he declared, "A new legendary member must be chosen." Arno and the Dekemeister decided upon a woman with a similar name but much cooler personality--katie satana, but everyone called her case. Just then, the phone rang and a voice shouted, "come to Area 51, 1964!" The legendary team set off, but first they needed turbans and weapons. So they headed off to zacks turban emporium and the dekemeister took the bishops gat and Arno took a nuke. They flew into Area 51 in style (riding in pimpin' sweet ice cream truck) and walked up to the general in command (by the name of Jimmy Dunflop) and said, "hey." And jimmy was like hi um I would talk to you but I have to go eat donuts and hang out with owasso people. So the legends entered the base where they discovered that the USSR was planing to invade the moon, and decided that the US must beat them to it, but had no money for it. So they decided to travel in time to 2008, take all their money, and then go back. As they prepared to leave, case said, "wait let's just fake the man loonding!" And everyone was like yaaaassss and so they went to a manloonding expert--lindseeey. She said, "I got this y'all!" And immediately started building fake rocket ships and moonscapes, she also hired a hobo named Neil Armstrong as an actor. Case loved this idea but hated lindseeey and plotted to kill her but Arno stopped her. As a great battle prepared to ensue between Arno, case, and lindseeey, a thousand angry ISIS members marched out of a wormhole shouting, "death to the illuminati! Praise Mr. Bryan!" Betrayal! Humans everywhere started to get freaked out so to keep them focused on something else the legends told everyone that Neil Armstrong landed on the moon. The people were like "K" and the USSR was like "Daaaaaaang! They're smooth!" and communism fell. Then, a massive battle started. The Isis members realized they were in an inadequate time period so the captured their most loved mr bryan and brought him through the wormhole to present day. From that day on, ISIS was hated by all people. #fakemanloonding

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